▄▀▀▄ ▄▄   ▄▀▀█▄   ▄▀▀▄ ▄▀▀▄  ▄▀▀▄ ▀▄  ▄▀▀▀█▀▀▄ 
                                             █  █   ▄▀ ▐ ▄▀ ▀▄ █   █    █ █  █ █ █ █    █  ▐ 
                                             ▐  █▄▄▄█    █▄▄▄█ ▐  █    █  ▐  █  ▀█ ▐   █     
                                                █   █   ▄▀   █   █    █     █   █     █      
                                               ▄▀  ▄▀  █   ▄▀     ▀▄▄▄▄▀  ▄▀   █    ▄▀       
                                              █   █    ▐   ▐              █    ▐   █  

                                                         │ 0x01 Identity........ │
                                                         │ 0x02 Emails.......... │
                                                         │ 0x03 Social Medias... │
                                                         │ 0x04 Family.......... │
                                                         │ 0x05 Database.Leaks.. │
                                                         │ 0x06 House........... │
                                                         │ 0x07 Credits......... │

│                                Short Introduction About Victim                                     │
│  So Lucifer AKA Devyn R Anderson has been trying to be an internet gangster for a while now so im  │
│  going to end this cringe fest while i can.. This person has been larping Mr.Lucifer (a vrc com re-│
│  ject) and I feel like its only right to end it                                                    │
│                                                                                                    │ 
│                                                                                                    │
│                                                                                                    │

███ 0x01 Identity ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

                                    * Birth name: Devyn R Anderson
                                    * Alias(s): Lucifer SnapDrag0n DRA873404 Raptor Claws devynr devyn_anderson Devyn_Anderson_
                                    * Age: 21
                                    * Ethnicity: White
                                    * Nationality: Caucasian
                                    * Gender: Male
                                    * Shoe Size: 12
                                    * Sexuality: Straight
                                    * Social Security Number: xxx-xx-xxx
                                    * Pictures: https://tinyurl.com/luciferk

                                    * Occupation: Com Reject
                                    * Phone number: (281) 295-4217
                                    * Phone Carrier: Windstream Sugar Land LLC

                                    * Address: 6101 Jordan Dr, PEARLAND, TX 77584
                                    * Image of Address: https://tinyurl.com/Houselols 

                                                                 )  _`-.                 
                                                                .  : `. .                
                                                                : _   '  \               
                                                                ; *` _.   `*-._          
                                                                `-.-'          `-.       
                                                                  ;       `       `.     
                                                                  :.       .        \    
                                                                  . \  .   :   .-'   .   
                                                                  '  `+.;  ;  '      :   
                                                                  :  '  |    ;       ;-. 
                                                                  ; '   : :`-:     _.`* ;
                                                               .*' /  .*' ; .*`- +'  `*' 
                                                               `*-*   `*-*  `*-*'
███ 0x02 Emails █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Leak Sites: ZEEROQ_COM, TWITTER_COM, POSHMARK_COM, DAILYQUIZ_ME, STOCKX_COM, And EDMODO_COM.                                
                                    * GUID: 7458810
                                    * PFP: 
                                    * Name: devynanderson

                                                                   Gang Watching This Go Down
                                                                  /^--^\     /^--^\     /^--^\
                                                                  \____/     \____/     \____/
                                                                 /      \   /      \   /      \
                                                                |        | |        | |        |
                                                                 \__  __/   \__  __/   \__  __/
                                            |^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^\ \^|^|^|^/ /^|^|^|^|^\ \^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|
                                            | | | | | | | | | | | | |\ \| | |/ /| | | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | | |
                                            ########################/ /######\ \###########/ /#######################
                                            | | | | | | | | | | | | \/| | | | \/| | | | | |\/ | | | | | | | | | | | |

███ 0x03 Social Media ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
                                   Twitter: Devyn
                                   Discord: lucifer7537
                                   Xbox: IllSnapdrag0n
                                   VRC: `Lust`
███ 0x04 Family █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

                                    * Father
                                    * Birth name: Jeffrey Scott Anderson
                                    * Age: 52
                                    * Ethnicity: White
                                    * Nationality: Caucasian
                                    * Gender: Male
                                    * Sexuality: Straight
                                    * Shoe Size: 14
                                    * Emails: janderson.15@comcast.net | kelseysze@gmail.com | chewy2bite@ev1.net
                                    * Number: (832) 656-9544

                                    * Mother
                                    * Birth name: Julia E Anderson
                                    * Age: 51
                                    * Ethnicity: White
                                    * Shoe Size 9 1/2
                                    * Nationality: Caucasian
                                    * Gender: Female
                                    * Sexuality: Straight
                                    * Emails: janderson.15@comcast.net | justaddembellishment@comcast.net | janderson@healix.net | janderson@healix.cc
                                    * Number: (832) 651-6419

███ 0x05 Database Leaks █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
                                    * ZEEROQ_COM_226M_COMBOLIST_2019
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Password: Anderson6311

                                    * TWITTER_COM_227M_SOCIAL_012023
                                    * Username: Devyn_Anderson_
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Name: Devyn
                                    * Created: Fri Jul 01 08:44:17 +0000 2016 
                                    * Followers: 9

                                    * POSHMARK_COM_34M_MARKETPLACE_2018
                                    * Username: devyn_anderson
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Name: Devyn
                                    * Password: Anderson6311

                                    * DAILYQUIZ_ME_12M_EDU_012021
                                    * Username: devynr
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Lastip:
                                    * Password: anderson6311
                                    * uid: 7458810
                                    * regdate: 2017-07-14 14:29:31 

                                    * STOCKX_COM_7M_SHOPPING_052019
                                    * Username: Raptor Claws
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Name: Devyn Anderson
                                    * Password: anderson6311
                                    * Unparsed: 0,,,,,USD,12,sneakers,sneakers,0,0,0,1,2017-05-21 16:09:53.0,1,,,,0,12544181834698855198,0,0,,ios,3.0.1,,,0,0,0,0,,2019-03-18 02:36:31.0,,,2017-05-21 16:09:53.0,2019-03-18 02:36:31.0,0000-00-00 00:00:00,0,,,en-US 
                                    * regdate: 2017-05-21 16:09:53

                                    * EDMODO_COM_77M_EDUCATION_2017
                                    * Username: DRA873404
                                    * Email: devynanderson@comcast.net
                                    * Name: Devyn Anderson
                                    * Hash: $826y4$31226$dNbT2BfmeY3Tbke04Y0TcYc12M4j1c8w7Z7DfI63aZ2Ocs9g0RbAc796QwDbDcdhcNTEqHfHvPhvXiy
███ 0x06 House  █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

                                    * 6101 Jordan Dr Pearland, TX
                                    * Bedrooms: 2-3
                                    * Bathrooms: 4
                                    * Square Feet: 3,325
                                    * Year Built: 1998
                                    * Estimated Value: $442,000
                                    * Last Sale: $283,600
                                    * Ownership Type: Related
                                    * School District: Pearland Independent School District
                                                     __..--''``---....___   _..._    __
                                                /// //_.-'    .-/";  `        ``<._  ``.''_ `. / // /
                                               ///_.-' _..--.'_    \                    `( ) ) // //
                                              / (_..-' // (< _     ;_..__               ; `' / ///
                                               / // // //  `-._,_)' // / ``--...____..-' /// / //
███ 0x07 Credits ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

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