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                                 Reason: Blatant pedophile, spreads CP (13 under), massive ego..

                                    ➣ No bias shit this guy is disgusting as fuck.


                                                                            0x01 INTRODUCTION................
                                                                            0x02 ALIASES/SOCIALS.............  
                                                                            0x03 VICTIM INFO.................
                                                                            0x04 RELATIVE INFO...............
                                                                            0x05 PROPERTY INFO...............
                                                                            0x06 DATABASE LEAKS..............



                   0x01          ????????????????????????????????????????????????            


            ➤ According to various sources and victims of 'Lui' , he's done some and said some very interesting things
            specifically to females under the age of 15.. egotistical Stam packer who needs to shut the fuck up!
            ➣ This DOX was made out of boredom. Took 10 minutes I don't really care.



                   0x02          ????????????????????????????/????????????????????????????                     

            ➤ "Lui" , "Lod" , "17Meli" :skull:

            Discord ID: 933892165405376512

            ➣ Was given the Meli alias since they pitied how he constantly got bullied..

                   0x03          ???????????????????????? ????????????????                                    

            ➤ Full Name: Kolion Younker
            • Sex: Male
            ➣ Photo Slot: https://files.catbox.moe/3ica4l.png

            ➤ School: 00480 Duval County School District

            ➤ Number: 443-570-7258


Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
Rate Center


            ➤ Email: kolionyounker6@gmail.com - proof https://files.catbox.moe/920jua.PNG


The Email Address Syntax is correct
MX record found: gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 30)      [⚠️] View 0x06 for DATABASE LEAKS and HASHES ;)
MX record found: alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 40)
Dialog with gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com succeeded
kolionyounker6@gmail.com seems to be valid



                   0x04          ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????                                 

            ➤ Mother's Name: Kinelle Andrea Younker                
            • DOB: 08/09/1986 (36)   

            ➤ Number: (347) 206-4736


Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
Rate Center

Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
2022-09-09 23:29:19
Rate Center

Caller ID
Phone Provider
Last Port Date
Rate Center
unknown (VOIP?)


            ➤ Email: karma1thouz@gmail.com


The Email Address Syntax is correct
MX record found: gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 30)        [⚠️] View 0x06 for DATABASE LEAKS and HASHES ;)
MX record found: alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (Priority 40)
Dialog with gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com succeeded
karma1thouz@gmail.com seems to be valid



            ➤ Father's Name: Nigga got poked :sob:


