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            |------------------------------------------- Hi 0Exn ----------------------------------------|
            |                                                                                            |
            | I know your seeing this cause you lurk doxbin for your dox to spam that its fake but sadly |
            | all info here is real if you could do us a favor 0Exn please see a therapist or at least   |
            | blow your brains out the earth could use 1 less faggot like you on this beautiful planet   |
            |                                                                                            |
            |    if you would like to talk regarding your dox please contact me via telegram @zoith      |
            |                   also add me if you have more proof of pedophilia                         |
            |                                                                                            |
            |                                                                                            |
            | 0exn AKA Kahmiren Riley Demumbra spends his days living off his grandma and grandpa        |
            | for money and sits inside all day talking to little kids over discord and gmod RP          |
            | from a furry loser to pulling his penis out live on discord calls for children             |
            | the loser himself goes under the names: 0exn, Ricky Couture, John Lemon, nigger hang       |
            | have not seen any good doxes posted on this retard so i made my own for everyone to enjoy  |  
            |                                                                                            |
            |                          shout out to red for help with some info                          |
            |                                             +                                              |
            |                                 0Exn your a loser - 7fx8                                   |
            |                                                                                            |
            | ---------------------------------Kahmiren Riley Demumbra-----------------------------------|
            |                                                                                            |
            | Male: Gender                                                                               |
            | born 04/10/2004 (19yrs)                                                                    |
            | Address: 8016 Regency Dr Nashville, TN 37221                                               |
            | Worked at Williamson County Public Library System                                          |
            | Studied at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga                                      |
            | Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@zer0Exn                                                  |
            | 2nd Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@real0Exn                                             |
            | Snapchat: zeroexn                                                                          |
            | Telegram: https://t.me/RickyCouture                                                        |
            | Twitter: https://twitter.com/notzer0Exn                                                    |
            | ID: https://imgur.com/CW2EcCa                                                              |
            |                                                                                            |
            | ------------------------------------------Media------------------------------------------- |
            |                                                                                            |
            | Side Profile: https://imgur.com/7lgf6i7                                                    |
            | KFC PIC: https://imgur.com/9komkCG                                                         |
            | the baby pic?: https://imgur.com/UP3bAHf                                                   |
            | him pulling his penis out on a call full of minors: https://streamable.com/aybkn5 (full)   |
            | baby pics: https://imgur.com/ebPtFd4 https://imgur.com/4G9enqF https://imgur.com/8othKM5   |
            | https://imgur.com/WakC3JS https://imgur.com/B5igiJD https://imgur.com/NlcHrte              |
            | Apology to the youtuber bub games - https://youtu.be/vP3fyDmzwSw                           |
            | Doubling Down right after the first Apology - https://youtu.be/Ny9kcOAdA5U                 |
            | Michael Vs 0Exn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTY5XFkWW2I                              |
            | Redpotz video on 0Exn - https://youtu.be/l5XmfcqtKOQ                                       |
            | https://prnt.sc/upspbx, https://prnt.sc/upsq6x, https://prnt.sc/upt2wn posting CP + had it |
            | https://imgur.com/a/zRsIFJa more proof of him having cp (cp is not shown just admits it)   |
            | https://youtu.be/5gbvzj6QI8o gets swatted over having child porn                           |
            | https://youtu.be/_7jrmCjTZhk FULLY ADMITS TO BEING A PEDO ON VIDEO along with racial slurs |
            | https://youtu.be/TZDEgD8etVE video od 0Exn saying hes going to *kill all niggers*          |
            | https://medium.com/@ar15 fake news shit made about him                                     |
            |                                                                                            |
            | --------------------------------Randy Dwight Demumbra------------------------------------- |
            |                                                                                            |
            | born 6/23/1953 (69yrs)                                                                     |
            | Primary Cell: (615) 594-3350, (615) 594-9433, (615) 545-9139                               |
            | Home: (615) 662-1116, (812) 662-1116                                                       |
            | Address: 8016 Regency Dr Nashville, TN 37221                                               |
            | Worked as Firefighter at NFD From May 1978 to present date                                 |
            | Went to Cohn High School Class of 1971                                                     |
            | source: https://www.facebook.com/rdemumbra                                                 |
            | passwords: spades28                                                                        |
            | email: rengine7@aol.com                                                                    |
            |                                                                                            |
            | ------------------------------------------IMAGES------------------------------------------ |
            |                                                                                            |
            | https://imgur.com/a/jM92Gvc images of randy from there public facebook                     |
            |                                                                                            |
            | --------------------------------Kenneth Edward Shaw--------------------------------------- |
            |                                                                                            |
            | born 2/13/1950 (73yrs)                                                                     |
            | Primary Cell: (615) 662-3964                                                               |
            | Other: (615) 662-3650                                                                      |
            | Address: 8016 Regency Dr Nashville, TN 37221                                               |
            |                                                                                            |
            | -------------------------------Judith Carolyn Demumbra------------------------------------ |
            |                                                                                            |
            | born 10/12/1953 (69yrs)                                                                    |
            | Primary Cell: (615) 943-4247                                                               |
            | Address: 8016 Regency Dr Nashville, TN 37221                                               |
            | Worked at Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools                                            |
            | Studied at Cohn High School                                                                |
            | Source: https://www.facebook.com/judy.demumbra                                             |
            | Emails: emails: a_lady48@hotmail.com,a_lady48@usa.net,a_lady@hotmail.com,a_lady@usa.net    |
            | Passwords: 12sedaps, spades21, spades2                                                     |
            |                                                                                            |
            | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
  made in less then a day so ik its not the best plus couldnt get any info from his friends cause there all pedos :(