/\                                                        /\
                                      |  |                                                      |  |
                                     /----\                                                    /----\
                                    [______]               welcome to hell                    [______]
                                     |    |         _____                        _____         |    |
                                     |[]  |        [     ]                      [     ]        |  []|
                                     |    |       [_______][ ][ ][ ][][ ][ ][ ][_______]       |    |
                                     |    [ ][ ][ ]|     |  ,----------------,  |     |[ ][ ][ ]    |
                                     |             |     |/'    ____..____    '\|     |             |
                                      \  []        |     |    /'    ||    '\    |     |        []  /
                                       |      []   |     |   |o     ||     o|   |     |  []       |
                                       |           |  _  |   |     _||_     |   |  _  |           |
                                       |   []      | (_) |   |    (_||_)    |   | (_) |       []  |
                                       |           |     |   |     (||)     |   |     |           |
                                       |           |     |   |      ||      |   |     |           |
                                     /''           |     |   |o     ||     o|   |     |           ''\
   ╠-----==== ==- ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x00 =- ══========╣
   ║                                                        [ Table of context ]                                                                                   ║
   ║                                                                                                                                                               ║
   ║                                                      »»————-  - Emails & passwords                                                                            ║
   ║                                                      »»————-  - old & recent pictures (face)                                                                  ║                           
   ║                                                      »»————-  - Ip information                                                                                ║
   ║                                                      »»————-  - Phone #'s                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                      »»————-  - address information                                                                           ║        
   ║                                                      »»————-  - skype login info >_<                                                                          ║
   ║                                                      »»————-  - relatives                                                                                     ║         
   ║                                                      »»————-  - associates                                                                                    ║          
   ║                                                      »»————-  - social media accounts                                                                         ║ 
   ║                                                      »»————-  - data-breaches                                                                                 ║   
    The only person responsible for this paste is reall anyone else claiming responsibility or credit for this dox is lying.                                                                                                  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    ~ NOTE ( all information on this document was obtained legally, everything included in this paste follows doxbin TOS & the laws for my state.)                          
    Dox-Reason : Don't worry about it. 
   └─── ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????. 
    .---^ - ^---.
       |  |//|
       |  |//|
       |  |//|
       |  |//|
       |  |//|
       |  |//|
       |  |.-|


     -.   ^   .-
  - Michael Dolan -
  ➤ first name - Michael
  ➤ Middle name - Boston
  ➤ Last name - Dolan
  ➤ Mobile-PN: # ~ 412-857-1651
                [ pictures ]

   ➣ - very very old picture of him - https://imgur.com/a/S7pfrIv
  ➣ Pictures of him now.
  ➤ [2]https://i.imgur.com/x2F6IZ7.jpg
  ➤ [3]https://i.imgur.com/h09L9KV.png
  ➤ [4]https://imgur.com/80dzmsy

               [ Social media ]

  ➤ discord ~  omgcylo#5025 (updated) ID: 616059096369463306  
  ➤ IG (Instagram) : https://www.instagram.com/omgcylo/

          _ ._  _ , _ ._
         (_ ' ( `  )_  .__)
       ( (  (    )   `)  ) _)
      (__ (_   (_ . _) _) ,__)
          `~~`\ ' . /`~~`
               ;   ;
               /   \
 _____________/_ __ \_____________
  Data breaches : 
  ➤ Email : merindadurila@gmail.com
  ➤ address: 259 McDowell Ln
  ➤ city: Canonsburg
  ➤ latLong: 40.2668227,-80.1383301
  ➤ phoneNumbers: 412-417-6920, 724-873-4610
  ➤ zipCode: 15317
  ➤ ips:,

  Full passwords:

  ➤ merindadurila@yahoo.com
  ➤ password: googan1960

  ➤ hashed passwords:

  ➣ 1. $2y$05$cJ5pOJ93Bsy2ZFOzhOO1NuWNwGUqms9ZwiSjmIpJCh5mROXBl/Zjy
  ➣ 2. $2a$10$w/lxuXhaSLhjLYKeVq.9oOv0pmKj4itCTSkJ3vW0ywVplx35jaSx.
  ➣ 3. fd4007bbaf4c551a290987246dce72918fe89fb0
  ➣ 4. ddf934e3e0ef4323d92b58cf61875b3344f19f31
  ➣ 5. 9c07efbbbb7a709633a6ce42cd05c5950a83848d
  Has account on:

  ➤ Google
  ➤ Apple
  ➤ Twitter
  ➤ Instagram
  ➤ Amazon
  ➤ Email : merindadurila1985@gmail.com

  ➤ has account on :

  ➤ Google
  ➤ Microsoft
  ➤ Skype

  ➤ Skype account info:

  ➤ Name: merinda durila
  ➤ City: canonsburg
  ➤ Skype ID: merinda1985
  ➤ State: Pennsylvania
  ➤ Email : merindadurila1960@gmail.com
  ➤ IP :
  ➤ hashed passwords:
  ➣ $2a$10$5.mF0RpbpTaG9p9.qQ7MP.Z59u35aSUeYuy/C/BJoJse3PaKmvv02
  ➤ has account in:
  ➤ LinkedIn:
  ➤ https://www.linkedin.com/in/merinda-durilla-b64b14174
  ➤ Merinda Durilla
  ➤ Title: Student at Idk
  ➤ Location: Wichita, Kansas Metropolitan Area
  ➤ Connection count: 0
  ➤ Skype info:

  ➤ Rue Durila
  ➤ United States
  ➤ Skype ID: ruedurila1985
  accounts on : 
  ➤ Facebook
  ➤ Apple
  ➤ Twitter
  ➤ Microsoft
  ➤ Instagram
  ➤ Vimeo
  ➤ Pinterest
  ➤ Amazon
  ➤ Disney+
  ➤ Pornhub
  ➤ Email:merindadurila@yahoo.com
  ➤ Username: merinda30
  ➤  Hashed passwords : 
  ➤ $2a$10$w/lxuXhaSLhjLYKeVq.9oOv0pmKj4itCTSkJ3vW0ywVplx35jaSx.
  ➣ First_name : Rue
  ➣ Last_name : Durila
  ➣ Id_oid : 54dab100e2de3c15de0305cb
  ➣ Aggregates_id_oid :  54dab100e2de3c15de0305cc
  ➤ Created_at_date1423618304402
  ➤ Devices_0
  ➤ and1:f57227bc7491e99
  ➤ Fb_info_ext_user_id100006579425966
  ➤ Fb_info_ext_access_tokenCAACmQ6zHxvsBAMvaOp5FBFosWWlAGVCVGA3sJtajVHHFsuJa46Iot8AZCXbsbAGKZB9AsXTS1ONZB9tDkdtaLaUFiidwfUGTtuBWluTGIeDEU0ML7WIiuHGSkC1K0Ka02i62IHjMpsu64t9ZAB96GZAXuyO7GZCUWMKTkxvaixZAW1S7iOw0YepehBrp6l4Hjd1z8Ordg4FlwlZBuv5hvOPZA5ZB9dFw9JWA9V6MCeIRuxiwZDZD
  ➤ Fb_info_ext_username : rue.fidurski
  ➤ Fb_info_fetched_at_date : 1423618304401
  ➤ Fb_info_ext_permissions_public_profile1
  ➤ Fb_info_id_oid54dab100e2de3c15de0305ce
  ➤ Gender : female
  ➤ Passwd_upd_at_date1423618304493
  ➤ Reg_methodfb
  ➤ Seg_sup : D
  ➤ Settings__id_oid :  54dab100e2de3c15de0305cf
  ➤ Settings_timeline : True
  ➤ Status : active 
  ➤ Email
  ➤ Merindadurila@yahoo.com
  ➤ Username : merindamama
  ➤ Last IP :
  ➤ Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, United States
  ➤ Email : merindadurila@yahoo.com
  ➤ Username : rue1113
  ➤ Password : googan1960
  ➤ Email
  ➤ merindadurila@yahoo.com
  ➤ Username : zyngawf_58024118
  ➤ Saltfd4007bbaf4c551a290987246dce72918fe89fb0
  ➤ Email
  ➤ merindadurila1960@gmail.com
  ➤ IP
  ➤ Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky, United States
  ➤ Name : Caitlin Dolan
  ➤ Email : Merindadurila1960@gmail.com
  ➤ Name : Caitlin Dolan
  ➤ Address : 621_Valley_View_Ter
  ➤ State : PA
  ➤ Zip : 15427
  ➤ Phone : (412)-417-6920
  ➤ Id_oid5db3a0c6d573fc411d207aa4
  ➣ Optin_time : 11:20:52
  ➣ Internal_country : US
  ➣ Internal_region : Pennsylvania
  ➣ Internal_time_zone : EST
  ➣ Line_type :mobile
  ➣ CarrierNew  : Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL
  ➣ List_id : 5db33a24808af26469446c60
  ➣ Map_list : 5db33ada9d6fd4418e632247
  ➣ User_id : 5db32f2dad1f6f12d94e1f37
  ➣ Team_id : 5db32f2dad1f6f12d94e1f36
  ➣ Updated_at_date : 2019-10-26T01:36:41.000Z
  ➣ Created_at_date2019-10-26T01:26:30.000Z
        .o888' ...  '888o.
     .o88'  :::;(;:::  '88o.
    ,88'  .::;.) );:::.  '88,
   ,88'  :::;`(,' (,;:::  '88,
  ,88'  :::;;). (, (';:::  '88,
  88'   :::;( ) ; ' );;::   '88
  88    '::;')_,_)_(`;::'    88
  88      '::[_____]::'      88
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  88           |#|_          88
  88,     __.-'(__ )        ,88
  '88,     '-. \___ )      ,88'
   '88,     _.\_)__ )     ,88'
    '88o,  _   (__ )    ,o88'
      '88o, `'-\#/'   ,o88'
        '888o,_   _,o888'
  ➤ Email : merindadurila1960@gmail.com
  ➤ Username :  ruemama
  ➤ Hash$2a$10$n6s1XlRAPFHHIR9rgTM5MeozqylaAi/E395mIms6e.gArcMr4CAv.
  ➤ Hash$2a$10$5.mF0RpbpTaG9p9.qQ7MP.Z59u35aSUeYuy/C/BJoJse3PaKmvv02NameRue Fonner
  ➤ Email : Merindadurila1960@gmail.com
  ➤ Updated At : 2016-05-27T18:47:18.244Z
  ➤ CreatedAt2016-05-27T18:47:18.244Z
  ➤ Hash : $2a$10$Qr7B1.xHH808IhUwa055m.OScsbtx..c8PgEYDGGfP0gaEwCJgqqS
  ➤ Email : merindadurila1960@gmail.com
  ➤ Last IP :
  ➤ Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky, United States
  ➤ Name : Caitlin dolan
  IP Address Information

  ➤ AS10796 Charter Communications Inc
  ➤ CityLexington-Fayette
  ➤ Isp - Charter Communications Inc
  ➤ Region Name - Kentucky
  ➤ Zip - 40509

   ➣ Additional Information - Michael Dolan -
   ➣ Hair: black/Brown-
   ➣ Eyes: brown.
   ➣ Gender: Male.
   ➣ Race : white
   ➣ Weight: N/A
   ➣ Height: N/A.
  ⸸  RELATIVES // -----  ⸸  ASSOCIATES //   

        Current Address
           259 McDowell Ln
             Canonsburg, PA 15317
                Washington County

                   Merinda Durila.. Age : 40.  Merinda currently lives at 259 Mcdowell Ln, Canonsburg PA 15317. Merinda has lived at this Canonsburg, PA address for about 23 years,
                      after moving in around March of 2000. Merinda previously lived at 621 Valley View Ter, Canonsburg PA 15317 for 5 years, starting in November of 2014. Going further back, 
                       starting in April of 2011, Merinda lived at 214 Marcum Ter, Huntington WV 25705 for 4 years. Public records do not indicate that Merinda Durila is currently married.
                          The following people are relatives or close associates of Merinda:
                            Chris Durila, Christopher Durila,
                              David Cremeans, Jerry Cremeans, 
                                 Larry Cremeans, Larry Cremeans, 
                                   Leoris Cremeans, Melinda Graham, 
                                    Melinda Poland, Michael Dolan 
                                       and Nickoles Durila. 
                  (\__.-. |  
                  == ===_]+
 ` - .
       ` - >->

      ....           ....           ....           ....
     ||             ||             ||             ||
 /"""l|\        /"""l|\        /"""l|\        /"""l|\
/_______\      /_______\      /_______\      /_______\
|  .-.  |------|  .-.  |------|  .-.  |------|  .-.  |------
 __|L|__| .--. |__|L|__| .--. |__|L|__| .--. |__|L|__| .--.
_\  \\p__`o-o'__\  \\p__`o-o'__\  \\p__`o-o'__\  \\p__`o-o'_
   Emails : 

  ➣ merindadurila@gmail.com - Breached
  ➣ merindadurila1985@gmail.com - breached
  ➣ merindadurila1960@gmail.com - breached
  ➣|Phone numbers /! 