            ➤ OTHER ASSOCIATES


Kinelle K Younker
Kinelle Yonker
Andrea Younker Kinelle
Younker A Kinelle
Abia R Younker	40	May 1983
Debi Veronica Barnes	59	Dec 1963
Octavia M Muse		1978
Achim D Younker	24	Aug 1998
Amon G Younker	29	Nov 1993
Asa G Younker	61	Jul 1962
Denise A Younker	60	Mar 1963
Sherrie A Tucker	30	Jan 1993
Daniel G Grafmiller		1969
Kelly Ann Tucker	26	Nov 1996
Sharon Vanessa Tucker		1972
Leah L Long		1989
Nickesha Barnes	26	Mar 1997
Sherri I Howard		1987
Abale R Gnalega	46	Jul 1977
Ada Harmon		1964
Amanda L Allen	39	Oct 1983
Aubrey F Reveley	58	Dec 1964
Carrie Marie Ellis	39	Mar 1984
Catalina Sanchez	62	Nov 1960
Daniel M Hamby	38	Nov 1984
Dayton L Nance	51	Dec 1971
Deanna L Fish	43	Aug 1979
Donna Jean Howie	59	Jan 1964
Donovan A Graham	61	Jan 1962
Evelyn A Nola		1931
Gary Michael Dunn	43	Jul 1980
Gary M Dunn	66	Jul 1957
George W Hill	82	Aug 1940
George F Pelyak		1952
Grace Roscoe	68	Nov 1954
Grant H Carroll Jr	71	Feb 1952
Hilario Sanchez	70	Nov 1952
Hilario Sanchez	39	Dec 1983
Ianay Sheffield		1985
Jacob J Johnson	36	Apr 1987
Jacqueline N Smith		1956
Jacqueline Natalie Smith	44	Dec 1978
Jeffrey Allen McGhee	56	Aug 1966
Josette Gooden	54	Apr 1969
Josette Gooden	54	Apr 1969
Kalen L McFadden		1996
Kevin G Smith		1962
Larondi Meiko Flowers	54	Feb 1969
Leonard T Decker	57	Oct 1965
Leslie J Griffin		1952
Malinda C Brady		1980
Manraj J Ramdial	81	Feb 1942
Margaret A Park		1942
Marie Antoinette Terrell	57	Aug 1965
Martin Bowers	53	Oct 1969
Mary T Ricks	39	Nov 1983
Michael Isaiah Long		1990
Nitalia Brinson		1992
Patricia Ann Huber	82	Feb 1941
Robert Vance Hamby	41	Mar 1982
Roscoe L Howard	73	Jan 1950
Rosie L Ricks	77	Dec 1945
Sarah Ann Reza	47	Jan 1976
Shakena Monica Tucker		1994
Shakir S Yates	42	Jul 1980
Sharon Denise Hoggard	56	Nov 1966
Sheyna L Carey	40	Dec 1982
Steven D Brady Jr	42	Aug 1980
Steven C Griffin	63	Jun 1960
Tonya Nashea Davis	56	Jul 1967
Tonya Nashea Davis		1967
Tramaine F Davis		1980
Travis R Hill	41	Feb 1982
Xavier D Hunter	42	Oct 1980
Deirdra Fleming	51	Jan 1972
James H Smith		1945
Nick R Barnes	48	Jul 1975
Rashedia S West	33	Jan 1990
Shakena M Tucker		1994
Amirah M Young Muse	24	Dec 1998
Andrew M Muse	37	Oct 1985
Claudell A Barnes	50	Apr 1973
Dorothea Musehutchins	70	Jul 1952
Gregory Younker Amon	29	Nov 1993
Janet Elaine Barnes	70	Jun 1953
Lottie M Muse		Nov 1935
Mark A Barnes Sr	53	Nov 1969
Monica J Muse	62	Oct 1960
Omar N Muse	41	Apr 1982
Paulette Y Barnes		Nov 1951
Stacey T Muse	53	Feb 1970
Tanya J Muse	39	Aug 1983
Tiffany Barnes		1998





(347) 206-4736	Wireless	Last reported Jun 2023
(410) 265-6061	Landline	Last reported Jan 2021
(443) 467-5826	Wireless	Last reported Oct 2017
(856) 534-2481	Wireless	Last reported Jul 2007
(410) 944-3544	Landline	Last reported Jul 2007
(410) 828-0209	Landline	Last reported Jul 2007
(804) 878-8099	Wireless	Last reported Jul 2007
(443) 320-6526	Wireless	Last reported Jul 2007
(443) 206-3795	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2021
(516) 446-2045	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2021
(646) 270-7094	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2021
(646) 270-9423	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2021
(904) 538-0973	Landline	Last reported Apr 2021
(940) 735-2126	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2021
(410) 499-5894	Wireless	Last reported Jan 2023


                   0x05          ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????                     


            ➤ Current Address: 6821 Biddy Ln, Jacksonville, FL 32210 


Lat. & Long.	30.259088 -81.756746 Geocoded to Street Level (GS01)
Address Type	Residential
Postal Carrier Route	C018      (DPC: 21-4 )         
U.S. Representative	Aaron Bean (R) (04)         
Census Entities	County 12031 Duval         
County Subdivision 91646 Jacksonville West CCD        
Tract 0128.00         
Block 2001               Block Parcels
City, Place or Town 1235000 Jacksonville            
Unified School District 00480 Duval County School District            
State Upper District	005         
State Lower District	013         
Delivery Post Office	Lake Shore
5501 Wesconnett Blvd
Jacksonville FL 32210         

