____   _____        ___   _ _____ _    _     _        ___  _____      _   _   _ _____ ___  ____  ______   __       |     calls himself 'Autopsy' but his real name is Teodor Narcis.
 |  _ \ / _ \ \      / / \ | |  ___/ \  | |   | |      / _ \|  ___|    / \ | | | |_   _/ _ \|  _ \/ ___\ \ / /       |
 | | | | | | \ \ /\ / /|  \| | |_ / _ \ | |   | |     | | | | |_      / _ \| | | | | || | | | |_) \___ \\ V /        |
 | |_| | |_| |\ V  V / | |\  |  _/ ___ \| |___| |___  | |_| |  _|    / ___ \ |_| | | || |_| |  __/ ___) || |         |     
 |____/ \___/  \_/\_/  |_| \_|_|/_/   \_\_____|_____|  \___/|_|     /_/   \_\___/  |_| \___/|_|   |____/ |_|         |     explanation: autopsy is a lonely 13yr old annoying embarrassing com boy with no friend
  .                   .                  .               .             .                                             |     me and autopsy dated in 2023 November, He has this obsessive kink where he doesnt
       .        .                                    .                            .          .           .            |    leave girls alone and keeps getting passed around like a little bitch, finally decided
    .                          .         .                      .             .                                       |    to make a comeback.
                  .               LOOL FATASS LARPING BITCH            .                                               |                           HOPE U SEE THIS CUNT!!!
      .               .                                                                     .                         |
                                    .             .                         .                               .         |
  _ __ ___  __ _ ___  ___  _ __                   |
 | '__/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \| '_ \                   |
 | | |  __/ (_| \__ \ (_) | | | |                 |             me and autopsy dated in 2023 November, He has this obsessive 
 |_|  \___|\__,_|___/\___/|_| |_|                |
 hes a com larp who extorts girls on the internet |
 no irl harm, only discord harm fatass larp the    |                                                             
 end is near.                                     |
IP:                                                               @manipulatingtrauma
CITY: Bucharest
COUNRTY: Romania
PHOTO OF ADDRESS: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53850809576/in/dateposted-public/
PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER: +40 730 152 992
EMBARRASSING SHIT:                                                                                                                                                               if u wanna know more add me on discord.
him sniping me in ROBLOX to lmk he wants me back: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53851248805/in/dateposted-ff/                                                             @manipulatingtrauma
him being obsessive x1: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53849922207/in/dateposted-ff/
him being obsessive x2: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53849922192/in/dateposted-ff/
him being obsessive x3: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53850814251/in/dateposted-ff/
him being obsessive x4: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53851250330/in/dateposted-ff/
him being the weird nigga he is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/201030463@N02/53850814241/in/dateposted-ff/                                                  