  ➣ (412) 417-6920 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Feb 2023
  ➣ (412) 628-0167 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Nov 2006
  ➣ (724) 745-2072 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Apr 2010 
  ➣ (412) 969-1631 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Nov 2006
  ➣ (724) 328-2363 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Nov 2006
  ➣ (724) 229-2564 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Nov 2006
  ➣ (412) 583-8153 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Apr 2021
  ➣ (724) 470-4044 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Apr 2021
  ➣ (724) 873-4610 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Apr 2021
  ➣ (724) 222-5353 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Mar 2010
  ➣ (724) 993-0329 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Sep 2014
  ➣ (724) 206-9359 - VOIP
  ➣ Last reported Jun 2007
  ➣ (724) 328-3519 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Jan 2023
  ➣ (724) 263-7984 - Wireless
  ➣ Current Address
  ➣ 850 Ewing St
  ➣ Washington, PA 15301
  ➣ Washington County
  ➣ (724) 206-9359 - VOIP
  ➣ Full Name: Michael J Dolan
  ➣  Current address : 
  ➣ 216 Davis St
  ➣  Huntington WV 25705
   Property Details
   Square Feet
   Year Built
   Estimated Value
   Estimated Equity
   Last Sale Amount
   Last Sale Date
   Occupancy Type
   Non-Owner Occupied
   Ownership Type
   Land Use
   Single Family Residential
   Property Class
   Phone Numbers :

   ➣ (724) 328-3519
   ➣ (412) 857-1651
   Past addresses : 

   ➣ 930 Fayette St
   ➣ Washington PA 15301
   ➣ 259 Mcdowell Ln, Unit 2
   ➣ Canonsburg PA 15317
   Alias : 

   ➣ Michael Cremeans 
   ➣ Michael Dolan • 
   ➣ Michael J Dolan Jr 
   Relatives : 

   ➣ Caitlin Dolan 
   ➣ Larry Cremeans 
   ➣ Melinda Graham 
   ➣ Merinda Durila 
   ➣ Michael Dolan 
   ➣ Stephen Dolan 
   ➣ April Cremeans 
   ➣ Brandon Graham  
   ➣ Brittani Stowers 
   ➣ Chris Durila 
   ➣ Christian Graham  
   ➣ Christian Graham 
   ➣ Christopher Durila 
   ➣ David Cremeans
  ➣ Full Name: Destiny N Erwin
  ➣ age : 40's
  ➣ current address : 
  ➣ 216 Davis St
  ➣ Huntington WV 25705
   Property Details
   Square Feet
   Year Built
   Estimated Value
   Estimated Equity
   Last Sale Amount
   Last Sale Date
   Occupancy Type
   Non-Owner Occupied
   Ownership Type
   Land Use
   Single Family Residential
   Property Class
   phone # 's

   ➣ (606) 922-0772
   ➣ (937) 217-8012
   ➣ (304) 429-3633
   Past addresses :
   ➣ 162 Township Road 1334
   ➣ South Point OH 45680
   ➣ 5721 Segar Hill Rd
   ➣ Huntington WV 25704
   ➣ 279 Township Road 1034
   ➣ South Point OH 45680
   ➣ 810 Bailey Rd
   ➣ Peebles OH 45660
   ➣ 234 Township Road 1483
   ➣ Chesapeake OH 45619
   ➣ 307 Charles St, Unit 19
   ➣ Newport News VA 23608
    Alias :

   ➣ Destiny Erwin 
   ➣ Destiny N Blevins 
   ➣ Destiny Blevins 
   ➣ Destine Erwin  
   ➣ Erwin Destine 
   ➣ Destiny Nicole Blevins
   ➣ Destiny N Miller 
   ➣ Destiny Webb
   Relatives :

   ➣ Angelina Roberts 
   ➣ Anna Copley  
   ➣ Charles Miller 
   ➣ Destiny Erwin 
   ➣ Estel Blevins 
   ➣ Ferne Miller 
   ➣ Jason Miller  
   ➣ Jonathan Blevins 
   ➣ Joshua Blevins 
   ➣ Lora Slusher 
   ➣ Lora Slusher 
   ➣ Lora Slusher-miller 
   ➣ Lori Erwin 
   ➣ Full Name: Jarrod J Lemley
   ➣ age : 42
   ➣ current address : 
   ➣ 216 Davis St
   ➣ Huntington WV 25705
   Property Details
   Square Feet
   Year Built
   Estimated Value
   Estimated Equity
   Last Sale Amount
   Last Sale Date
   Occupancy Type
   Non-Owner Occupied
   Ownership Type
   Land Use
   Single Family Residential
   Property Class
   Phone #'s 

   ➣ (304) 634-4188
   ➣ (304) 522-0028
   ➣(803) 647-1015
   past addresses :

   ➣ 406 Bobcat Trl
   ➣ Winchester VA 22602
   ➣ 232 6th Ave, Unit 1
   ➣ Huntington WV 25701
   ➣ Po Box 643
   ➣ Milton WV 25541
   ➣ 255 East St
   ➣ Winchester VA 22601
   ➣ 1992 Variations Dr NE
   ➣ Atlanta GA 30329
   ➣ Po Box 7731
   ➣ Columbia SC 29202
   Alias : 

   ➣ Jarrod Lemley 
   ➣ Jarrod Jon Lemley 
   ➣ Jaarod J Lemley
   relatives :

   ➣ Aubrey Lemley 
   ➣ Alicia Lemley 
   ➣ Allison Dalipsingh 
   ➣ Bradford Lemley 
   ➣ Chad Lemley 
   ➣ Charles Lemley 
   ➣ Charles Lemley 
   ➣ Clarice Lemley 
   ➣ Cynthia Lemley 
   ➣ Jenneth Lemley 
   ➣ Abby Mcclung 
   ➣ Cindy Koontz 
   ➣ Darrell Simons 
   ➣ Dawn Lemley
   ➣ Full Name: Jacqueline L Nottingham
   ➣ age : 54 
   ➣ current address : 
   ➣ 216 Davis St
   ➣ Huntington WV 25705
   Property Details
   Square Feet
   Year Built
   Estimated Value
   Estimated Equity
   Last Sale Amount
   Last Sale Date
   Occupancy Type
   Non-Owner Occupied
   Ownership Type
   Land Use
   Single Family Residential
   Property Class
   Phone #'s 

