                                   - Contents of Dox -
                                 [0.1] - Reason of Dox
                                 [0.2] - Information on Antichrist
                                 [0.3] - Relatives
                                 [0.4] - Pictures
                                 [0.5] - Disorders
                                      Reason of Dox

    - Likes to act tough on the internet
    - Acts harmful but in reality is harmless
    - Larping as Antichrist
    - Fucked with the wrong people
    - Plays with girls their feelings
    - Cheating on me for four times
    - Leaking my information and shit

                                   Information on Antichrist

    - (Alias)(s).......... Drag0nLS / Antichrist / Intangir
    - (Full Name).......... Floyd Nicolas Fictoor
    - (Ethnicity).......... Dutch
    - (Date of Birth).......... 13th of February 1997
    - (Age).......... 24
    - (Country).......... The Netherlands    
    - (State).......... Haarlem
    - (Address).......... Van Baerlestraat 11, 2026 VP Haarlem, Netherlands
    - (Phone Number).......... +31 6 48381198
    - (Occupation).......... Fulltime worker at Tata Steel Beverwijk as facility worker
    - (Sexuality).......... Straight
    - (Social Media). . . . . Antichrist#1337 | IG: @poodleboat | IG: @c20f8e52 | Twitter: @antipeacesp | Facebook: Floyd Fictoor

    - (Mother's Full Name)........... Coby Kossen
    - (Mother's Address).......... Van Baerlestraat 11, 2026 VP Haarlem, Netherlands
    - (Phone Numbers).......... +31 6 11210513
    - (Pictures). . . . . . . . https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1541978302600922&set=a.225047304294035
    - (Social Media). . . . . https://www.facebook.com/gigliola.fictoor
                                Screenshots and pictures

    - https://ibb.co/WxTXKXT
    - https://ibb.co/J3NF6zw
    - https://ibb.co/mGS7XsX
    - https://ibb.co/t8b5m0j
    - https://ibb.co/NrVgpX3
    - https://ibb.co/3N0vkcP


- Has MCDD (Multiple Complex Developmental Disorder)
- Has Gilles de La Tourette in a light way
- Has psychosis
- Has PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified)
- Mom has also the same disorders because she let her son make a nude of her to send to her boyfriend in the UK (see [0.4]).

             I only remove this dox when you're going to talk to me on a normal way and don't be that shitty 
                 ass guy on the internet and tell me how sorry you am for doing everything u did to me.
I did everything for u, took care of u, didn't played u, be there for u, and all u did to me was cheat and making me feel worthless.
                                                    I loved u and I still do.


⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠻⣦⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⣿⣷⢈⣏⣴⣿⡥⠂⠀⠀⠀⢠⠼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿   ~ Antichrist doxxed by his ex gf <3