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Credits Me and an anonymous friend

Reason behind dox: Buzzyoy69 or James is a self centered cunt put in short, he verbally abuses his friendships and blows up against Randoms and has no remorse for his actions, after i have given him many chances
to change his ways and be more considerate torwards the people he talks to, he basically told me to fuck off. so here we are, I did not want to take this extreme but like a wise man once said.....

Fuck around find out

Username: Buzzyoy69
Alliases: Strong Swede, JamesArongino3
Location: New York, United States
Birthday: Feb 24 (Possibly)
Name: James Arongino 
School: South Side Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale, New York (Possibly)

Social Media Links:

 Social Media:

Corey George Arongino Age 51 (Sep 1971)
376 Demott Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
(516) 241-6648 - Wireless (516) 868-4071 - Landline (515) 314-3255 - Wireless

Be kind with people you meet, do not let your ego take over, it gets you nowhere. as you can see here, it got him on the bin. good day and stay safe anon.