   ➣ (304) 529-3666
   ➣ (304) 525-4320
   past addresses :

   ➣ 117 Davis St
   ➣ Huntington WV 25705
   ➣ 3678 Mount Union Rd
   ➣ Huntington WV 25701
   ➣ Po Box 8323
   ➣ Huntington WV 25705
   ➣ 2223 10th Ave
   ➣ Huntington WV 25703
   ➣ 4500 Siders Ave
   ➣ Huntington WV 25702
   ➣ Po Box 582
   ➣ Huntington WV 25710
    Alias : 

   ➣ Jackie L Knottingham 
   ➣ Jackie L Nottingham
   ➣ Jackie Nottingham 
   ➣ Jackie Lee Nottingham 
   ➣ Jackie Knottingham
   relatives :

   ➣ Jackie Nottingham 
   ➣ Raymond Nottingham 
   ➣ Sallie Nottingham 
   ➣ Sherry Blake 
   ➣ Alice Carter 
   ➣ April Blake 
   ➣ Ashley Williams 
   ➣ Brittany Blake 
   ➣ Charles Blake 
   ➣ Darlena Nottingham 
   ➣ Donald Nottingham 
   ➣ John Nottingham 
   ➣ Katrina Legg 
   ➣ Keith Blake
   ➣ Full Name: Bethany Ison
   ➣ address : 216 Davis St
   ➣ Huntington WV 25705
   Property Details
   Square Feet
   Year Built
   Estimated Value
   Estimated Equity
   Last Sale Amount
   Last Sale Date
   Occupancy Type
   Non-Owner Occupied
   Ownership Type
   Land Use
   Single Family Residential
   Property Class
   Phone #'s 

   ➣ (304) 523-1747
  relatives :

  ➣ Bethany Clark 
  ➣ Amanda Henderson 
  ➣ Anna Nicely 
  ➣ Augusta Clark 
  ➣ Austin Clark 
  ➣ Barry Ison 
  ➣ Bethany Henderson 
  ➣ Bobby Ison 
  ➣ Brandon Clark 
  ➣ Brenda Hobbs 
  ➣ Brenda Smallwood 
  ➣ Brian Henderson 
  ➣ Cary Terry 
  ➣ Chub Clark
  ➣ Full Name: Vickie L Hunt
  ➣ age : 73
  ➣ current address : 
  ➣ 216 Davis St
  ➣ Huntington WV 25705
  Property Details
  Square Feet
  Year Built
  Estimated Value
  Estimated Equity
  Last Sale Amount
  Last Sale Date
  Occupancy Type
  Non-Owner Occupied
  Ownership Type
  Land Use
  Single Family Residential
  Property Class
   phone # 's

  ➣ (304) 525-0653
  ➣ (901) 835-4026
  ➣ (901) 835-4967
  ➣ (901) 292-0104
  ➣ (901) 531-1882
  ➣ (901) 859-1388
  ➣ (304) 529-7724
  ➣ (304) 743-8168
   alias :

  ➣ Vickie L Littlejohn 
  ➣ Vickie Hunt 
  ➣ Victoria L Hunt 
  ➣ Vicki Hunt
  Relatives :

  ➣ Robert Hunt 
  ➣ Aaron Littlejohn 
  ➣ Allen Littlejohn 
  ➣ Angela Littlejohn 
  ➣ Carlene Hunt 
  ➣ Laurie Littlejohn 
  ➣ Mark Littlejohn 
  ➣ Amber Littlejohn 
  ➣ Baily Hunt 
  ➣ Carolyn Miller 
  ➣ Christopher Scudder 
  ➣ Connie Hunt 
  ➣ Darrel Scudder
  ➣ Steve E Dolan 
  ➣ Current Address
  ➣ 1125 1/2 Bruce St
  ➣ Washington, PA 15301
  ➣ Washington County
  ➣ (Mar 2022 - Apr 2023)
  Phone Numbers :

  ➣ (817) 475-4929 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Nov 2022
  ➣ (724) 328-3464 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Apr 2006
  ➣ (337) 247-4547 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Apr 2006
  ➣ (724) 745-4724 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Feb 1998
  ➣ (724) 222-3449 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Oct 2008
  ➣ (724) 745-0000 - Landline
  ➣ Last reported Jan 2009
  ➣ (412) 228-3930 - Wireless
  ➣ Last reported Mar 2016
  Past addresses :

  930 Fayette St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Oct 2014)
  1240 Bruce St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Oct 2013)
  1054 Jefferson Ave #A
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Mar 2012)
  65 Woodland Ave #7
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jun 2011)
  92 Acheson Ave #2
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Dec 2009 - Jan 2010)
  54 Acheson Ave #1
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Dec 2001 - Jul 2009)
  255 Locust Ave #3
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Sep 2006 - Jan 2009)
  675 Buena Vista St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Mar 2008 - Apr 2008)
  890 Addison St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (May 2007 - Nov 2007)
  40 Bel Air Dr #M
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jul 2007)
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Dec 2005)
  259 McDowell Ln
  Canonsburg, PA 15317
  Washington County
  (Sep 2005)
  151 Oak Spring Rd
  Canonsburg, PA 15317
  Washington County
  (Apr 2004 - Nov 2004)
  380 Terrace Ave
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jul 2001)
  512 E Chestnut St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jan 2000)
  465 Henderson Ave
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (May 1996)
  1275 Summerlea Ave
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Aug 1989 - Mar 1995)
  621 Valley View Ter
  Canonsburg, PA 15317
  Washington County
  (Nov 2014 - Nov 2020)
  11 Main St
  Daisytown, PA 15427
  Washington County
  (Mar 2018)
  PO Box 211
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jan 2008 - Oct 2017)
  348 Houston St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jul 2017)
  148 Jollick Mnr
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Sep 2005 - Feb 2017)
  214 Marcum Ter
  Huntington, WV 25705
  Cabell County
  (Apr 2011 - Oct 2015)
  259 McDowell Ln
  McMurray, PA 15317
  Washington County
  (Jun 2014 - Sep 2014)
  850 Ewing St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Oct 2006 - Nov 2013)
  305 Greenside Ave #3
  Canonsburg, PA 15317
  Washington County
  (Nov 2012)
  910 1/2 21st St
  Huntington, WV 25703
  Cabell County
  (Aug 2010 - Oct 2011)
  1200 Fayette St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Mar 2010 - Apr 2010)
  92 Acheson Ave #2
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Mar 2010 - Mar 2010)
  575 Buena Vista St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (May 2009)
  890 Addison St
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  306 Park Ave
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Apr 2006 - Nov 2006)
  255 Locust Ave #3
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jul 2006 - Nov 2006)
  40 Bel Air Dr #M
  Washington, PA 15301
  Washington County
  (Jan 2005 - Oct 2006)
  151 Oak Spring Rd
  Canonsburg, PA 15317
  Washington County
  (Feb 2003 - Jun 2003)
  ➣ City: Pittsburgh
  ➣ County: Allegheny
  ➣ Zip Code Areas: 15106, 15102, 15132, & 15205
  ➣ State: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
  ➣ Morgan Webb - Age: 23
  ➣ Full Name: Morgan G Webb
  ➣ Current Home Address:
  ➣ 259 Mcdowell Ln
  ➣ Canonsburg PA 15317
  ➣ Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Morgan Webb in Canonsburg, PA.
  ➣ 500 Davis School Rd
  ➣ Washington PA 15301
  ➣ AKA: Alias, Nicknames, alternate spellings, married and/or maiden names for Morgan Webb in Canonsburg, PA. Morgan Webb • Morgan Grace Webb
  Relatives: Mother, father, sisters, brothers, spouses and/or former spouses of Morgan Webb in Canonsburg, PA.

