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                                                            Photo Gallery 
                                            https://imgur.com/a/pj0JJnk - Clingy Brianna     
                                            https://imgur.com/a/JmKHXCI - Naughty Brianna
                                            https://imgur.com/a/BYpvarF - Shush Your Waffling
                                            https://imgur.com/a/t9S8zDO - Wow is that a firearms 
                                            https://imgur.com/a/Yn3MsS5 - We love gun poses
                                            https://imgur.com/a/7pNN4Db - Chinese Brianna
                                            https://imgur.com/a/SrIiqEX - Confirming Dads Address 
                                            https://imgur.com/a/IZlvqr2 - Confirming Mums Address

                                                                                             +     _____       _                 _            _   _                                                                             
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                                                                                                  |_____|_| |_|\__|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|                                                                
                                                                                            ▶ WELCOME, MY FELLOW DOXBIN NIGLETS.    

                                _-o#&&*''''?d:>b\_                            +                |  today i introduce to you.
                            _o/"`''  '',, dMF9MMMMMHo_                                         |  a cheating, annoying, unfaithful little slut, Brianna thinks its okay to cheat on people.
                         .o&#'        `"MbHMMMMMMMMMMMHo.                                      |  Brianna its not okay to send you boyfriends friends nudes & to flirt with them
                       .o"" '         vodM*$&&HMMMMMMMMMM?.                                    |  Brianna is also a very racist girl how naughty.
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                                           __/ |                                                                       
          +                               |___/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                               Legal Name                        Nationality                                                                                         
                                                 ▶ Brianna Bitaryte               ▶ Irish, Russian                                       
                                    *                                 *     
                                                Age                              Address                         
                                                 ▶ 16                             ▶ 1 Bramble Rise, Killynebber, Cavan, H12 DC42, Ireland (Mums)
                                                                                  ▶ 5 Lakeview, The Fair Green, Cavan, H12 XW02, Ireland (Dads)               
                                              Email Address                      
                                                ▶ brijannabi@gmail.com                 Height                       +                                           
                                                ▶ bitarytebrianna@gmail.com             ▶ 5,0
                                               Common Passwords                  Social Media                                                     
                                                ▶ owenismine000                   ▶ https://www.facebook.com/brianna.bitaryte.5https://www.instagram.com/brijannax0x/ 
                                               Phone Number                       ▶ https://www.instagram.com/brijannabi/
                                                ▶ +353 (87) 397 4763              ▶ https://twitter.com/BBitaryte  
                                                                                  ▶ Https://twitter.com/bubulface                  +                                                
                                                                                  ▶ morphine#0001                                                                    +                                                                             *

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                                           \:  `  X` _| _,\/'   .-'                                                                                +
          +                  .               ":._:`\____  /:'  /      .           .      Father Information                                     Mother Information     
                                                 \::.  :\/:'  /              +                                                                                                       
                                .                 `.:.  /:'  }      .                          Legal Name                                            Legal Name                                                     
                                        .           ):_(:;   \           .                      ▶ Vytautas Bitaris                                     ▶ Карина Ташматова / Karina Shakirovna Tasmatova                          
                                                   /:. _/ ,  |                                                                                                                                             
                                                . (|::.     ,`                  .           Social                                                Social
                                                   |::.    {                                                                                       ▶ +353 (87) 954 0773 
                                  .                |::.    {\                                ▶ https://www.facebook.com/vytautas.bitarishttps://www.instagram.com/karinatasmatova/                                            
            *                                      |::.\  \ `.                                                                                     ▶ https://www.facebook.com/karina.tasmatova               
                                                   |:::(\    |                                                                           
                                           O       |:::/{ }  |                  (o       Uncle Information                                      Aunt Information  
                                            )  ___/#\::`/ (O "==._____   O, (O  /`           
                                       ~~~w/w~"~~,\` `:/,-(~`"~~~~~~~~"~o~\~/~w|/~             Legal Name                                            Legal Name
                 +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\W~~~~~~~~~~~~\|/~~                  ▶ Aleksejs Petrovs                                    ▶ Kristina Petrova                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                            Social                                                Social                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                             ▶ https://www.facebook.com/roma.petrov69https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009179721740                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                         Grandmother Information

                                                                                               Legal Name
                                                                                                ▶ Elena  Tashmatova

                                                                                             ▶ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004096836786

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