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  Cute criminal history of yours, Goaty2. People like you who makes their role-player
  status a personality are not needed here. Welcome to Doxbin retard. ^-^  

                                        ║  ║  [ BASIC INFORMATION ] ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ║
                                                              »  Picture.......................... https://files.catbox.moe/vmw9pp.png 	
                                                                    Club hookup pic with GF :3
                                                              »  Name............................. Matthew David Fenimore
                                                                  »  ............................. "Goaty2", "grenegublin", 
                                                              »  Age.............................. 23
                                                              »  Date of Birth.................... 2001-10-21
                                                              »  Location......................... ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA UNITED STATES
                                                              »  Race............................. AMERICAN
                                                              »  Sexual Orientation............... BI-SEXUAL
                                                              »  Native Language.................. US ENGLISH
                                                              »  Additional Information........... ROBLOX CLAN LEADER FAG >.<
                                                                  »  Gender....................... MALE

                                        ║  ║  [ PERSONAL INFORMATION ] ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ║
                                                              »  Internet Service Provider........ AS701 Verizon Business
                                                              »  Area Code........................ 703
                                                              »  Mobile Phone Number.............. (703) 535-5901
                                                │   │──│ Registered to............. Matthew David Fenimore
                                                │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon Virginia, Landline
                                                │   │──│ Location.................. Alexandria, VA
                                                │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                                │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                              »  Current Address.................. 9320 Ludgate Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309, USA [Farfax County] (SWATTED) |----| Mar 2000 - Feb 2024 
                                                                * First and only address placed on his DoorDash account. Last order made at Nov 1st of 2022 from McDonalds. 
                                                                Was that double pounder burger combo delicious, Matthew? *
                                                              »  Prior Addresses:
                                                │   │──│ 1200 N Veitch St Apt 1601 Arlington, VA 22201 |----| Dec 1991 - May 2012
                                                │   │──│ 18743 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874 |----| Aug 1981 - Sep 2009
                                                                  »  Postal Code.................. 22309
                                                                  »  Email Address................ fenimorematthew@gmail.com │ ─ Connected 
                                                │   │──│ zynga.com
						│   │──│ poshmark.com
						│   │──│ twitter.com
						│   │──│ myfitnesspal.com
                                                       │   │──│ Recovery |----| (+1) ••• •••-••80
                                                                  »  Estimated Remaining Mortgage:
                                                │   │──│ Loan 1 |----| $164,121 01/07/2022

                                                                  »  Internet Protocol v4/ IPv6...
                                                                  »  Timezone..................... Eastern Standard Time [EST]

                                                                      ➤ Neighbours:
                                                                  » Name: Johnny Hyunwoo Kim
                                                                  » Age: 41
                                                                  » Lives in: Alexandria, Virginia
                                                                  » Address: 9316 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309 │   │──│ Jan 1993 - Jan 2024

                                                                  » Name: Jodi T Glaslow
                                                                  » Lives in: Alexandria, Virginia
                                                                  » Address: 9314 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309 │   │──│ May 1993 - Dec 2023
                                                                  » Name: Mary Lou McEwan
                                                                  » Age: 63
                                                                  » Lives in: Alexandria, Virginia
                                                                  » Address: 9319 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309 │   │──│ Nov 1993 - Dec 2023

                                        ║  ║  [ PROPERTY INFORMATION ] ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ║
                                                              »  Property Address................. 9320 Ludgate Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309, USA
                                                              »  Total Square Footage............. 4,248                  
                                                              »  Number of Stories................ 2
                                                              »  Year Built....................... 1992
                                                              »  Class............................ Conventional House
                                                              »  Total finished areas............. 4,248 Sq Ft
                                                              »  Garage........................... 614 Sq Ft
                                                              »  Total room count................. 9
                                                              »  Bedrooms......................... 4
                                                              »  Bathrooms........................ 5
                                                              »  Land use......................... Single Family Residence
                                                              »  Assessed Value as of 2023:
                                                │   │──│ Land Value |----| $451,000
                                                │   │──│ Improvements |----| $720,590
                                                │   │──│ Total Value |----| $1,171,590

                                        ║  ║  [ CRIMINAL RECORDS ] █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ║
                                                                  ➤ POSS MARIJUANA
                                                              » Court Date........................ 25/06/2019
                                                              » Date of Offense................... 25/08/2018
                                                              » Court Case Number................. CR19M01319-00
                                                              » Court Case Description............ CIRCUIT
                                                              » Court Disposition................. DISMISSED    
                                                              » Court Offense..................... POSS MARIJUANA
                                                              » Court Statute..................... 18.2-250.1

