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                                   █  ██ Intro / Reason ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x00  ║  ██  █
                                                                                              Insulting the innocent, bullying the weak. Abuse of authority
                                   █  ██ Personal Id    ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x01  ║  ██  █

                                                            Basic Info
                                                            | Aliases : Fanta
                                                            | Real Name : Pavel Sergeev
                                                            | Gender : Male
                                                            └ Age : 17 (H)

                                                            | Latitude : 52.434890
                                                            | Longtitude : 30.975206
                                                            └ Address : 246014, Belarus, Gomel region, Gomel, Petrovskogo str., house 61

                                                            Phone Numbers
                                                            └ +3752590*****

                                   █  ██ Parent's info  ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x02  ║  ██  █
                                                            Father Basic Info
                                                            | Aliases : None
                                                            | Real Name : Stas Sergeev
                                                            └ Age : ?

                                                            Phone Numbers
                                                            └ ?

                                                            Mother Basic Info
                                                            | Aliases : None
                                                            | Real Name : Anna Sergeevna
                                                            └ Age : ?

                                                            Phone Numbers 
                                                            └ +3752915*****

                                   █  ██ House info     ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x03  ║  ██  █
                                                            House type
                                                            └ Private house
                                                            └ None

                                                            └ Petrovskogo street

                                   █  ██ IP-add. info   ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x04  ║  ██  █
                                                          IP Info
                                                            | as(-n): "AS6697",
                                                            | provider: "Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom",
                                                            | domain: "none",
                                                            └ service: "https://mm-211-45-121-178.gomel.dynamic.pppoe.byfly.by",

                                                              ISP Info 
                                                              | address: "1, Lenina av.,",
                                                              | country: "Belarus",
                                                              | email: "ripe@gomel.beltelecom.by",
                                                              | name: "Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom",
                                                              | network: "AS6697",
                                                              └ phone: "lir@belpak.by",
                                   █  ██ Extra info     ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x05  ║  ██  █

                                                            Creators Of Dox
                                                            | th3p1xyyxqw :: https://t.me/th3p1xyyxqw = {exOnion Owner} [Main Doxer]
                                                            | IIcux :: https://t.me/aPeCToBaHHuu_IIcux = [Main Doxer]
                                                            | Text :: https://t.me/Text_da = [IP-Address Maker]
                                                            | Hit LLer :: Hidded = [Assistant]
                                                            | NonHuman :: Hidded = [Assistant] 
                                                            | PsychoHuman :: Hidded = [Assistant] 
                                                            | ToxicGirl :: Hidded = [???]
                                                            | PedophileHunter :: Hidded = [???] 
                                                            └ FixTheworld :: Hidded = [???]

                                                            Format from 
                                                            └ IIcux
                                                            exOnion Studios
                                                            └ https://t.me/exOnion