////// // ///// // // IGN(/s), EmeraldLordYT, MySQLi_Connect, 7753 # Current and past names. E-Mail(/s), qasaurof2b2t@gmail.com, a@tbttk()com. Domain(/s) owned by Emma, tbttk()com, 9b9t()shop. Emma is born in Romania, and is on Strada Erou Iancu Nicolae 101A, ilfov 077190. Age, 24. (MM/DD, 12/6) Jobs, (Job Desc) (Age started-Age left) 1, Software developer (9-18) 2, Ex Apple Employee (18-22) 3, Owns a few companies and factories in Romania. (23-NOW) Worth, US $112.32M* * = Told me that she is a shareholder, and it is valued at ~111m, where the company is worth approx US $1b * A quick calculation shows us that Emma owns 9% of a Corporation. Telephone number(/s), +1 716-320-0005. 1. Notes, Doxxed because she is a tranny, and shows off alot. 2. Notes, She had a TransferWise and a Raifisen Premium banking account, however the card was revoked afterwards. 5200 1230 0047 1356 12/23 747 Was able to spend about $30 grand worth of apple products. It might of been a corp account, and under her name, because she had no clue of someone using her cards. For the TransferWise, the card was frozen, and later on got revoked.