⊳ Age               : 16                                                          :
⊳ Discord Tag       : untalentiert#9766                                           : (Active)
⊳ Discord ID        : 671754805684862991                                          : (Active)
⊳ Twitch            : https://www.twitch.tv/raizieret                             : (Inactive)
⊳ Youtube           : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyfiqeht1lpmXi8b-uqlkXw    : (Inactive)
⊳ Minecraft-Username: daskrass                                                    :
⊳ Current Residence : Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany                                : https://www.land.nrw

♱ Reason:
⊳ Sucks his mom's tits all day long.
⊳ Stupid faggot, pls add him and spam the shit out of him. 
⊳ Calls Girls Mommy ingame and thinks he gets bitches.
⊳ Tells me to kill myself while literally being suicidal. LOL. Goofy ass nigga