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               _/                                       \|     |
              |               Akura doxxed                      <
              |_____.-._________              ____/|___________|
                                | * 6/10/22   |
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This doxx was bad but still
 █ Reasons + info on next doxx                                                                      █ MURDER  █
Akura been calling me harmless, and that i couldnt doxx her, the last doxx got deleted, Im going to make the doxx better
last time the doxx looked niggerish. My next doxx is cheyenne i got lots of leaks, name and info she got played by me 
thinking she could outsmart me lucky that i have 2 phones LMAO r.i.p Cheyenne.

 █ Basic Info                                                                                        █ CRYPTIC █
                      -First name: Alina
                      -Last name: ???
                      -DOB : 2006, 4 dec
                      -Address : Kleyerstraße 7560326 Frankfurt Germany    
                       -Ip :
                       [Latitude] 50.097
                       [Longitude] 8.63006

 █ Socials                                                                                           █ CRYPTIC █
Discord: akura#9200 
Tiktok: akurafwimmigrants
instagram: akurafwimmigrants

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