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                                 Reason: Hideous asian e girl that snakes for a living.

                                    ➣ Next time you attempt to "dox" me, please provide confirmation.. xD


                                                                            0x01 INTRODUCTION................
                                                                            0x02 ALIASES/SOCIALS.............  
                                                                            0x03 VICTIM INFO.................
                                                                            0x04 RELATIVE INFO...............
                                                                            0x05 PROPERTY INFO...............
                                                                            0x06 DATABASE LEAKS..............



                   0x01          ????????????????????????????????????????????????            


            ➤ It has come to my attention that after I dropped this useless packing com e girl, she attempted to snake/ "dox" me..
            Get a grip. Enjoy the paste little larp!! (Also stop spreading CP you disgusting freakazoid)

            Idiot shared her Phone Maps to me aswell.. Nice one !



                   0x02          ????????????????????????????/????????????????????????????                     

            ➤ "Kay" , "Vlarsky" , "Flame 'em Kay"

            Discord ID: 999122038864236616
            Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t9cts/

            ➣ Claims to be out of com but befriends many packers/larps..

                   0x03          ???????????????????????? ????????????????                                    

            ➤ Full Name: Kaylene L. Norris
            • DOB: 01/11/2007 (16)
            • SSN: 233-92-XXXX - Unfortunately no TLO Report.. May come soon.
            • Sex: Female
            ➣ Photo Slot: https://files.catbox.moe/x4gr5w.jpg
                           https://files.catbox.moe/wqiwe3.jpg - childhood photo

            ➤ School: Atlanta City School District

            ➤ Number: 404-847-9156


Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
Rate Center


            ➤ IPv4 Address: (VPN?)


Country	United States (US)
State/Region	Kentucky
City	Campbellsville
ISP	Clouvider Limited
Organization	IPXO
Network	AS62240 Clouvider Limited (VPN, VPSH, TOR)
Usage Type	Cellular / Cellular
Timezone	Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Local Time	Wed, 26 Jul 2023 19:00:14 -0400
Coordinates	37.3434,-85.3419

Source Registry	RIPE NCC
Net Range -
Handle -
Parent Handle -
Country	UA
Registration	Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:47:41 GMT
Last Changed	Tue, 16 Aug 2022 11:35:17 GMT
Full Name	IPXO Abuse Contact
Handle	IPXO834
Entity Roles	Abuse
Email	abuse@ipxo.com
Address	Ground Floor, 4 Victoria Square, St Albans, Hertfordshire



                   0x04          ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????                                 

            ➤ Mother's Name: Elizabeth Norris Sr.                    
            • DOB: 05/17/1970 (53)
            • SSN: 482-60-XXXX      
            • Sex: Female
            ➣ Photo Slot: https://files.catbox.moe/068vgn.jpg
            • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamie.norris.794/

            ➤ Occupation: Scheduling specialist at Upperline Health (2018 - 2023)

            ➤ Number: 256-254-8285


Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
Rate Center


            ➤ Email: jamienorris37@gmail.com


The Email Address Syntax is correct
MX record found: gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 30)
MX record found: alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 40)
Dialog with gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com succeeded
jamienorris37@gmail.com seems to be valid
                                                                        [⚠️] View 0x06 for DATABASE LEAKS and HASHES ;)
The Email Address Syntax is correct
MX record found: msn-com.olc.protection.outlook.com (Priority 2)
Dialog with msn-com.olc.protection.outlook.com succeeded
jamie.norris@msn.com seems to be valid



            ➤ Father's Name: Christopher D. Norris
            • DOB: 01/26/1980 (43)
            • Sex: Male
            ➣ Photo Slot: https://files.catbox.moe/t3u86g.jpg
            • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toolbox196

            ➤ Occupation: Chef @ 191 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 (Mexican Restaurant)

            ➤ Number: 301-676-9067


Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
Rate Center


            ➤ Email: jam2dbch@yahoo.com


The Email Address Syntax is correct
MX record found: mta7.am0.yahoodns.net (Priority 1)
MX record found: mta6.am0.yahoodns.net (Priority 1)             [⚠️] View 0x06 for DATABASE LEAKS and HASHES ;)
MX record found: mta5.am0.yahoodns.net (Priority 1)         
Dialog with mta7.am0.yahoodns.net succeeded
jam2dbch@yahoo.com seems to be valid