  ➣ Christopher Webb •
  ➣ Kristi Ferrero •
  ➣ Brian Bash
  ➣ Chalese Bash •
  ➣ Debra Bash  Dustin Ferrero 
  ➣ Gary Ferrero 
  ➣ Jean Webb 
  ➣ Margo Craig 
  ➣ Mark Bash 
  ➣ Mary Bash 
  ➣ Matthew Webb
  ➣ Megan Craig
  ➣ Chris S Durila,
  ➣ Christopher S Durila, 
  ➣ David A Cremeans,
  ➣ Jerry L Cremeans,
  ➣ Larry P Cremeans,
  ➣ Leoris L Cremeans, 
  ➣ Melinda Mae Graham, 
  ➣ Melinda A Poland,
  ➣ Michael Dolan Jr,
  ➣ Nickoles S Durila,
  ➣ Robert E Durila Jr
  ➣ April M Cremeans,
  ➣ David J Cremeans,
  ➣ Edith M Cremeans,
  ➣ Garnet M Cremeans,
  ➣ Gary Allen Cremeans, 
  ➣ James E Cremeans,
  ➣ Jasper Cremeans, 
  ➣ Joey Cremeans, 
  ➣ Joseph Cremeans,
  ➣ Kelvin Cremeans Jr, 
  ➣ Melinda M Cremeans, 
  ➣ Ritchie D Cremeans,
  ➣ Tammy L Cremeans
  ➣ Christopher Durila - age : 37
  ➣ Full Name: Christopher S Durila
  ➣ Current Home Address: 259 Mcdowell Ln
  ➣ Canonsburg PA 15317
  ➣ Previous Addresses:
  ➣ Po Box: 81 Washington PA 15301
  ➣ Washington County
  ➣ Recorded February 2010
  Christopher S Durila is 37 years old and was born in October of 1985. Currently Christopher lives at the address 259 Mcdowell Ln, Canonsburg PA 15317.
  Christopher has lived at this Canonsburg, PA address for about 18 years, after moving in around July of 2004.
  Christopher previously lived at Po Box 81, Washington PA 15301 for 1 year, starting in February of 2010. 
  Going further back, starting in February of 2010, Christopher lived at 350 Locust Ave, Washington PA 15301 for 3 months.
  ➣ 350 Locust Ave :  Washington PA 15301
  ➣ Washington County
  ➣ Recorded February 2010
   Relatives : 

  ➣ Chris Durila
  ➣ Age 31 (May 1991)
  ➣ Melinda Poland
  ➣ Age 57 (Dec 1965)
  ➣ Merinda Durila
  ➣ Age 40 (Feb 1983)
  ➣ Nickoles Durila
  ➣ Age 29 (Aug 1993)
  ➣ Penny Durila
  ➣ Age 54 (Mar 1969)
  ➣ Robert Durila
  ➣ Age 63 (Feb 1960)
  ➣ William Durila
  ➣ Age 58 (Jan 1965)
  ➣ Ashley Ritchea
  ➣ Age 29 (Aug 1993)
  ➣ Cindy Jay
  ➣ Age 62 (Feb 1961)
  ➣ Danny Poland
  ➣ Age 64 (Feb 1959)
  ➣ David Cremeans
  ➣ Age 62 (Jan 1961)
  ➣ Jason Poland
  ➣ Age 29 (Oct 1993)
  ➣ Jerry Cremeans
  ➣ Age 70 (Mar 1953)
  ➣ Jessica Kerchner
  ➣ Age 32 (Aug 1990)
  ➣ Judith Kerns
  ➣ Age 81 (Feb 1942)
  ➣ Judy Kerns
  ➣ Age 81 (Feb 1942)
  ➣ Larry Cremeans
  ➣ Age 65 (Jun 1957)
  ➣ Larry Cremeans
  ➣ Age 65 (Jun 1957)
  ➣ Leoris Cremeans
  ➣ Age 54 (Jul 1968)
  ➣ Melinda Graham
  ➣ Age 57 (Apr 1966)
  ➣ Melissa Durila
  ➣ Age 57 (Dec 1965)
  ➣ Michael Dolan
  ➣ Age 37 (Nov 1985)
  ➣ Norma Poland
  ➣ Age 87 (May 1935)
  ➣ Robert Durila
  ➣ Age 85 (Oct 1937)
  ➣ Robin Kerns
  ➣ Age 51 (Nov 1971)
  ➣ April Cremeans
  ➣ Age 30 (Jan 1993)
  ➣ Christine Jay
  ➣ Age 36 (Jan 1987)
  ➣ Garnet Cremeans
  ➣ Age 92 (Mar 1931)
  ➣ Harvey Jay
  ➣ Age 62 (Mar 1961)
  ➣ James Cremeans
  ➣ Age 56 (Mar 1967)
  ➣ Kenneth Cremeans
  ➣ Age 60 (Apr 1963)
  ➣ Latoynia Harvey
  ➣ Age 56 (Nov 1966)
  ➣ Lewis Cremeans
  ➣ Age 95 (Mar 1928)
  ➣ Mary Cremeans
  ➣ Age 56 (Aug 1966)
  ➣ Melinda Cremeans
  ➣ Age 63 (Aug 1959)
  ➣ Ritchie Cremeans
  ➣ Age 49 (Aug 1973)
  ➣ Ronald Graham
  ➣ Age 63 (Aug 1959)
  ➣ Ruth Jay
  ➣ Age 62(Sep 1960)
     associates : 