                                                                  ➤ POSS MARIJUANA
                                                              » Date of Offense................... 25/08/2018
                                                              » Court Case Number................. GC19001814-00
                                                              » Court Case Description............ RICHMOND CITY GD - TRAF
                                                              » Court Disposition................. DISMISSED    
                                                              » Court Offense..................... POSS MARIJUANA
                                                              » Court Statute..................... 18.2-250.1

                                                                  ➤ POSS MARIJUANA
                                                              » Date of Offense................... 26/05/2018
                                                              » Court Case Number................. GT18008857-00
                                                              » Court Case Description............ SUSSEX COMBINED
                                                              » Court Disposition................. PREPAID
                                                              » Court Offense..................... 67/45 SP
                                                              » Court Statute..................... 18.2-250.1
                                                              » Court Costs....................... $6,100
                                                              » Court Fines....................... $13,200

                                                                  ➤ MATTHEW DAVID FENIMORE
                                                              » Offender's Address: 9320 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309
                                                              » Location: NC
                                                              » Court Case Number: 2602018CR 700866
                                                              » Court Disposition: DISPOSED
                                                              » Court Offense: NOT SPECIFIED

                                                                  ➤ OBSTRUCT/RESIST: THREAT/FORCE
                                                              » Date of Offense: 28/01/2018
                                                              » Court Case Number: GC18000840-00
                                                              » Court Case Description: SALEM COMBINED
                                                              » Court Disposition: DISMISSED Status: ADJUDICATORY
                                                              » Court Offense: OBSTRUCT/RESIST: THREAT/FORCE
                                                              » Court Statute: 18.2-460
                                                              » Court Costs: $7,600

                                                                  ➤ PUBLIC SWEARING/INTOXICATION
                                                              » Date of Offense: 28/01/2018
                                                              » Court Case Number: GC18000841-00
                                                              » Court Case Description: SALEM COMBINED
                                                              » Court Disposition: DISMISSED Status: ADJUDICATORY
                                                              » Court Offense: OBSTRUCT/RESIST: THREAT/FORCE
                                                              » Court Statute: 18.2-460
                                                              » Court Costs: $1,500
                                        ║  ║  [ SOCIAL MEDIA INFORMATION ] ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ║
                                                                  »  Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattfenimore/ | https://files.catbox.moe/pyzs32.png
                                                                  »  Discord: @grenegublin (472996923213611018)
                                                │   │──│ Creation Date |----| Jul 29, 2018
                                                │   │──│ Badges |----| None
                                                                  »  Roblox: grenegublin (Subject to Change)
                                                │   │──│ https://www.roblox.com/users/6231537/profile
                                                │   │──│ User ID |----| 6231537
                                                │   │──│ Creation Date |----| 1/24/2010
                                                │   │──│ Place Visits |----| 9,354
                                                │   │──│ Previous Usernames |----| "Goaty2", "Reset2050641", "Reset2050666", "KingAkeemAbdullah", "Goaty2", "grenegublin", "Goaty2", 'grenegublin"
                                                │   │──│ Roblox Groups |----| https://www.roblox.com/groups/2884614/Outlaw-Posse#!/affiliates

                                        ║  ║  [ FAMILY INFORMATION ] █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ║
                                                                  ➤ [FATHER] Name.................... David L Fenimore
                                                              » Current Address.................. 9320 Ludgate Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309, USA [Farfax County] |----| Mar 2000 - Feb 2024 
                                                              » Prior Addresses:
                                                │   │──│ 1200 N Veitch St Apt 1601 Arlington, VA 22201 |----| Dec 1991 - May 2012
                                                │   │──│ 18743 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874 |----| Aug 1981 - Sep 2009
                                                │   │──│ 9320 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309 |----| Mar 2000 - Feb 2024
                                                │   │──│ 1200 Veitch St Apt 1601, Arlington, VA 22201
                                                │   │──│ 18743 Summer Oak Ct, Germantown, MD 20874
                                                │   │──│ 2709 Arlington Blvd Apt 202, Arlington, VA 22201
                                                │   │──│ 1200 Veitch St Apt 443, Arlington, VA 22201
                                                │   │──│ 25 Broad St Apt 14C, New York, NY 10004
                                                │   │──│ 25 Broadway Fl 18, New York, NY 10004
                                                │   │──│ 632 Kings Cloister Cir Alexandria, VA 22302 |----| Oct 2001 - Apr 2009
                                                │   │──│ 25 Broad St Apt 14C New York, NY 10004	|----| Dec 1997 - Mar 2002

