$                                                                                                        $
$                                    Doxed by Doomsday                                                   $
$                                                                                                        $
$                                                                                                        $

                               I  0x01 Introduction............................ I
                               I  0x02 Reason ................................. I
                               I  0x03 Main Information........................ I
                               I  0x04 Information Dumps....................... I
                               I  0x05 Credits & Links......................... I


                                              0x01 [Introduction]

                                   Hell is empty, all the demons are here.
                                      Child Predators will be hung.
                                              0x02 [Reason]
                                        ( ͡◡ ? ͡◡)
            Shrekster, also known as Shane. Keeps his identity private. Most of all people don't even know his first name. 
            In the fact that he hides all of his identity, that includes his age. Now, how old would you take a guess he is?
            21. Shrekster is a helper on Hypixel, as well as a BedWars discord Admin. 
            However, shrekster is 21. But, you know who isn't? ***** is 14. Shrekster is fully aware that ***** is 14.
           While he is not ONLY over the age of 18, he is 3, almost 4 years over the age of 18. 
           While yet still flirting with this 14-year-old girl. This makes Shrekster a pedophile. The legal age of consent in both of their states is 18 years (Posted By Law Offices of Robert Stepniak || 28-Dec-2018).
          Now you may argue that shrekster did not have sex with *****. 
         However, in the act of sexting, and possibly exchanging child pornography to an adult. It becomes completely illegal.

 - Proof of *****'s age.                                 https://imgur.com/rPy9BMc
 - Proof of underage sexting with a child, and an adult. 
    - https://imgur.com/jyolO3d
    - https://imgur.com/bpZ5BpB
    - https://imgur.com/olnnSP4 (depressed horny pedophile. Nice)

-Abuse of Hypixel Staff Member powers.
-Awful Hypixel BWD Admin. 

                Hypixel STAFF MEMBER>>>>>>>>      https://hypixel.net/members/shrekster.116665/

                                         0x03 [Main Information]
-Online Alias.................... shrekster https://namemc.com/profile/shrekster.1
-Name............................ Shane Michael Plantholt
-Phone........................... Mobile ‪(6••) •••-2922‬
-Address......................... 584 Hatchwood Dr. Haines City, FL 33844
   - https://imgur.com/E8uGdIn
   - https://imgur.com/6sbMdGG
   - https://imgur.com/zdlRdwW
   - https://imgur.com/YJ8SswG
-Education....................... Polk State College, FL
-Credit.......................... Master x-••22


                           ,;;;;;;;;;;'      |)))))))))))\\
                           ;;;;;;/ )''    - /,)))((((((((((\
                           ;;;;' \        ~|\  ))))))))))))))     Happy Valentines day from 
                           /     /         |   ((((((((((((((           Shrek x Marsh
                         /'      \      _/~'    ')|())))))))) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np3n0aoYSIg
                       /'         `\   />     o_/)))((((((((
                     /          /' `~~(____ /  ()))))))))))
                    |     ---,   \        \     ((((((((((
                    `\   \~-_____|      ))))))))
                     `\  |      |_.---.  \       
                                              Marsh x Shrekster = shrekkmont (HIS SPOTIFY)

-Discord............... Shrekster#0439
-Youtube............... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXP0Hqlqa4F3hGKaX2yCz-w
-Instagram............. https://www.instagram.com/shrekstermc/
-Snapchat.............. princeperryiii
-Twitter............... https://twitter.com/ShreksterMC
-Spotify............... https://open.spotify.com/user/shrekkmont (lol shrekster and his mom's ship name??)
-Xbox.................. IamShrekster
-Steam................. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198292544142
-Twitch................ https://www.twitch.tv/shrekstermc
-Facebook.............. (DELETED)

                           [MARSHMONT, shrekster's mother]
-LinkedIn.............. www.linkedin.com/in/june-plantholt-9825384b
-Instagram............. https://www.instagram.com/juneplantholt/
-Discord............... Marshmont#5625
-Facebook.............. (DELETED)
-Youtube.............. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzfTn9cWW81i4vgW0tIS_4g
      doxed the most private man on the internet ┈┈┈╭━━━━━╮┈┈┈┈┈
                                   ~Doomsday     ┈┈┈┃┊┊┊┊┊┃┈┈┈┈┈
                                                 ┈┈┈╱╲┊┃▋┃▋┃┈┈┈┈  R.I.P Shane P.
                                                 ┈┈┈┃┊┃╰━━┫┈DAVID PLANTHOLT

                            Parent's Information.....................................................