            ➤ OTHER ASSOCIATES


James Wilson Norris Jr
James W Rd Norris Rd
Jim W Norris
Ijames W Norris
Kerry M Norris	48	Feb 1975
Elizabeth A Norris	51	Mar 1972
Evangalee H Norris	75	Oct 1947
James Raymond Norris Jr	62	Aug 1960
James Wilson Norris	80	Feb 1943
Linda L Norris		Nov 1956
Peggy A Norris	67	Sep 1955
Rachel Elizabeth Norris	31	Jun 1992
Ryan J Norris	27	Mar 1996
Summer B Norris	21	Aug 2001
Summer C Norris		Jan 8120
Vangie H Norris	75	Oct 1947
Adam B Norris	42	Aug 1980
Daniel V Norris		1954
Eric James Norris	36	Dec 1986
James W Norris		1949
Leah Norris	35	Jul 1988
Teresa C Norris Jr	69	Nov 1953
Teresa E Norris		1962
Gary Jason Ragan	51	Jan 1972
Christopher C Dietz	56	Dec 1966
Gary J Ragan		Nov 1975
James P Patterson		1951
John P Zapata		1967
Lisa A Ryan	55	Oct 1967
Mary R Zapata	54	Oct 1968
Shirley S Feltman	89	Dec 1933
Virginia S Jeffries	81	Jan 1942
Monica F Cordova	42	Apr 1981
Robert F Steinberg		1918
Aaron Randall Saxon	28	Aug 1994
Blaire Jarriel	24	Jan 1999
Bonnie F Patterson		1951
Ellis Randall Saxon		1927
Ellis Randall Saxon	65	Jun 1958
Gerald Jerome Brinson	30	Mar 1993
Hunner A Ragan	25	May 1998
Jace L Ragan	2	Aug 2020
Jami B Ragan	42	Aug 1980
Jason Tyler Ragan	28	Nov 1994
Jenna C Gibson	32	Sep 1990
Judith A Fontanez	62	May 1961
Linda N Crabtree	64	Aug 1958
Melinda E Patterson	47	Aug 1975
Naomi E Mayer	40	May 1983
Norris L Howard		1960
Patrick Keith Patterson	51	Oct 1971
Philip K Patterson	46	Oct 1976
Sandra M Bynum	48	Apr 1975
William Cody Brinson	32	Feb 1991
William H Brinson		1967






(229) 251-9740	Wireless	Last reported Jun 2023
(229) 244-2088	Landline	Last reported Jan 2003
(229) 226-0253	Landline	Last reported Jun 2021
(812) 683-9663	Landline	Last reported Jun 2015
(229) 672-1612	Wireless	Last reported Jun 2009
(221) 226-3856	Landline	Last reported Jun 2008
(912) 228-9172	Wireless	Last reported Sep 2021


                   0x05          ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????                     


            ➤ Current Address: 740 Saint Charles AVE NE, Atlanta, GA 30306


Lat. & Long.	33.775465 -84.363287 Geocoded to Street Level (GS01)
Address Type	Residential
Postal Carrier Route	C008      (DPC: 40-0 )       
U.S. Representative	Nikema Williams (D) (05)       
Census Entities	County 13121 Fulton       
County Subdivision 90144 Atlanta CCD      
Tract 0014.00       
Block 3003             Block Parcels
City, Place or Town 1304000 Atlanta         
Unified School District 00120 Atlanta City School District         
State Upper District	036       
State Lower District	057       
Delivery Post Office	Ralph Mcgill Carrier
822 Ralph Mcgill Blvd Ne
Atlanta GA 30306      

Parcel Number	14 001700080830
Location Address	740 SAINT CHARLES AVE NE
Legal Description	
Property Class	R3 - Residential Lots
Neighborhood	140421
Tax District	05
Zoning	RG2
Acres	0.0321
Homestead	N

Card	1
Stories	2
Exterior Wall	AL/VINYL
Year Built	1985
Effective Age	0
Res Sq Ft	1054
Basement	FULL
Finished Bsmt Sqft	0
Full Bath/Half Bath	1/1
Bedrooms	2
Attic	NONE
Additional Fixtures	2
Heating System	WARM AIR
Total Fixtures	7
Masonry Fireplaces	0
Heating Fuel Type	GAS
Pre Fab Fireplace	1
Miscellaneous Feature	
Miscellaneous Feature 2	
Grade Factor	C+ 1.08
Cost/Design Factor	0%

