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Acts like top shit, threatened a business, compulisve liar, tries to act cool and is overall an asshole,
Looks at younger girls/young adults online
  _____ _   _ ______ ____   _____ 
 |_   _| \ | |  ____/ __ \ / ____|
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   | | | . ` |  __|| |  | |\___ \ 
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✺   First name: Benjamin 
✺   Middle name: Maurice 
✺   Last name: Weeks
✺   Caucasian, Australian
✺   Date of birth: 9th August 1978
✺   Girlfriends name: Cherrie Corcoran
✺   Girlfriend works at St Vincent's Aged Care Southport
   ______                  __                ____      ____    
  / ____/___  __  ______  / /________  __   /  _/___  / __/___
 / /   / __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ ___/ / / /   / // __ \/ /_/ __ \
/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /  / /_/ /  _/ // / / / __/ /_/ /
\____/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/_/   \__, /  /___/_/ /_/_/  \____/
✺   Continent: Oceania 
✺   Country: Australia 
✺   City: Gold Coast, Worongary 
✺   State: Queensland 
✺   Home Address: 9 Kalbari Court, Worongary Queensland 
✺   Longitude & Latitude of house: (-28.0251366, 153.3471751)
✺   Postal code: 4213
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✺   Facebook: Benjamin Weeks 
✺   Instagram: benweeks78
✺   Phone number: +61 431-495-304
✺   Snapchat: benweeks2022
   ______     __                
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  / __/ | |/_/ __/ ___/ __ `/ ___/
 / /____>  </ /_/ /  / /_/ (__  )
/_____/_/|_|\__/_/   \__,_/____/
✺   Compulisve liar
✺   ADHD
✺   Anger issues
✺   Narcissistic
✺   Dependant on marijuana ( uses strong drugs like MDMA )
✺   Known for fighting
✺   Lies to his friends about being top shit
✺   Racist
✺   Homophobic
✺   Owes a lot of money to the taxation office
✺   Has done time in jail ( 6 months )
✺   Many fines for speeding
✺   Drivers license taken away for 10 years
✺  Lives in a camper van in front of his parents house
✺   His family knows he is a compulisve liar and they are sick of his bullshitting
✺   His own son doesn't want to be envolved with him at all
✺   Lied about owning 40% of his bosses business, in reality he is just an employee
✺   Lied about having a driver's license for 6+ years
✺   Used people for money and popularity
✺   He lies to everyone about everything, can't have a conversation without him lying about shit
✺   Works at St Vincent's Aged Care Southport
✺   Location of work: 32a Bauer St, Southport QLD 4215
✺   Phone number of work: 1800 778 767

Doxxed by Tors.. ✡