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                       |   .JMML  JMML.`Mbmmd'.AM.   .MA.  `Mbod"YML.M9mmmP'.JMML.`Ybmd9'.JMML.                          |
                       |                                                                                                 |
                        * discord: nexuslmaaoo  * 

                                                  Raped a 12 y/o
                                      Here is the dox about an individual named 
                                      Dustin Blake Burke, He is a 38 year old man
                                      that raped a 12 y/o when he was 33 which was
                                      back in 2018.
                                     |                                               |                                                                  
                                     |                                               | 
                                     |          0x01: Personal Information           | 
                                     |          0x02: Physical Description           | 
                                     |          0x03: Offense Information            | 
                                     |          0x04: Face Photos from 2021 - 2023   | 
                                     |          0x05: Credits                        |                                               
                                     |                                               | 
                                     |                                               | 
                                     |                                               | 
                                     |                                               | 

                                    ║              0x01   Personal Information:
                                    |                                                                    |
                                    |    » Name: Dustin                                                  |
                                    |    » Middle Name: Blake                                            |
                                    |    » Last Name: Burke                                              |
                                    |    » Alias:                                                        |
                                    |       Dustin B Burke                                               |
                                    |       Dustin Burke                                                 |
                                    |       Dusitn Blake Burke                                           |
                                    |                                                                    |
                                    |    » Age: 38                                                       |                                                  
                                    |    » DOB: 10/24/1985                                               |
                                    |                                                                    |
                                    |    » Address: 709 S 3rd St                                         |
                                    |    » ZIP: 65616                                                    |
                                    |    » City/State: Branson, MO                                       |
                                    |                                                                    |
                                    |                                                                    |
                                    |    » Work Addresse(s):                                             |
                                    |     223 Blue Sky Ln	                                         |
                                    |                └── Branson, MO 65616                               |
                                    |                                                                    |                                                |
                                    ║            0x02 Physical Description: 
                                    |                                                                 |                                                                  
                                    |     » Height: 5 feet 11 inches                                  | 
                                    |     » Weight: 215 lbs                                           | 
                                    |     » Eye color: Brown                                          | 
                                    |     » Hair color: Brown                                         | 
                                    |     » Race: White                                               | 
                                    |                                                                 | 


 0x03 Offense Information:
Offense Listing
 City, State
Child Molestation - 3rd Degree - Child Less Than 14 Yoa *	Nixa, MO	Christian	12/16/2018
Child Molestation - 3rd Degree - Child Less Than 14 Yoa *	Nixa, MO	Christian	12/16/2018

Conviction / Plea Information
Offense Listing
City, State
Child Molestation - 3rd Degree - Child Less Than 14 Yoa *	Ozark, MO	Christian	03/25/2021
Child Molestation - 3rd Degree - Child Less Than 14 Yoa *	Ozark, MO	Christian	03/25/2021

Victim Information
Offense Listing
Victim Gender
Victim Age
Child Molestation - 3rd Degree - Child Less Than 14 Yoa *	
Child Molestation - 3rd Degree - Child Less Than 14 Yoa *	

                                    ║            0x04 Face Photos from 2021 - 2023: 
                                     |                                                                 |                                                                  
                                     |     2023: https://ibb.co/fqbxvrv                                | 
                                     |     2022: https://ibb.co/8xgc7VJ                                | 
                                     |     2021: https://ibb.co/FWhpg30                                | 
                                     |                                                                 | 
                                     |                                                                 | 

(( CREDITS: https://doxbin.com/user/MissouriMan ))