1/6/2013	$0	 	52183	0296	Unqualified	Sale < = 1000	740 ST CHARLES AVENUE LLC	FAIR WILLIAM	52183 0296
5/25/2006	$260,000	WD	42754	00308	Qualified	Valid Sale	FAIR WILLIAM	BAXTER RICH & STONER JOHN C	42754 00308
9/13/2005	$0	QC	40968	00417	Unqualified	Sale < = 1000	BAXTER RICH & STONER JOHN C	BAXTER RICHARD A	40968 00417
1/24/2005	$0	QC	39337	00141	Unqualified	Land Contract / Unsual Financing	BAXTER RICHARD A	STONER JOHN C	39337 00141
8/21/1998	$159,200	WD	25113	00104	Unqualified	Unvalidated/Deed Stamps	STONER JOHN C	ELLICOTT J THOMAS JR	25113 00104
4/17/1998	$142,500	WD	24451	00067	Unqualified	Remodeled/Changed After Sale	ELLICOTT J THOMAS JR	AKINS LYNN L	24451 00067
4/15/1985	$80,700	 	09468	00206	Unqualified	Unvalidated/Deed Stamps			09468 00206Sales

 	LUC	107	107	107	107	107	107
 	Class	R3	R3	R3	R3	R3	R3
+	Land Value	$176,500	$137,100	$137,100	$137,100	$137,100	$137,100
+	Building Value	$252,800	$162,900	$162,900	$162,900	$162,900	$162,900
=	Total Value	$429,300	$300,000	$300,000	$300,000	$300,000	$300,000
 	Assessed Value	$171,720	$120,000	$120,000	$120,000	$120,000	$120,000Valuation

    Property Owner	Parcel Identification	Description	User ID
740 ST CHARLES AVENUE LLC	14 -0017-0008-083-0	Real Estate	IWR
Tax District: 05 - ATLANTA

Property Address	Account Number	Current Fair Market Value	Current Assessed Value
740 SAINT CHARLES AVENUE NORTHEAST	0900508	429,300	171,720
City Exemption:	
County Exemption:	
City Sales Tax Credit:	$0.00
County Sales Tax Credit:	$0.00
Tax Year	Cycle	Principal Amount	Interest	Penalties/Fees	Paid	Total	Due Date
2022	Atlanta	3,768.00	0.00	0.00	3,768.00	0.00	10/31/2022
County	1,088.40	12.19	0.00	1,100.59	0.00	11/15/2022
2021	Atlanta	3,716.40	0.00	0.00	3,716.40	0.00	10/31/2021
County	1,144.80	0.00	0.00	1,144.80	0.00	11/15/2021
2020	Atlanta	3,716.40	0.00	0.00	3,716.40	0.00	2/28/2021
County	1,199.52	0.00	0.00	1,199.52	0.00	2/28/2021
2019	Atlanta	3,716.40	0.00	0.00	3,716.40	0.00	9/30/2019
County	1,214.28	0.00	0.00	1,214.28	0.00	10/15/2019
2018	Atlanta	3,716.40	0.00	0.00	3,716.40	0.00	10/31/2018
County	1,251.60	0.00	0.00	1,251.60	0.00	10/31/2018
2017	Atlanta	3,922.83	0.00	0.00	3,922.83	0.00	7/31/2018
County	1,280.70	0.00	0.00	1,280.70	0.00	7/31/2018
2016	Atlanta	3,927.64	139.20	0.00	4,066.84	0.00	10/31/2016
County	1,289.14	33.66	0.00	1,322.80	0.00	11/15/2016
Grand Total Due: $0.00

Mailing Address:


            ➣ Photo Slot: https://files.catbox.moe/6hs3nh.jpg


            ➤ Past Addresses:


