       .--.  .-'''-.  .--.
      /."".v'.-. .-.`v.""\\
      ||  / / O| | O\ \  ||    
      \\_/| \__| |__/ |\_//
       `-'\  .-n-n-.  /`-'
        _.-\/       \/-._  Sur l'eau elle flotte
      .'   (\`.___.'/)   `.  Comme belle corolle
     /      \`.___.'/      `.  Offerte à Bouddha
    /        `.___.'         \  Dont le trône est parfois
    |     |             \     \  Un beau lotus doré
    |     |   .      .  |\     \
    |     |             | \     \
     \     \            |  \     \
      \     \           |.' `.    \
       `.    \         .'     `.   \
  _.._   `.   `-. ___ /        /`.  `.
'    "-._|`\    `.__)       .'  /    `.
|         `-.\     \/      .'   / /\  )|\.
 \          _/ / /|/     .'    (_/ / / | \)
  `._      (__/_/-/   ..'         (_/| |\_)
     ``--._____.-(     `.            `-'
                  `--.   `.
                    (_/\ \\\


    Stupid kid that sucks virtual dicks 
    Also thinks he can do everything on 
    internet cuz he's "safe".


    • Discord: BSH#4220 (1057780831948656661)
    • BSHbv on telegram (changed name and @)
    • Actual: LElardon, t.me/LaLardon_A

        [Personal Information]

    • Full Name: Basile Varenne
    • Age: 18 (2004)
    • Instagram: @basile.vlo
    • Phone: +33 6 18 09 41 88
    • Location: Valenciennes, France

    • IP:
        - location: Hauts-de-France, France 
        - ISP: Orange

    • Emails:
        - basilaytb@gmail.com           (main)
        - tereapauline410@gmail.com     (ewho)
        - popolinetere@gmail.com        (ewho)
        - paulinetera@gmail.com         (ewho)


    • Brother:
        - Full Name: Anatole Varenne
        - Age: 16 (2006)
        - Location: Roubaix, France
        - School: ESAAT (https://www.esaat-roubaix.com/)

    • Brother social media:
        - Clash Royal: The-Totole (#9J28PJRQ)
        - Discord: AnatoleV#3159 (531539621197381663)
        - Skype: https://join.skype.com/invite/ogVlB1QFQr19
        • Instagram:
            - @anatole_vare
            - @anatolevarenne

    • Father:
        - Full Name: Yves Varenne
        - Instagram: @yvesvarenne

    • Mother:
        - Full Name: Monique Varenne
        - Instagram: @varennemonique

            [Bernaert Family]

    The Bernaert family is realy close to the Varenne
    family, so I included them here.
    Parents and childrens are close friends for a long time.

    • Mother:
        - Full Name: Philippine Bernaert
        - Insta: @philippine.bernaert

    • Kids:
        - Felix Bernaert (Insta: @felix.bernaert)
        - Eliott Bernaert (Insta: @eliott.bernaert)

    • Family Pic: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMIa9pZHDOM/


    • School: IAE FRANCE (https://www.iae-france.fr/ecoles/iae-valenciennes/)
    • Contact School:
        - Adress: IAE Valenciennes Rue Emile Loubat 59300 FAMARS
        - Mail: contact@iae-france.fr
        - Phone: +33 (0) 3 27 51 77 15

    [!] OUT OF DATE V: (2022 2eme Trimestre) [!]
        • Global Grade: 9.3/20

        • Math:
            - Teacher: M. Ledoux F.
            - Grade: 9.68/20
            - Rank: 7/20

        • Physique: 
            - Teacher: Mme Weksteen J.
            - Grade: 8.35/20
            - Rank: 11/21

        • Philosophy:
            - Teacher: Mme Thery V.

        • Geography:
            - Teacher: M. Furon Q.

        • English:
            - Teacher: Mme Pierkot O.

        • Missed Class:
            - 03 JAN 2022 15:20 -> 16:16
            - 16 DEC 2021 14:10 -> 15:05
            - 14 DEC 2021 16:20 -> 17:15
            - 13 DEC 2021 15:20 -> 16:15
            - 04 DEC 2021 08:00 -> 08:55
            - 16 NOV 2021 16:20 -> 17:15
            - 22 OCT 2021 15:20 -> 16:15


    • Discord:
        - BSH#4220 (1057780831948656661)
        - !Basilar#8048 (353535739679604737)
    • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Basilar
    • Telegram: https://t.me/LaLardon_A
    • Minecraft: basilar


    • Bedroom:
        - https://ibb.co/W2zrsvx
        - https://ibb.co/LJmzBMC
    • Him sleeping: https://ibb.co/QJCTwMX
    • Brother:
        - Feet Pic: https://ibb.co/Y3f64wz
        - Disguised: https://ibb.co/tXRv0h2

           [May Know / Friends]

    • Kais KHABZOUI
    • Hamza ZAOURI
    • Liliane       (Mother's friend)
    • Sabine        (Mother's friend)
    • Louisa59