   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 62(Sep 1960)
   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 37(Oct 1985)
   Melinda Durila - Age : 57
   Full name : Melinda A durila / Melinda A Poland 
   home address :
   259 Mcdowell Ln
   Canonsburg PA 15317
   Melinda A Durila is 57 years old and was born in December of 1965. Currently Melinda lives at the address 259 Mcdowell Ln, Canonsburg PA 15317.
   Melinda has lived at this Canonsburg, PA address for about 32 years, after moving in around October of 1990.
   Melinda previously lived at 133 W Walnut St, Washington PA 15301 for 31 years, starting in January of 1990.  Going further back, starting in March of 1988, Melinda lived at 117 Ridge Ave, Washington PA 15301 for 22 years.
   It is likely that Melinda Durila is married to 64 year old Danny L Poland SR, and they have lived together in at least 9 different locations.
   The following people are relatives or close associates Chris Durila(31), Christopher Durila(37), Cindy Jay(62), Jason Poland(29), Jessica Kerchner(32),
   Merinda Durila(40), Nickoles Durila(29), Norma Poland(87), Robert Durila(63) and Amanda Poland(39).
   Melinda's current phone number is (724) 263-7984. 
   This Wireless number was issued by 'New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL', first reported in public records on November of 1990. Past phone numbers for Melinda include
   (724) 207-3883, (724) 222-6118 and (724) 222-6181.
    Phone Numbers : 

   ➣ (724) 263-7984 (Primary Phone)
   ➣ Wireless
   ➣ New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL
   ➣ First reported November 1990
   ➣ (724) 207-3883
   ➣ Wireless
   ➣ New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL
   ➣ First reported November 1990
   ➣ (724) 222-6118
   ➣ Landline
   ➣ Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
   ➣ First reported November 1990
   ➣ (724) 222-6181
   ➣ Landline
   ➣ Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
   ➣ First reported May 2006
   ➣ (724) 207-3884
   ➣ Wireless
   ➣ New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL
   ➣ First reported September 2021
    Previous Addresses :

   ➣ 133 W Walnut St
   ➣ Washington PA 15301
   ➣ Washington County
   ➣ Recorded January 1990
   ➣ Home Phone: (724) 263-7984
   ➣ 117 Ridge Ave
   ➣ Washington County
   ➣ Recorded March 1988
   ➣ Danny Poland
   ➣ Age 64 (Feb 1959) - (SPOUSE)
   ➤ relatives :
   ➣ Chris Durila
   ➣ Age 31 (May 1991)
   ➣ Christopher Durila
   ➣ Age 37 (Oct 1985)
   ➣ Cindy Jay
   ➣ Age 62 (Feb 1961)
   ➣ Jason Poland
   ➣ Age 29 (Oct 1993)
   ➣ Jessica Kerchner
   ➣ Age 32 (Aug 1990)
   ➣ Merinda Durila
   ➣ Age 40 (Feb 1983)
   ➣ Nickoles Durila
   ➣ Age 29 (Aug 1993)
   ➣ Norma Poland
   ➣ Age 87 (May 1935)
   ➣ Robert Durila
   ➣ Age 63 (Feb 1960)
   ➣ Amanda Poland
   ➣ Age 39 (Aug 1983)
   ➣ Amanda Poland
   ➣ Ashley Ritchea
   ➣ Age 29 (Aug 1993)
   ➣ Barbara Poland
   ➣ Age 72 (Jun 1950)
   ➣ Barbara Poland
   ➣ Age 73 (Jan 1950)
   ➣ Benjamin Kerchner
   ➣ Age 35 (Jan 1988)
   ➣ Bryant Poland
   ➣ Age 52 (Feb 1971)
   ➣ Chantelle Poland
   ➣ Age 49 (Sep 1973)
   ➣ Christine Jay
   ➣ Age 36 (Jan 1987)
   ➣ Cindy Irving
   ➣ Age 63 (Aug 1959)
   ➣ Danny Poland
   ➣ Age 78 (Nov 1944)
   ➣ David Kerchner
   ➣ Age 35 (Jan 1988)
   ➣ Erik Poland
   ➣ Age 47 (Dec 1975)
   ➣ Harvey Jay
   ➣ Age 62 (Mar 1961)
   ➣ Jay Harvey
   ➣ Age 58 (May 1964)
   ➣ Larry Cremeans
   ➣ Age 65 (Jun 1957)
   ➣ Melissa Durila
   ➣ Age 57 (Dec 1965)
   ➣ Michael Dolan
   ➣ Age 37 (Nov 1985)
   ➣ Penny Durila
   ➣ Age 54 (Mar 1969)
   ➣ Richard Jay
   ➣ Age 60 (Mar 1963)
   ➣ Ruth Jay
   ➣ Age 95 (Feb 1928)
   ➣ Ryan Poland
   ➣ Age 43 (Aug 1979)
   ➣ Scott Poland
   ➣ Age 50 (May 1972)
   ➣ Shawn Jay
   ➣ Age 37 (Apr 1986)
   ➣ Shawn Jay
   ➣ Age 37 (Apr 1986)
   ➣ Willie Smith
    Associate :

   ➣ Jackie Sulitz
   ➣ Age 52(Sep 1970)
   ➣ Shannon Fullerton - Age : 31
   ➣ Full name : Shannon Aubrey Fullerton 
   ➣ Home Address : 
   ➣ 259 Mcdowell Ln
   ➣ Canonsburg PA 15317
    Shannon R Fullerton is 31 years old and was born in December of 1991.
    Currently Shannon lives at the address 259 Mcdowell Ln, Canonsburg PA 15317. 
    Shannon has lived at this Canonsburg, PA address for about 2 years, after moving in around May of 2021.
    ➣ Home info : 

   ➣ 2 Beds | 1 Bath | 918 SqFt. | Built in 1930
   ➣ Estimated Value
   ➣ $141,000
   ➣ Estimated Equity
   ➣ $66,611
   ➣ Last Sale Date
   ➣ 2013-11-27
   Relatives :

