I do not forgive. I do not forget. Fear me. ___ ./ _) O _.---._|____\__________________,-------.------------==-.____|] ____ / ##-|=======--------===-----==-|-----=|=-------------._______) (####L-.________________/ /___|__________________________ ______| )-------. \###| ________________) `--- |---------------------===== ,_____| _____/========" |##F-' | /\ --- | __mmmmm__________(======|...---''/ |###/ (_\ \ |_______ ' " | | |##| """" \__________________| | /##/ ) //(( // || _,-/ /##/ / /\\_V_// |,-" ( \#/ ./ / `---" \ \ v /_ / \ `. /_ `-.___/ \ `. `-.___/ ". `. ". `. ". _," ██████╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗████████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝╚══██╔══╝██╔═══██╗████╗ ██║ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ██████╔╝██████╔╝███████║ ╚███╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ███████║██████╔╝██████╔╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██║ ██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔╝ ██╗ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║ ╚██████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ Name: Braxton Carr Age: 15 Phone Number: 231-288-0772 Address: 3260-Hanley-Rd-Muskegon-MI-49441 School address: 1106 Seminole Rd Norton Shores, Michigan Cords: 43.193500°, -86.272000° Xbox Gamertags: Abused Nfo, HitAHoming, Endingslaves, Testnatype, Y R U B X D, VI III Envy ⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔╦╗╦ ╦╔═╗ ╦╔╗╔╔═╗╔═╗ ║║║║ ║║║║║║║╚╦╝╚═╗ ║║║║╠╣ ║ ║ ╩ ╩╚═╝╩ ╩╩ ╩ ╩ ╚═╝ ╩╝╚╝╚ ╚═╝ Name: Misty Lynn Carr (616) 846-7532 (616)-850-0087 Born on December 31st, 1976 (44 years old) ⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔╦╗╦ ╦╔═╗ ╦╔╗╔╔═╗╔═╗ ║║╠═╣ ║║ ║║╚╦╝╚═╗ ║║║║╠╣ ║ ║ ═╩╝╩ ╩═╩╝═╩╝ ╩ ╚═╝ ╩╝╚╝╚ ╚═╝ Name: Mardy A Carr (616) 935-0065 - Wireless (616) 844-1593 - LandLine (616) 850-0087 - LandLine (616) 935-0000 - LandLine (616) 485-5460 - Wireless (616) 846-7532 - LandLine Born on April 30th, 1979 (42 years old) Email:cmardy@yahoo.com ⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟ ╔═╗═╗ ╦╔╦╗╦═╗╔═╗ ╦╔╗╔╔═╗╔═╗ ║╣ ╔╩╦╝ ║ ╠╦╝╠═╣ ║║║║╠╣ ║ ║ ╚═╝╩ ╚═ ╩ ╩╚═╩ ╩ ╩╝╚╝╚ ╚═╝ Picture of house- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861097125106679828/891497807746318337/unknown.png Home Details- https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3260-Hanley-Rd-Muskegon-MI-49441/24307694_zpid/? Picture of school- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861097125106679828/891498851326898246/unknown.png Welth- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861097125106679828/891500560421912596/unknown.png ⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