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//      sim swapping broke niggas daily <3

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                                    |                 Table Of Contents                  |
                                    |    0x00 Introduction............................   |
                                    |    0x01 Reason..................................   |
                                    |    0x02 Personal Information....................   |
                                    |    0x03 Education...............................   |
                                    |    0x04 Social Media Accounts...................   |
                                    |    0x05 Family Members..........................   |
                                    |    0x06 Miscellaneous...........................   |
                                    |    0x07 Outro...................................   |
                                    |    0x08 Credits &amp; Links.....................   |



                                                     0x00   INTRODUCTION                            
		         	    ◤                                                       ◥
                                     This guys is a pedophile and a roleplay hacker, spammed 
                                     my dms asking me for child porn then said he would hack
                                     me if I didn't send it, bozo life! 
                                     steve from tmobile#1337                                   
				    ◣                                                       ◢

                                                     0x01    REASON
		         	    ◤                                                       ◥
                                    larps as a hacker, pretends to be rich, has tried to get 
                                    shit on me numerous times spams peoples dms with child 
                                    porn then blocks you when he gets bullied                                  
				    ◣                                                       ◢

                                                      0x02 PERSONAL INFORMATION
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
Legal Name.................... Alexandra Brown
Occupation.................... Discord pedophile
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... 1/01/1993
Age........................... 28
Mobile Phone Number........... 	(412) 822-7584
Passwords..................... TRTC011255 | 1993TRU
Direct Address................ 25 Christler St Pittsburgh PA
Country....................... Pennsylvania
State......................... United States
City.......................... Pittsburgh
ZIP........................... 15223
Email(s)...................... betnotpout@aol.com
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                   0x03    Education
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
School Name................... Pittsburgh Beechwood K-5
School Address................ 810 Rockland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15216
School Phone.................. (412) 529-7390
                        !!! (This is his old school, he isn't in school anymore) !!!
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                   0x04 SOCIAL MEDIA
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
N/A                                              cba to find get it urself
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                  0x05 FAMILY INFORMATION
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
                                                     (Mums info)

Legal Name.................... Susan M Brown
Occupation.................... Retired
Gender........................ Female
D.O.B......................... 05-1957
Age........................... 64
Mobile Phone Number........... 	(412) 916-6399
Passwords..................... N/A
Direct Address................ 25 Christler St Pittsburgh PA
Country....................... Pennsylvania
State......................... United States
City.......................... Pittsburgh
ZIP........................... 15223
Email(s)...................... N/A

                                                     (Dads info)

Legal Name.................... Kenneth W Brown
Occupation.................... Retired
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... 01-1958
Age........................... 63
Mobile Phone Number........... (412) 822-7584 
Passwords..................... N/A
Direct Address................ 25 Christler St Pittsburgh PA
Country....................... Pennsylvania
State......................... United States
City.......................... Pittsburgh
ZIP........................... 15223
Email(s)...................... N/A

                                                     (Sisters info)

Legal Name....................	Lexi Brown
Occupation.................... N/A -- dont know it
Gender........................ Female
D.O.B......................... 08-1992
Age........................... 28
Mobile Phone Number........... 412-822-7584
Passwords..................... N/A
Direct Address................ 25 Christler St Pittsburgh PA
Country....................... Pennsylvania
State......................... United States
City.......................... Pittsburgh
ZIP........................... 15223
Email(s)...................... N/A
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                      0x06 Miscellaneous
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
Type of Owner	INDIVIDUAL
Estimated Market Value	$99,160
Year Assessed	2021
Assessed Value Total	$45,300
Assessed Value Land	$23,400
Assessed Value Improvements	$21,900
Tax Bill Amount	$1,687
Year Built	1947
Building Area (sf)	1,317
Area 1st Floor	0
Area 2nd Floor	0
Area Lot (acres)	0.2250
Area Lot (sf)	9,800
Area Parking Garage (sf)	0
Bed Rooms	3
Bath Rooms	1
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                      0x07 Outro
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
I told you I would get you, keep sending me child porn you little pedo cunt, you arent funny and after this dox has been
uploaded you will have police at your door from an anonymous tip, have fun.

burn all pedophiles 
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                     0x08 Credits &amp; Links
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
   steve from tmobile#1338
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