017632-0000	PEMBROKE 31 PROPERTIES LLC	6821	BIDDY	LN	 	 	Jacksonville	32210

RE #	017632-0000
Tax District	GS
Property Use	0100 Single Family
# of Buildings	1
Legal Desc.	For full legal description see
Land & Legal section below
Subdivision	00213 CEDAR HILLS EST UNIT 06
Total Area	8940

Value Method	CAMA	CAMA
Total Building Value	$88,087.00	$92,414.00
Extra Feature Value	$0.00	$0.00
Land Value (Market)	$32,419.00	$44,362.00
Land Value (Agric.)	$0.00	$0.00
Just (Market) Value	$120,506.00	$136,776.00
Assessed Value	$103,585.00	$113,943.00
Cap Diff/Portability Amt	$16,921.00 / $0.00	$22,833.00 / $0.00
Exemptions	$0.00	See below
Taxable Value	$103,585.00	See below

18882-01975	7/26/2019	$84,500.00	WD - Warranty Deed	Qualified	Improved
15832-02425	1/5/2012	$31,000.00	MS - Miscellaneous	Unqualified	Improved
14303-01280	11/30/2007	$127,000.00	WD - Warranty Deed	Qualified	Improved
14199-01866	8/27/2007	$65,000.00	WD - Warranty Deed	Unqualified	Improved
14199-01831	9/21/2007	$80,000.00	WD - Warranty Deed	Unqualified	Improved
12812-01313	9/12/2005	$135,400.00	WD - Warranty Deed	Qualified	Improved
12661-01252	7/27/2005	$100.00	MS - Miscellaneous	Unqualified	Improved
12524-01586	5/27/2005	$100.00	MS - Miscellaneous	Unqualified	Improved
06742-00210	7/6/1989	$35,000.00	WD - Warranty Deed	Unqualified	Improved

Element	Code	Detail
Exterior Wall	15	15 Concrete Blk
Exterior Wall	6	6 Vertical Sheet
Roof Struct	3	3 Gable or Hip
Roofing Cover	3	3 Asph/Comp Shng
Interior Wall	5	5 Drywall
Int Flooring	11	11 Cer Clay Tile
Int Flooring	14	14 Carpet
Heating Fuel	4	4 Electric
Heating Type	4	4 Forced-Ducted
Air Cond	3	3 Central

Element	Code	Detail
Stories	1.000	
Bedrooms	4.000	
Baths	2.000	
Rooms / Units	1.000	

Gen Govt Ex B & B	$103,585.00	$0.00	$103,585.00	$1,077.47	$1,172.26	$1,074.81
Public Schools: By State Law	$120,506.00	$0.00	$120,506.00	$351.06	$389.96	$377.26
By Local Board	$120,506.00	$0.00	$120,506.00	$221.68	$270.90	$238.23
FL Inland Navigation Dist.	$103,585.00	$0.00	$103,585.00	$3.01	$3.31	$2.97
Water Mgmt Dist. SJRWMD	$103,585.00	$0.00	$103,585.00	$20.61	$20.45	$20.45
 	 	 	Totals	$1,673.83	$1,856.88	$1,713.72


            ➣ Photo Slot: https://files.catbox.moe/siynul.jpg


            ➤ Past Addresses:


6420 Liberty Rd, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207  
Baltimore County
(Dec 2014 - Apr 2023)
2510 Edgecombe Cir N, Baltimore, MD 21215  
Baltimore City County
(Jul 2007 - Nov 2021)
2012 Summit Ave #D, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207  
Baltimore County
(Feb 2011 - Apr 2021)
189 E 18th St #3B, Brooklyn, NY 11226  
Kings County
(May 2011 - Jun 2019)
8525 Brest Rd, Randallstown, MD 21133  
Baltimore County
(Jun 2006 - Apr 2019)
28 Stockmill Rd, Pikesville, MD 21208  
Baltimore County
(Jun 2006 - Oct 2017)
2012 Summit Ave #D, Baltimore, MD 21207  
Baltimore County
(Oct 2005 - Oct 2015)
140 E 15th St, Jacksonville, FL 32206  
Duval County
(Jun 2006 - Dec 2013)
324 Bigley Ave, Baltimore, MD 21227  
Baltimore County
(Nov 2013)
7405 Brixworth Ct, Baltimore, MD 21244  
Baltimore County
(Aug 2013 - Oct 2013)
123 Archimedes Ct, Pikesville, MD 21208  
Baltimore County
(Jun 2006 - Apr 2013)
9097 Cloisters E, Richmond, VA 23229  
Henrico County
(Feb 2011)
2012 Summit Ave, Woodlawn, MD 21207  
Baltimore County
(Aug 2009)
8840 164th St #2, Jamaica, NY 11432  
Queens County
(Dec 2008)
4932 Wedgewood Pl, Stone Mountain, GA 30088  
Dekalb County
(May 2008)
4932 Wedgewood Pl, Stone Mtn, GA 30088  
Dekalb County
(May 2008)
6916 Lachlan Cir #E, Baltimore, MD 21239  
Baltimore County
(Jan 2005)


