Ex's information.

First name: Tabitha
Last name: Barbier
Address: 31 Raleigh Dr, Palm Coast, Florida.

She lives with her mom and her sibling. She is 15 years old. She Kissed him at homecoming after she told me they were just friends. This woman hurt me.
I want to hurt her.

Best friends information.

First name: Matthew 
Last name: Taylor 
Address: 32 Randolph Dr, Palm Coast, Florida.

He lives with his dad and his dads girlfriend. He is 15 years old. He was my best friend before this. We always had each others backs after he did the 
thing with another ex from a few years prior to this one. We aren't friends anymore because of this.

I know they didnt do anything illegal or fucked up but it hurts me man. The two people that i was closest to backstabbed me and i have nobody to tell. 
I dont know how to get revenge so i came on this site for someone to help me because as you know theyre gone. So please someone do some fucked shit to 
both of their houses just so i can see the frown on their faces when they get fucked over like i did.