                 <<<<<   [Marshmont]   >>>>>
-Name................ June Patricia Plantholt
-Minecraft IGN....... Marshmont   https://namemc.com/profile/Marshmont.1 (LOL)
-Phone............... (605) 231-1915
-Address............. 584 Hatchwood Dr. Haines City, FL 33844
-Socials............. (MOM'S SOCIALS LISTED ABOVE)
-Relationship........ Mother. (His bed defender)
-Picture............. https://imgur.com/jN1O9qM
-Credit.............. Master x-••87

                 <<<<< [PrincePerryIII] >>>>>
-Name................ David Richard Plantholt
-Phone...............  (605) 231-1915 - ‪(4••) •••-1131‬
-Address............. 584 Hatchwood Dr. Haines City, FL 33844
 - https://www.facebook.com/david.plantholt
 - https://www.instagram.com/icetrain00/
-Relationship........ Father
   - https://imgur.com/jytumMT
   - https://imgur.com/KyXn0Ws
   - https://imgur.com/r8PgXDC

-Works at...........
   - Disney World! 1375 E Buena Vista Dr, Orlando, FL 32830 
   - (407) 934-7639

                                          /       `\
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                                            /   \        | 
                                            '==='        |
                                            . ' .        |
                                           . : ' .       |
                                              '.         |
                                          . '    .       |
                                           .-"""-.       |
                                          /  \___ \      |
                                          |/`    \|      |
                                          (  a  a )      |
                                          |   _\ |       |
                                          )\  =  /       |
                                      _.-'  '---;        | Poor pedophile ):
                                    /`           `-.     |
                                   |                \    |
                                   |    |   .  & .   \   |
                                   \    /      &   |  ;  |
                                   |   |           |  ;  |             [MOD] shrekster     NOT FOR LONG!
                                   |   /\          /  |  |
                                   \   \ )   -:-  /\  \  |
              Predator              `.  `-.  -:-  | \  \_|
                                     '-.  `-.    (  './\`\ Hypixel staff member who likes children
                                     / `'-. `\  |    \/_/
                                       |    \  |  |      |
                                        \   \   | |      |
                                         \   )_/\ |      |
                                          \      \|      |
                                           \      \      |
                                            '.     |     |
                                              /   /      |
                                             /  .';      |
                                           /`  /  |      |
                                          /   /   |      |
                        RAN BY DOOMSDAY  |  .' \  |      |
                                         /  \  )  |      |
                                         \   \ /  '-.._  |
                                          '.ooO\__._.Ooo |       Nice hands too, fucking female.     https://imgur.com/cWxEvnA

                                               GrandParents Information...........................

                                   <<<<<<<<<< {Grandfather] >>>>>>>>
-Name................ Richard William Plantholt
-Age................ 78 years old (Born February 1942)
-Address............. 9003 Golden Pass Laurel, MD 20708
Phone............... (301) 667-8975
   - https://www.pinterest.com/mrp2722/
   - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008235639694
-Relationship........ Grandfather

                                      <<<<<<< [Grandmother] >>>>>>>
-Name................ Mary D Plantholt
-Age................. 78 years old (Born February 1942)
-Address............. 9003 Golden Pass Laurel, MD 20708
-Phone............... (301) 776-6153
    - https://www.instagram.com/mary.slkowndjd_35413/
-Relationship........ Grandmother
-Other............... old white family with multiple cats in their home lol ?????


                                      0x04 [Information Dump]
-    EMAIL(S)           =       [PASSWORD(S)               =           OWNER(S)
shrekstermc@gmail.com    =                           =                 shrekster
icetrain@gmail.com   =   magnolia2011, Enigma, smokeing23     =          Dad
jdranek@hotmail.com   =  shanemsste, kalakeitto1, shanehsxster1, twitchjust  =   Mom
icetrain99@aol.com   =                                    =           Mom/Dad
icetrain00@cs.com   =                                     =           Mom/Dad 
snuglwithu@aol.com  =                                     =           Mom
baronbear321@aol.com =                                    =           Grandma
richard.plantholt@yahoo.com =                             =           Grandpa
mrp2722@att.net =                                         =           Grandpa
splantholtschool@gmail.com =    schoolster princeperryiii =           shrekster


IP Address.................

                         _________$_$$$$$$$_$$  I'd say call Marsh and tell her about him being a pedo.
                         _________$_$_____$_$$      Sadly, she will probably defend her perfect pedo boy.
   Pedo alert            __________$_$$$$$$$_$$  Text (605) 231-1915 "Shrekster x Marshmont" for a free prize!
                         ________$_1__2__3_$$$    Call 'em up MARSHMONT.
                         ______$_7__8__9_$$$   1+ (605) 231-1915

      - Has NOT been reported to the country Florida police *yet*.
      - Has been reported to the Hypixel Staff Manager(s).

                                 0x05 (Credits & Links)

-Doomsday.................... Doomsday#0596
-Anti........................ anti#6969
