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He has refused to give atleast a few of the cents he scammed from the poor children back to them and refused to refund everyone he scammed. ────────────────────────────── › 0x1 : Personal Information ────────────────────────────── ♦ Full Name: Logan Pratt ♦ Age: 16 ♦ Birthdate: (not found yet) ♦ Born: USA, Massachusetts (Wareham, Massachusetts) ♦ Gender: Male ♦ IP: ♦ Country: US ♦ State: Massachusetts ♦ City: Wareham ♦ Street: 360 Marion Rd, Wareham, MA 02571 ♦ Ethnicity: White ♦ Phone Number: (not found yet, last 2 digits end with 02) ♦ Studied at: Auburn University ♦ Aliases: ╔────────────────╗ Blissful LunarRealist Lunar xbossplays BlissfulLSY blissful2x blissfuldev Squigger ╚────────────────╝ ♦ Face: ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ https://i.postimg.cc/R0FzKsBz/429834-492191727458268-1536807757-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/1z4Lf8Gm/859886-568170206527086-869964075-o.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/1RDbnhqq/11034243-1441775519447490-509698878898988537-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/NfYSRJ6P/11206888-997281230282646-946433265076624099-o.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/mk3n0Csw/116878415-658442818354567-7419259874062040377-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/fyQF256y/1797345-1088903417787093-1926822216616203189-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/vHzjhrX8/chrome-EPLPLo-S7-R0.png ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ (from when he was younger) ♦ Emails: ╔────────────────────────────────╗ blissfullsy@gmail.com blissfuldev@gmail.com loganpratt2008@gmail.com ╚────────────────────────────────╝ ────────────────────────────── › 0x2 : Family / Relatives ────────────────────────────── ♦ Mother: Sherrill Pratt › Birthdate: 25 May, 1972 › Age: 50 › Ethnicity: White › Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008765682386 › Country: USA › City: Plymouth › State: Massachusetts › Born: Plymouth, Massachusetts › Studied / graduated at: Plymouth - Carver Regional High School ♦ Sister: Lisa Prat › Birthdate: June 29 › Age: (not found) › Ethnicity: White › Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.pratt.526 › Country: USA › City: Wareham › State: Massachusetts › Studied / Graduated at: Warham High School › Born: (not found) › Face: ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ https://i.postimg.cc/prXFQMqB/13654395-10210040074867653-5437319385564688696-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/8cKrtXYg/13886972-10210040076147685-9068310075147544747-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/FszS7mfr/23032522-10214382527986267-2660505271620456532-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/FFDcr1HC/253474519-10226185740579205-1112648769375206448-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/CL2q8tDj/298413563-10227703631525530-4149092096421766403-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/cL88BmMP/34904627-10216153749025686-8763087933705027584-n.jpg ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ ♦ Brother: Barry Prat (not dad) › Birthdate: (not found) › Age: 25 › Ethnicity: White › Facebook: (not found) › Country: USA › City: Wareham › State: Massachusetts › Born: (not found) › Face: ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/q_LuS2ehlplbUeMIvMueikuJV_hlsN_03ba15Fs9oJk/%3Fid%3D3402%26sid%3D50ffda1ff533347ac8e657045032c0d7/https/www.mxpulse.com/board/download/file.php?width=576&height=432 https/www.mxpulse.com/board/download/file.php?width=576&height=432 https://i.postimg.cc/vHzjhrX8/chrome-EPLPLo-S7-R0.png https://i.postimg.cc/sD5c47P6/orig.png ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ ♦ Dad: Barry Prat Jr › Birthdate: (not found) › Age: 51 › Ethnicity: White › Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barry.pratt.18 › Country: USA › City: Plymouth › State: Massachusetts › Born: USA, Massachusetts (Wareham, Massachusetts) › Phone numbers: ╔──────────────────────────────╗ (508) 295-1805 - Landline (508) 746-3453 - Landline (580) 726-2157 - Landline (508) 237-2895 - Wireless (334) 271-6364 - Landline (508) 746-9197 - Landline (508) 747-2053 - Landline ╚───────────────────────────────╝ › Face: ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ https://i.postimg.cc/fyQF256y/1797345-1088903417787093-1926822216616203189-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/59hHNvM3/12391079-1109037962440305-9079645612724240016-n.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/9XRRhbs0/485281-568170589860381-558259890-n.jpg ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ › Previous Addresses: 4 Micajah Ave Plymouth, MA 02360 (Jul 1989 - Jun 2014) 30 Great Neck Rd East Wareham, MA 02538 (Aug 2005 - Sep 2013) 203 Plain St Pembroke, MA 02359 (Feb 1997 - Jan 2011) 2 Fox Run #8 Marshfield, MA 02050 (Aug 1999 - Jan 2011) Great Neck Rd E Wareham, MA 02538 (Feb 2007) 7072 Taylor Crossing Dr #D Montgomery, AL 36117 (Sep 1994 - Nov 2001) PO Box 231043 Montgomery, AL 36123 (Jul 1993 - Jul 2001) Fox Rn 8 Ru Marshfield, MA 02050 (Sep 1999) Micajah Plymouth, MA 02360 (Mar 1997) 33 Curtis Dr Plymouth, MA 02360 (Mar 1990 - Dec 1996) 543 Pinewood Millbrook, AL 36054 (Dec 1993) 3580 McGehee Place Dr S Montgomery, AL 36111 (May 1992 - Dec 1993) 543 Pinewood Dr Millbrook, AL 36054 (Jun 1993) 33 Cordage Ter Plymouth, MA 02360 (Jun 1989 - Jun 1993) ────────────────────────────── › 0x3 : Social Medias ────────────────────────────── ♦ Skype: loganpratt2008 / live:.cid.9fe41aa3b990541f ♦ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/u/LunarRealist ♦ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/logan.pratt.5680 / https://www.facebook.com/xmrrealismx ♦ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/BlissfulLSY ♦ Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/xbossplays ♦ V3rmillion: https://v3rmillion.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=659987 ♦ Replit: https://replit.com/@Squigger ────────────────────────────── › 0x4 : Breaches ────────────────────────────── ♦ Paragon Cheats: May 2021 ────────────────────────────── › 0x5 : Credits ────────────────────────────── Dox was written by: zirt / russianhook Information gathered by: - cook, - aff, - zirt & many more posting this dox because aff is a retarded backstabber that shit-talked me in the past since this dox was meant to be private