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 |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_| by: 
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|  |       |  |                                                                        (idgaf .i.)
the reason for DOX: Harasses women on discord, steals doxxing clans like a larp, got exposed by a nigga named fud
name: jacob ---

age: 20

born : 09/2002

phone number : ---
 IP Address    >   ---
 Country code  >   US
 Country       >   United States
 Date & Time   >   August 9, 2021, 1:38 pm
 Region code   >   NC
 Region        >   north carolina 
 City          >   Asheville
 Zip code      >   ---
 Time zone     >   America/carolina
 ISP           >  sprint
 Organization  >   ---
 ASN           >   ---
 Latitude      >   40.7055
 Longtitude    >   -74.0138
 Location      >   40.7055,-74.0138
social media :
  twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBagoDouche 72 Following
 youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJwoCqE2j3nC-WR4UP0ehQ
INSTAGRAM: @ThebagoDouche9001
discord : avmzoneᵏᵃˢᵏᵃʳ#0764
discord server : https://discord.gg/dH3W37qv
chat log*: "For an “asexual” you and your ‘friends’ love to talk about dick a lot… and draw dick… and mention dick… and use dick as an method 
of banter…
Maybe you aren’t truly an asexual and you just say that to be special? Mmmmmm."
"But to answer your question on my dick size...
It's a little longer then your life expectancy being a 4x4 and living alone with delusions." (talk with 16 yrs girl)
"Ok. I don’t care about minorities, or gays, or aliens, or leprechauns, or unicorns.
Happy? No? I also don’t care about your feelings."
"You guys love talking about dick size? Still longer then Tay’s life expectancy, being a whale and living alone.
Share these tweets with her server, and play with her clit and tell her how cool she is. Maybe you give her some money to pay that water bill she was begging about."
"I jerk it to her and retarded friends tears! The messages came so fast I had barely enough time to read them.
But I do love that you’re adding on to this with more, keep ‘em coming! I appreciate it! Ask Tay if I reminder her of her father?"
proof on hes twitter 
I'll come with information later, don't get away so easily |

email  1 : TheBagoDouche@gmail.com