   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 31 (May 1991)
   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 37 (Oct 1985)
   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 62 (Sep 1960)
   ➣ Bethany Malveaux
   ➣ Age 52 (Apr 1971)
   ➣ Harry Fullerton
   ➣ Age 101 (Oct 1921)
   ➣ Jennifer Carlin
   ➣ Age 51 (Oct 1971)
   ➣ Margaret Fullerton
   ➣ Age 103 (Jul 1919)
   ➣ Rebecca Dalton
   ➣ Age 42 (Jul 1980)
   ➣ Robert Fullerton
   ➣ Age 72 (Mar 1951)
   ➣ Ruth Fullerton
   ➣ Age 98 (May 1925)
   ➣ Shannon Fullerton
   ➣ Age 31 (Dec 1991)
   ➣ Sharon Egleston
   ➣ Age 70 (Jun 1952)
   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 37 (Oct 1985)
   ➣ Sheila Fullerton
   ➣ Age 62 (Sep 1960)
   ➣ Sherry Osborn
   ➣ Age 71 (Jul 1951)
   ➣ William Fullerton
   ➣ Age 31 (Dec 1991)
   ➣ William Fullerton
   ➣ Age 103 (Oct 1919)
   ➣ William Fullerton
   ➣ Age 27 (Aug 1995)
   ➣ Alan Egleston
   ➣ Age 60 (Dec 1962)
   ➣ Antonio Malveaux
   ➣ Age 49 (Apr 1974)
   ➣ Carolyn Russell
   ➣ Age 42 (Dec 1980)
   ➣ Constance Morris
   ➣ Age 70 (Mar 1953)
   ➣ Edward Drewett
   ➣ Age 42 (Nov 1980)
   ➣ George Carlin
   ➣ Age 90 (Oct 1932)
   ➣ George Carlin
   ➣ Age 62 (Nov 1960)
   ➣ James Osborn
   ➣ Age 82 (May 1941)
   ➣ Jeremy Hunter
   ➣ Age 49 (May 1974)
   ➣ Joyce Carlin
   ➣ Age 87 (Jan 1936)
   ➣ Keith Carlin
   ➣ Age 59 (Apr 1964)
   ➣ Leon Egleston
   ➣ Age 49 (Feb 1974)
   ➣ Leon Egleston
   ➣ Age 109 (Jul 1913)
   ➣ Leon Egleston
   ➣ Margaret Fullerton
   ➣ Age 103 (Jul 1919)
   ➣ Mary Fullerton
   ➣ Age 76 (Mar 1947)
   ➣ Matthew Dalton
   ➣ Age 42 (Apr 1981)
   ➣ Meghan Fullerton
   ➣ Melissa Williams
   ➣ Age 44 (Jul 1978)
   ➣ Patrick Carlin
   ➣ Sean Fullerton
   ➣ Age 37 (Dec 1985)
   ➣ Tonya Clark
   ➣ Age 50 (Jun 1972)
   ➣ Autumn Cunningham - Age : 29
   Full name : Autumn Lynn Cunningham 

   Autumn L Cunningham is 29 years old and was born in February of 1994. Currently Autumn lives at the address 177 County Road 7, Clifton Springs NY 14432. Autumn has lived at this Clifton Springs, NY address for about 5 years, after moving in around March of 2018.
   Autumn previously lived at 259 Mcdowell Ln, Canonsburg PA 15317 for 1 year, starting in December of 2014.
   Going further back, starting in May of 2014, Autumn lived at 384 Pumpkin Hollow Rd, Georgetown PA 15043 for 8 years.
   Autumn's current phone number is (724) 573-4502. This Landline number was issued by 'Verizon Pennsylvania Inc', first reported in public records on October of 2015.
   Past phone numbers for Autumn include (215) 512-1455 and (724) 630-4991. The primary email address for Autumn is albabycat@hotmail.com.
    Home info :
   ➤ Bedrooms
   ➤ 2
   ➤ Bathrooms
   ➤ 1
   ➤ Square Feet
   ➤ 1,017
   ➤ Year Built
   ➤ 1962
   ➤ Estimated Value
   ➤ $164,000
   ➤ Estimated Equity
   ➤ $67,787
   ➤ Last Sale Amount
   ➤ $108,500
   ➤ Last Sale Date
   ➤ 2016-07-22
   ➤ Occupancy Type
   ➤ Owner Occupied
   ➤ Ownership Type
   ➤ Individual
   ➤ Land Use
   ➤ Single Family Residential
   ➤ Residential
    Phone Numbers :

   ➤ (724) 573-4502 (Primary Phone)
   ➤ Landline
   ➤ Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
   ➤ First reported October 2015
   ➤ (215) 512-1455
   ➤ Wireless
   ➤ New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
   ➤ (724) 630-4991
   ➤ Wireless
   ➤ Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - PA
   ➤ First reported April 2021
   Previous addresses :

  ➤ 259 Mcdowell Ln
  ➤ Canonsburg PA 15317
  ➤ Washington County
  ➤ Recorded December 2014
  ➤ 384 Pumpkin Hollow Rd
  ➤ Georgetown PA 15043
  ➤ Beaver County
  ➤ Recorded May 2014
  ➤ 108 Greenville Ave, Unit 1C
  ➤ Clarion PA 16214
  ➤ Clarion County
  ➤ Recorded October 2015
  ➤ 108 Greenville Ave, Unit 1A
  ➤ Clarion PA 16214
  ➤ Clarion County
  ➤ Recorded May 2015
  ➤ 177 County Road 7
  ➤ Clifton Spgs NY 14432
  ➤ Ontario County
  ➤ Recorded January 2019
   Relatives : 

  ➤ Adam Cunningham
  ➤ Age 26 (May 1996)
  ➤ Daniel Cunningham
  ➤ Age 55 (Apr 1968)
  ➤ Danny Cunningham
  ➤ Age 73 (Aug 1949)
  ➤ Rebecca Cunningham
  ➤ Age 51 (Dec 1971)
  ➤ Sarah Cunningham
  ➤ Age 51 (Jun 1971)
  ➤ Virginia Cunningham
  ➤ Age 72 (Aug 1950)
  ➤ Alan Vaughn
  ➤ Age 51 (Mar 1972)
  ➤ Christine Toalston
  ➤ Age 51 (Nov 1971)
  ➤ Deborah Kuykendall
  ➤ Age 75 (Dec 1947)
  ➤ Deetta Cunningham
  ➤ Age 89 (Jul 1933)
  ➤ Della Vaughn
  ➤ Age 100 (Apr 1923)
  ➤ Donald Toalston
  ➤ Age 41 (Aug 1981)
  ➤ Donald Toalston
  ➤ Age 42 (Jan 1981)
  ➤ Donald Toalston
  ➤ Age 63 (Aug 1959)
  ➤ Helen Vaughn
  ➤ Age 73 (Mar 1950)
  ➤ Janet Fussenegger
  ➤ Age 57 (Jan 1966)
  ➤ Jennifer Burgess
  ➤ Age 50 (Nov 1972)
  ➤ Jennifer Jones
  ➤ Age 39 (Oct 1983)
  ➤ Jennifer Vaughn
  ➤ Age 47 (Sep 1975)
  ➤ Jennilee Schaub
  ➤ Age 41 (Dec 1981)
  ➤ John Toalston
  ➤ Age 54 (Oct 1968)
    associates : 