4002 Rubra Pl, Valdosta, GA 31605  
Lowndes County
(Jan 2003 - May 2023)
56 C And S Ln, Monticello, FL 32344  
Jefferson County
(Sep 2011 - Aug 2022)
106 Doe Run Cir, Thomasville, GA 31757  
Thomas County
(Mar 1997 - Jun 2015)
1121 Barber Creek Dr, Watkinsville, GA 30677  
Oconee County
(Aug 2010 - Sep 2012)
401 Forrest Manor Rd, Thomasville, GA 31792  
Thomas County
(Dec 2000 - Jun 2011)
1214 Stephen Dr #2, Panama City, FL 32405  
Bay County
(Aug 1996 - Jan 2011)
3833 N Oak Street Ext #44, Valdosta, GA 31605  
Lowndes County
(Jan 2007 - Dec 2010)
76 Doe Run Cir, Thomasville, GA 31757  
Thomas County
(May 1997 - May 2008)
2511 Petty Dr, Lynn Haven, FL 32444  
Bay County
(Mar 2008)
Null, Thomasville, GA 31757 
Thomas County
(Oct 2007)
3833 N Oak Street Ext, Valdosta, GA 31605  
Lowndes County
(Jan 2007)
3833 N Oak Street Ext #98, Valdosta, GA 31605  
Lowndes County
(Jan 2007)
3833 N Oak Street Ext #96, Valdosta, GA 31605  
Lowndes County
(Sep 2006 - Dec 2006)
PO Box 90, Surrency, GA 31563  
Appling County
(Jul 1993 - May 2005)
3986 Breezee Ct, Tallahassee, FL 32303  
Leon County
(Sep 1994 - Jan 2005)
PO Box 38, Monticello, FL 32345  
Jefferson County
(Jun 1995 - Jul 2001)
11021 Gamble Rd, Monticello, FL 32344  
Jefferson County
(Aug 1991 - Nov 2000)
79 Doe Run Cir, Thomasville, GA 31757  
Thomas County
(Nov 2000)
PO Box 38B, Monticello, FL 32345  
Jefferson County
(Apr 1995 - Apr 1997)
1214 2nd St, Panama City, FL 32409  
Bay County
(Sep 1996 - Oct 1996)
309 Gayland Dr #1, Clovis, NM 88101  
Curry County
(Oct 1990 - Jun 1996)
8250 Waukeenah Hwy, Monticello, FL 32344  
Jefferson County
(Feb 1996 - Mar 1996)
317 Gayland Dr #1, Clovis, NM 88101  
Curry County
(Oct 1994 - Nov 1994)
PO Box 96E, Monticello, FL 32345  
Jefferson County
(Aug 1991 - Dec 1993)
PO Box 7017, Clovis, NM 88102  
Curry County
(Sep 1990 - Dec 1993)
3768 Psc 41, Apo, AE 09464  
(Jul 1992 - Nov 1993)
317 Gayland Dr #3, Clovis, NM 88101  
Curry County
(Sep 1993 - Oct 1993)
PO Box 425, Baxley, GA 31515  
Appling County
(Apr 1993)


                   0x06          ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????                                   


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System ID	c165e13c-8a2b-4729-b5bc-6bc4af1a43fd
Storage ID	90686dd43e906c6ed049d0269eea71cc9e6ae2293faa13beb17a76e4fcee2db438000f55893348080681fe514e594d3728e25bc63240f84676bf982a8b7360bd
Simhash	8832fd0ca6e3b688
Type	Text
Size	4194230 Bytes

Title	sexclub.ru_320k.csv [Part 10 of 30]
Date	2021-12-26 13:59:42
Media	CSV File
Category	Leaks » Restricted » General

+82145208145	Phone Number
+19517822270	Phone Number
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+82145208195	Phone Number
+82145210185	Phone Number

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3.3M combo.txt
├── 3.3M combo.txt [Part 1 of 27]
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├── 3.3M combo.txt [Part 24 of 27]
├── 3.3M combo.txt [Part 25 of 27]
├── 3.3M combo.txt [Part 26 of 27]
└── 3.3M combo.txt [Part 27 of 27]

+12345678900	Phone Number
+12345678910	Phone Number
+12345678920	Phone Number
+12345665432	Phone Number
+12131415161	Phone Number
+18561604196	Phone Number
+15077912345	Phone Number
+19052213348 	Phone Number
+19163993814	Phone Number
+17123456789	Phone Number
+19084741440	Phone Number

Title	3.3M combo.txt [Part 4 of 27]
Date	2023-06-17 13:52:40
Media	Text File
Category	Leaks » Restricted » General

Title	verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_3.txt [Part 214 of 1537]
Date	2023-02-10 16:29:44
Media	Text File
Category	Leaks » Restricted » General

System ID	7b1b1bc3-f14e-4892-9942-0fe1528b4f80
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Type	Text
Size	4193842 Bytes

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Simhash	d8d1c7186ba9a98c
Type	Text
Size	4194276 Bytes

+19511218870	Phone Number
+19511218444	Phone Number
+19511218559	Phone Number
+19411710235	Phone Number
+19511218562	Phone Number
+19511218486	Phone Number
+19511218535 	Phone Number
+19411710964	Phone Number
+19411710757	Phone Number
+19511218584	Phone Number
+19411710778	Phone Number

USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518).rar/USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518)_1.txt [Part 139 of 1025]

ExactisPartial.rar/data/Clean_version/exactis-ad.json [Part 134 of 303]

250807711_Part1.rar/34.csv [Part 28 of 53]


See you on the trail, little snail!                                                               