                                                                  » Past Occupations: 
                                                │   │──│ Staff Officer - ARMY Staff officer
                                                │   │──│ Global Lead of Jpmim Equity Ad
                                                │   │──│ DELOITTE - Senior Manager
                                                │   │──│ Ddlin, Inc - Chief Executive

                                                                  » Prior numbers:
                                                ➤ (202) 320-7965
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... New Cingular Wireless PCS, Cell Number
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Washington, DC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (202) 285-0107
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... New Cingular Wireless PCS, Cell Number
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Washington, DC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (903) 647-8338
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless, Cell Number
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Denison, TX
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (513) 255-0127
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless, Cell Number
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Oxford, OH
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (202) 285-8501
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... New Cingular Wireless PCS, Cell Number
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Washington, DC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (202) 641-7605
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... AT&T Local, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Washington, DC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (312) 486-1000
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Mci Worldcom Communications, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Chicago, IL
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (714) 436-7409
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Pacific Bell, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Santa Ana, CA
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (201) 868-7154
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon New Jersey, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Union City, NJ
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (212) 681-6811
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon New York, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. New York, NY
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (703) 535-5901 (Active Landline)
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon Virginia, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Alexandria, VA
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (301) 972-5090
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon Maryland, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Gaithersburg, MD
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (312) 946-2600
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Ameritech Illinois, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Chicago, IL
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (202) 641-7664
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. David L Fenimore
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... AT&T Local, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Washington, DC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                                  »  Email Addresses:
                                                │           │──│ dfenimore@gmail.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••67
                                                        │   │──│ lin_david@hotmail.com │ ─ Connected 
                                                │   │──│ linkedin.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••70
                                                        │   │──│ david.fenimore@yahoo.com │ ─ Connected 
                                                │   │──│ yahoo.com  
                                                │   │──│ edmodo.com
                                                │   │──│ zynga.com
						│   │──│ adobe.com
						│   │──│ sharethis.com
						│   │──│ myfitnesspal
						│   │──│ twitter.com 
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (9••) •••-••33 
                                                    │   │──│ lin_david@yahoo.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••59
                                                    │   │──│ lindavid@hotmail.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••95
                                                    │   │──│ jgallukc10@aol.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••30
                                    │   │──│ Recovery (2).............. (312) 486-1000

                                                                  »  Social Media Account: (Twitter) https://twitter.com/87gatorgirl/

                                                                     ➤ [MOTHER] Name.................... Mary E Brock (Deceased at age ~84 on Oct 2023) 😭😭💀
                                                              » Also goes by: Michele C Brock, Michelle C Brock, Michele Brock Fenimore, Michelle B Fenimore, Michelle C Fenimore, Fenimore Michele Brock
                                                              » Prior Addresses:
                                                │   │──│ 557 Crepe Myrtle Path Pinopolis, SC 29469 |----| Oct 2013 - Jul 2020
                                                │   │──│ 569 Crepe Myrtle Path Pinopolis, SC 29469 |----| Aug 2012 - Apr 2013
                                                │   │──│ 9320 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309    Mar 2000 - Feb 2024
                                                │   │──│ 632 Kings Cloister Cir Alexandria, VA 22302    Oct 2001 - Apr 2009
                                                │   │──│ 25 Broad St Apt 14C New York, NY 10004    Dec 1997 - Mar 2002
                                                │   │──│ 2317 Dinwiddie St, Arlington, VA 22207
                                                │   │──│ 1200 Veitch St Apt 1601, Arlington, VA 22201
                                                │   │──│ 1200 Veitch St Apt 443, Arlington, VA 22201
                                                │   │──│ 717 Bond St, Baltimore, MD 21231
                                                                  » Past Occupations: 
                                                │   │──│ International Business Machines Corporation Consultant Advanced
                                                │   │──│ IBM Senior Consultant

                                                                 » Prior numbers:
                                                ➤ (843) 753-3311	
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. Mary E Brock
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Home Telephone Co. Sc, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Cross, SC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (843) 870-4253
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. Mary E Brock
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon Wireless (vaw), Cell Number
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Charleston, SC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                                  »  Email Addresses:
                                                    │   │──│ vgmebrock@yahoo.com (Inactive)
                                                    │   │──│ michele.brock.fenimore@us.ibm.com
                                                    │   │──│ hesikw@bellsouth.net │ ─ Connected 
                                                │   │──│ zynga.com
                                                    │   │──│ misty.klapper@yahoo.com
                                                    │   │──│ fenimores@verizon.net │ ─ Connected 
                                                │   │──│ edmodo.com
						│   │──│ adobe.com
						│   │──│ sharethis.com
						│   │──│ myfitnesspal
						│   │──│ twitter.com 
                                                    │   │──│ david.fenimore@yahoo.com │ ─ Connected 
                                                │   │──│ yahoo.com  
                                                │   │──│ edmodo.com
                                                │   │──│ zynga.com
						│   │──│ adobe.com
						│   │──│ sharethis.com
						│   │──│ myfitnesspal
						│   │──│ twitter.com 