   ➤ Ellen Finucane
   ➤ Age 35(Jun 1987)
   ➤ Nathan Marcy
   ➤ Age 32(Jan 1991)

    Craig Morrow - Age : 42
   ➤ Full name : Craig L morrow 
   ➤ Home address : 
   ➤ 680 E Beau St, Unit 34
   ➤ Washington PA 15301

    Craig Morrow is 42 years old and was born in April of 1981. Currently Craig lives at the address 680 E Beau St, Unit 34, Washington PA 15301. 
    Craig has lived at this Washington, PA address for about 12 years, after moving in around September of 2010. Craig previously lived at 259 Mcdowell Ln, Canonsburg PA 15317, starting in April of 2011.
    home info :

   ➤ Occupancy Type
   ➤ Non-Owner Occupied
   ➤ Ownership Type
   ➤ Individual
   ➤ Land Use
   ➤ Commercial (General)
   ➤ Property Class
   ➤ Commercial
   ➤ Lot SqFt.
   ➤ 29,534
    previous address :
   ➤ 259 Mcdowell Ln
   ➤ Canonsburg PA 15317
   ➤ Washington County
   ➤ Recorded April 2011
   |➣ extra /!   
  ➤ Girlfriend first name - Natalia / Natalie
  ➤ Girlfriends last name - Woods
  ➣ (unconfirmed) Mother ~ Merinda Durila : age ~ 40 +
  ➣ (awaiting info) Father ~ 
   ⸸  ASSOCIATE // 

   ➤ ???????????????????? ???????????????? ~ ???????????????????????? 
   ➤ alias - Injected , sequel , narcissist , dispise. 
   ➤ ???????????????????? # - ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????? 
   Data breaches : 

   ➣ IP Address: :  Name :  Cammi Knapp 
   ➣ email : amused.blossom@gmail.com - (1)

   ➣ Email : Cammik@yahoo.com

   ➣ Lastip :
   ➣ Tappahannock, Virginia, United States
   ➣ Full name : Cammi Knapp
   ➣ Username : cammi-knapp-b1b37bbb
   ➣ Username : Cammiknapp
   ➣ kandy1234568@gmail.com
   ➣ Username : cammi_knapp
   ➣ Hash$2a$10$efOg2.e433o9HiYzPQgMPujxwQ4uH0z/Fhq/yJDP3XcGHi.0Zl2wy
   ➣ Full name : Name Cammi Knapp=
   ➣ Id_oid56df66657bf9aebcc00f8649
   ➣ Aggregates_id_oid56df66667bf9aebcc00f8655
   ➣ Created_at_date1457481317143
   ➣ Devices_0
   ➣ and1:216cafd3bd1eb08a
   ➣ Passwd_upd_at_date : 1457481317227
   ➣ Id : 33048269
   ➣ Userid : 70600898
   ➣ Regdate
   ➣ 2010-06-12
   ➣ Gender : f (female)
   ➣ Full Name : Cammi Knapp
   ➣ City : Rochester
   ➣ United States
   ➣ Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/cammiknapp
   ➣ Job :  401k participant Advisor 2
   ➣  Company :  Paychex
   ➣ amused.blossom@gmail.com

   ➣ Username : amusedbloss0m
   ➣ Lastip :
   ➣ Du Quoin, Illinois, United States
   ➣ Name : Simply cammi
   ➣ 2016-10-10 20:36:55
   ➣ 2016-10-10 20:45:24
   ➣ 2016-10-11 03:36:55
   ➣ additional IP information.

   ➣ Host-name: 108-175-244-108-175-244-94.cpe.sparklight.net
   ➣ Internet Protocol: IPv4 - IP Version 4
   ➣ Types: Public
   ➣ IP Classes Class A Range 
   |➣ Address information /!

   ➤ Street name - Grand St, Benton, IL 62812
   ➤ Address # 712 Grand St
   ➤ pictures of house ???? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1074421141692743743/1074428856905252935/image.png
   ➤ (awaiting info) Past addresses  
   ➣ Note : I will be collecting more information very soon.
  |➣ social media accounts/!

   ➤ ???????????????????????????? : dispise#5349 [NEW] narcissist#1337 [old] 
   ➤ Discord id : 1014019721936502804
   ➤ Socials : https://feds.lol/8 [new]  feds.lol/nar [old]
   ➤ twitter : https://twitter.com/injected5m
   ➤ tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@injected5m
   ➤ Phone information /!

   ➤ Mobile-PN: ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????? (Voip)
   ➤ ???????????????????? # - + 1 ( 813 - 607 - 5230 ) . ( located in Tampa FL ./ not his # but someone he knows. ) - might try & find more info on this #.
   ➤ PHONE TYPE: Wireless
   ⸸  ASSOCIATE // 
   ➣ First name : Chazz / Chaz
   ➣ Last name : ford-vord
   ➣ middle name : unknown at this time
   ➣ nickname / alias : Chazy : chazy1x : packed/up : re/tarded : no/bitches 300/pounds 
   ➣ birth date : May 18, 06 / 07 / may 19, 06 / 07 may 10, 06 / 07
   ➣ Additional Information
   ➣ Age : 16 
   ➣ Gender : male
   ➣ hair : brown
   ➣ race : black
     |➣ social media accounts/!

   ➣ Discord username : chazzy#0001 ~ (will be updated if changed ???? !! )
   ➣ Discord id: 659547100354314241 ~ (will be updated if changed ???? !! ) 
   ➣ account created : dec 25 2019
   ➣ Twitter : chazzy1x  https://twitter.com/chazzy1x 
   ➣ youtube : chazzy9204 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqD2qWw6wGIsFp13eqMxiw
   ➣ Twitch  : https://www.twitch.tv/chazzyfps
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