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    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 271 of 1537]
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    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 273 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 274 of 1537]
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    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 279 of 1537]
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    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 281 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 282 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 283 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 284 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 285 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 286 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 287 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 288 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 289 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 290 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 291 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 292 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 293 of 1537]
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    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 295 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 296 of 1537]
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    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 300 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 301 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 302 of 1537]
    ├── emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 303 of 1537]

Title	verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 130 of 1537]
Date	2023-02-10 16:49:46
Media	Text File
Category	Leaks » Restricted » General

System ID	c61df166-dfc0-440e-a047-1d2a78e8ef16
Storage ID	5f27007e89ac78244e3189eb97c91492cc18a6be174fbf322323db3639b0b65e634d8bfba5eec77dc12338c059dc8e1da8977813176baa859aeb42a001da5424
Simhash	af63bd4c8601b7bf
Type	Text
Size	4194278 Bytes

springraynecomes@gmail.com	Email Address
jawright1124@gmail.com	Email Address
ejwlove@gmail.com	Email Address
jetxten@gmail.com	Email Address
vanessag46@gmail.com	Email Address
frozenskillz17@gmail.com	Email Address
runningjoker69@gmail.com 	Email Address
elvie.lafortune@gmail.com	Email Address
the.siryn@gmail.com	Email Address
ferrante.alyssa@gmail.com	Email Address
dean34@gmail.com	Email Address

verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 130 of 1537]

verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_15.txt [Part 1301 of 1537]

Data4marketers Special K Data Feed Spam List.rar/05102015_Feed3.csv [Part 1 of 2]

Device ID 11M USA.rar/Device ID 11M USA.csv [Part 92 of 151]

USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518).rar/USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518)_4.txt [Part 232 of 572]

Acxiom 280M.rar/Acxiom 280M_6.txt [Part 1179 of 1537]

250807711_Part2.rar/1027.csv [Part 11 of 47]

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├── 1006.csv [Part 33 of 47]

Title	250807711_Part2.rar/1027.csv [Part 11 of 47]
Date	2021-05-31 15:33:23
Media	CSV File
Category	Leaks » Restricted » General

System ID	232a1d13-85e0-45e9-be0c-1ec21a983080
Storage ID	b472bd32860370bf84d2808a459971af714f672bb3d0ffdedfc69776fb934068944880e2c1237efd071100595ca69b1ada9b5cf8d24d54fb9ee84e654a2bf520
Simhash	af63bd4c8601b7f8
Type	Text
Size	4193761 Bytes

3d10cb37-dac2-e7fe-60aa-c1435447fdff 	UUID
+60172482083	Phone Number
+33616254621	Phone Number
b5302c62-3227-ce9c-7fbb-4e56afebaec7	UUID
e701adf1-583f-20f2-3351-496fc0fc373b	UUID
641606b8-b828-5875-21f7-6981b3f463df	UUID
+17852262132	Phone Number
+54235285133	Phone Number
+54757261815	Phone Number
79774165-369f-0ffc-694d-2563f4446d55	UUID
09f8bbc0-6aac-1bd5-057c-dc73b7a31f7e	UUID


See you on the trail, little snail!                                                               