                                                                  »  Social Media Account: (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmichele.fenimore
                                                                     ➤ [GRANDFATHER/UNCLE (?)] Name.................... Michael Glenn Brock
                                                              » Age: 63
                                                              » Prior Addresses:
                                                │   │──│ 25403 Rowland Rd Locust, NC 28097 |----| Nov 2012 - Feb 2024
                                                │   │──│ 3228 Rheinwood Ct Matthews, NC 28105 |----| Jun 2009 - Aug 2014
                                                │   │──│ 4191 Roberta Rd, Concord, NC 28027

                                                                  »  Past Occupations: 
                                                │   │──│  Self Employed, M&A BROCK, INC.

                                                                  »  Prior numbers:
                                                ➤ (704) 485-5019	
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. Michael Glenn Brock
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Windstream Concord Telephone Inc, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Oakboro, NC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True
                                                ➤ (704) 486-1066
                                    │   │──│ Registered to............. Michael Glenn Brock
                                    │   │──│ Carrier................... Windstream Concord Telephone Inc, Landline
                                    │   │──│ Location.................. Oakboro, NC
                                    │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                    │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                                  »  Email Addresses:
                                                    │   │──│ amybrock11@gmail.com │ ─ Connected 
                                                  » common password: mikeamy22
                                                │   │──│ zeeroq.com
						│   │──│ mmgfusion.com
						│   │──│ myfitnesspal
						│   │──│ twitter.com 
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••73
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock22@cox.net
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock22@msn.com
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock11@att.net
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock22@aol.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••98
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock@theonramp.net
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock@theonramp.com
                                                    │   │──│ amygragg@netscape.net
                                                    │   │──│ mbrock@the-onramp.net

                                                                  »  Social Media Account: (Twitter) https://twitter.com/kcoleg13/
                                                ➤ Court/Criminal Traffic Stops:
                                                              » TRAFFIC / SPEEDING, 10 MPH OR LESS OVER THE SPEED LIMIT
                                                              » Location: SUMTER COUNTY, SC
                                                              » Court Case Number: 20192710013773
                                                              » Court Case Description: SUMTER MAGISTRATE
                                                              » Court Disposition: Disposition Not Provided by Source Status:PENDING
                                                              » Court Offense: TRAFFIC / SPEEDING, 10 MPH OR LESS OVER THE SPEED LIMIT

                                                                     ➤ [UNCLE/GRANDFATHER (?)] Name.................... Veston C Brock
                                                              » Age: 70
                                                              » Prior Addresses:
                                                │   │──│ 569 Crepe Myrtle Path Pinopolis, SC 29469
                                                │   │──│ 550 Mount Olivet Dr Pinopolis, SC 29469	
                                                │   │──│ 557 Crepe Myrtle Path Pinopolis, SC 29469	
                                                │   │──│ 210 Pierre Ct, Summerville, SC 29486
                                                │   │──│ 83 Pelham Hts, Anniston, AL 36206

                                                                  »  Past Occupations: 
                                                │   │──│  United States Air Force, Flight Engineer Chief Engineer
                                                ➤  Dates seen: May 1997 - Jul 1999

                                                                  »  Prior numbers:
                                                ➤ (843) 753-3311		
                                        │   │──│ Registered to............. Veston C Brock
                                        │   │──│ Carrier................... Home Telephone Co. Sc, Landline
                                        │   │──│ Location.................. Cross, SC
                                        │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                        │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                ➤ (843) 870-4253
                                        │   │──│ Registered to............. Veston C Brock
                                        │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon Wireless (vaw), Cell Number
                                        │   │──│ Location.................. Charleston, SC
                                        │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                        │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                                  »  Email Addresses:
                                                    │   │──│ vestonbrock1@gmail.com
                                                │   │──│ flexbooker.com
                                                │   │──│ ducks.org
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••13
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@hotmail.com
                                                  » common password: peterlemon                
                                                │   │──│ zeeroq.com
                                                │   │──│ myheritage.com
                                                │   │──│ ducks.org
                                                │   │──│ cafepress.com
                                                │   │──│ myspace.com
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@yahoo.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••26
                                                    │   │──│ vbrock@infoave.net
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@live.com
                                                    │   │──│ brock_c45@roadrunner.com
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@carolina.rr.com

                                                ➤ Court/Criminal Traffic Stops:
                                                              » CARELESS OPERATION; FINE < 99.
                                                              » Location: SC
                                                              » Court Date: 10/12/2001
                                                              » Court Case Number: SU742001002066
                                                              » Court Case Description: 1002
                                                              » Court Disposition: Status: NA
                                                              » Court Offense: CARELESS OPERATION; FINE < 99.

