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                                        -Table Of Contents-
                                        [0x000] Reasons for Dox
                                        [0x111] Basic Information
                                        [0x222] Pictures / SS
                                        [0x333] Socials
                                        [0x444] Email Addresses
                                        [0x555] Discord Accounts
                                        [0x666] Family Information
                                          [♡] Credits
                                         ♡ 0x000                                             

-Has a huge ego for being a poor skid.
-tried to get my friend fed fucked.
-Has had beef with EVERYONE he has ever talked to.  
-Snaked all his friends.
-cheating in minecraft.
-lying to everyone in hes life.
-threatened dox my friends, and swat em.

                                        ♡ 0x111                                       

[Alias][s]…………………………… Preposing, Jenta, Julian, Colossals, Change, blufs, Trev, Prawn, YCG, Tyler, Macrohs, Pno, USD, Massaged and Zxpo [A lot of others he uses fake alias']
[Full Name]……………………… Tyler Ung
[Nationality]………………………… Asian - Chinese
[Age]………………………… 17-18
[City]…………………………………… Norman Gardens , Rockhampton
[State]…………………………………… Queensland
[Address]…………………………………… 8 Stawell Ct, Berserker QLD 4701, Australia
[School Info]…………………………… Emmaus College [Rockhampton Campus] (http://emmaus.qld.edu.au/) 
[Gender]…………………………. Transgender male (He defines himself as an Attack Helicopter so idk)
[Edit]…………………………. He's trying to go ghost. All real info, don't let him fool you.
[Post Code]…………………………. 4071
[School Addres]…………………………. 121 Somerset Rd, Brisbane QLD 4031, Australia
                                        ♡ 0x222                                         

https://gyazo.com/c7078ffd9e800d6f11c1c89bc76bc2d3 #1 pic of face
https://gyazo.com/f45e8fae482665d4f398b3ef9db47c36 #2 pic of face
https://gyazo.com/71ee84012e57bf134126bd000f50c796 #3 pic of face
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oWQTH2K77Y | sexual dance here.
https://gyazo.com/651f6935ca5abffbc9cc390a4dec2880 Him Dabbing (2018)
https://gyazo.com/818b5a050f18d9d06a4d659e274f31b4J His Tennis Team (2018)

                                        ♡ 0x333                                          

- SKYPE(s): tyler.personal 

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy03wdZVUNuh9xd6asr0Lkw

- https://namemc.com/profile/Preposing
- https://namemc.com/profile/tyler_ung

- https://github.com/tyler-jung

- https://www.facebook.com/Tee.ungureanu

                                     ♡ 0x444                                        


                                     ♡ 0x555                                         

- gamerkid300#1000 [648467787316199444]
- $$#4362 [Deleted]

                                      ♡ 0x666                                         
[Mum] Terri-Lynne Ung
[Brother] Logan Ung
[Paypal Email mum's] terriung@hotmail.com
[IP] (dad) / (mum)
[Hostname] n106-71-63-163.rdl2.qld.optusnet.com.au
[ASN] AS4804 Microplex PTY LTD
[ISP] Optus
Organization Optus
Emmaus College (https://emmaus.qld.edu.au/)
Emmaus College Rockhampton
Emmaus College Rockhampton is a co-educational Catholic College providing a unique educational opportunity for middle and senior school students.

                                         ♡ 0x000                                             

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