                                                ➤ SUSPENDED/UNREGISTER VEH LI
                                                              » Location: SC
                                                              » Court Date: 21/10/1999
                                                              » Court Case Number: SU681999003763
                                                              » Court Case Description: HP06
                                                              » Court Disposition: Status: NA
                                                              » Court Offense: SUSPENDED/UNREGISTER VEHICLE

                                                                     ➤ [GRANDMOTHER(?)] Name.................... Mary Teresa Fenimore
                                                              » Age: 76
                                                              » Prior Addresses:
                                                │   │──│ 18743 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874	
                                                │   │──│ 8 Lee Airpark Dr Edgewater, MD 21037	
                                                │   │──│ 110 N Washington St Ste 404 Rockville, MD 
                                                                     ➤ Neighbors:
                                                │   │──│ Jodi T Glaslow - 9314 Ludgate Dr Alexandria, VA 22309
                                                │   │──│ Alejandro Jose Castillo - 18741 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874
                                                │   │──│ Diana Judith Carrillo - 18739 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874
                                                │   │──│ Carlos Alexander Batres - 18739 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874
                                                │   │──│ Marie P Johnson - 18731 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874
                                                │   │──│ Amina Oluwayemisi Alogba - 18731 Summer Oak Ct Germantown, MD 20874
                                                │   │──│ Roocha Pankaj Patel - 2709 Arlington Blvd Apt 102 Arlington, VA 22201
                                                │   │──│ Manuel Rivera - 2709 Arlington Blvd Apt 102 Arlington, VA 22201```	

                                                                  »  Past Occupations: 
                                                │   │──│  United States Air Force, Flight Engineer Chief Engineer
                                                ➤  Dates seen: May 1997 - Jul 1999

                                                                  »  Prior numbers:
                                                ➤ (301) 972-5090	
                                        │   │──│ Registered to............. Mary Teresa Fenimore
                                        │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon Maryland, Landline
                                        │   │──│ Location.................. Gaithersburg, MD
                                        │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                        │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                ➤ (518) 458-1262
                                        │   │──│ Registered to............. Mary Teresa Fenimore
                                        │   │──│ Carrier................... Verizon New York, Landline
                                        │   │──│ Location.................. Albany, NY
                                        │   │──│ Timezone.................. ET
                                        │   │──│ Valid..................... True

                                                                  »  Email Addresses:
                                                    │   │──│ vestonbrock1@gmail.com
                                                │   │──│ flexbooker.com
                                                │   │──│ ducks.org
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••13
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@hotmail.com
                                                  » common password: peterlemon                
                                                │   │──│ zeeroq.com
                                                │   │──│ myheritage.com
                                                │   │──│ ducks.org
                                                │   │──│ cafepress.com
                                                │   │──│ myspace.com
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@yahoo.com
                                    │   │──│ Recovery.................. (•••) •••-••26
                                                    │   │──│ vbrock@infoave.net
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@live.com
                                                    │   │──│ brock_c45@roadrunner.com
                                                    │   │──│ thebrocksays@carolina.rr.com

                                                ➤ Court/Criminal Traffic Stops:
                                                              » CARELESS OPERATION; FINE < 99.
                                                              » Location: SC
                                                              » Court Date: 10/12/2001
                                                              » Court Case Number: SU742001002066
                                                              » Court Case Description: 1002
                                                              » Court Disposition: Status: NA
                                                              » Court Offense: CARELESS OPERATION; FINE < 99.

                                                ➤ SUSPENDED/UNREGISTER VEH LI
                                                              » Location: SC
                                                              » Court Date: 21/10/1999
                                                              » Court Case Number: SU681999003763
                                                              » Court Case Description: HP06
                                                              » Court Disposition: Status: NA
                                                              » Court Offense: SUSPENDED/UNREGISTER VEHICLE

                                                                                                                    The End.

                                              [X] jonas25 :3
