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Well Well Well, look who it is again, Cringe Suups
Who are we doxxing today, first look at the damn title, today we are looking at The CEO of the abomination fitness company, Planet Fitness, shitty gym with retarded rules, right Chris? the only people that go to your shitty gym are 60 year old moms who can't even lift a teddy bear

 _____ _   _  ____ ____ ____ _  ___  ___  __
|  ___| | | |/ ___/ ___/ ___| |/ / |/ / |/ /
| |_  | | | | |  | |  | |   | ' /| ' /| ' / 
|  _| | |_| | |__| |__| |___| . \| . \| . \ 
|_|    \___/ \____\____\____|_|\_\_|\_\_|\_\ 
Those who are 13-14 must be watched by their parents at all times, stupid eh? and 60 DOLLARS JUST TO WORK OUT!?

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(_))  /((_))(_)) )\   )\   )\ ) 
| _ \(_)) ((_)_ ((_) ((_) _(_/( 
|   // -_)/ _` |(_-</ _ \| ' \))
Planet Fitness Sucks ass
Why not?

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 )((_) ( /(  (  )\   (    /(_)) (   (()/(   (  
((_)_  )(_)) )\((_)  )\  (_))   )\ ) /(_))  )\ 
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 | _ \/ _` |(_-<| |/ _|   | | | ' \))|  _|/ _ \
 |___/\__,_|/__/|_|\__|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/
Name: Christopher J Rondeau
Age: 51
DOB: February 28th 1973
Ethnicity: Western European
Language: English
Religion: Catholic
Sex: Male
Ugly ass face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208210961459322880/1209296676397776906/1643289402625.png?ex=65e6684b&is=65d3f34b&hm=1521c929084285a4b4a535535b01945e7457bea6e90c70efc76671de30f055f7&
 (                                          (                    
 )\ )                                  (    )\ )       (         
(()/(   (   (                       )  )\  (()/(       )\ )      
 /(_)) ))\  )(   (    (    (     ( /( ((_)  /(_)) (   (()/(   (  
(_))  /((_)(()\  )\   )\   )\ )  )(_)) _   (_))   )\ ) /(_))  )\ 
| _ \(_))   ((_)((_) ((_) _(_/( ((_)_ | |  |_ _| _(_/((_) _| ((_)
|  _// -_) | '_|(_-</ _ \| ' \))/ _` || |   | | | ' \))|  _|/ _ \
|_|  \___| |_|  /__/\___/|_||_| \__,_||_|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/
Home Address: 9 Cider Hill Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 
Phone Number: (603) 580-5499
Other Phone Number:  (603) 866-2980
Coordinates of Address: 42°55'37"N 70°53'47"W
Wealth (94)	
Donor (95)	
Travel (85)	
Martial Status: Married
Children: 3
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-rondeau-planet-fitness
IP: (Used By Rich People it seems) Clean IP, so you can boot him offline
Other IP:
Email: christopher.rondeau@gmail.com
ISP: Comcast IP Phone
Zip Code: 03844-2140

    )                        (                    
 ( /(                        )\ )       (         
 )\())        (         (   (()/(       )\ )      
((_)\   (    ))\  (    ))\   /(_)) (   (()/(   (  
 _((_)  )\  /((_) )\  /((_) (_))   )\ ) /(_))  )\ 
| || | ((_)(_))( ((_)(_))   |_ _| _(_/((_) _| ((_)
| __ |/ _ \| || |(_-</ -_)   | | | ' \))|  _|/ _ \
|_||_|\___/ \_,_|/__/\___|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/

Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 7
Square Feet: 9,816
Year Built: 1999
Estimated Value: $3,651,000
Estimated Equity: $3,651,000
Last Sale Amount: $140,000
Last Sale Date: 12/15/1998
Occupancy Type: Non-Owner Occupied
Ownership Type: Mixed
Land Use: Single Family Residential
Property Class: Residential
Subdivision: N/A
Lot Square Feet: 303,613
APN: HMPF M:4 B:58 L:5
School District: Winnacunnet Cooperative School District

 )\ )                   (       
(()/(    )     )    (   )\ (    
 /(_))( /(    (     )\ ((_))\ ) 
(_))_|)(_))   )\  '((_) _ (()/( 
| |_ ((_)_  _((_))  (_)| | )(_))
| __|/ _` || '  \() | || || || |
|_|  \__,_||_|_|_|  |_||_| \_, |
Anne McSally: Age 59

Charles Panasis: Age 65

Christophe Rondeau: Age 50

Deborah Rondeau: Age 60

Denis Rondeau: Age 28

Dennis Rondeau: Age 79

Greg Rondeau: Age 61

Kim Rondeau: Age 67

Madeline Rondeau: Age 26

Michael McSally: Age 66

Michelle Rondeau: Age 52 (Wife)

 (                        (         )\ )                ) 
 )\ )              (  (   )\   (   (()/(        (    ( /( 
(()/(     (    (   )\))( ((_) ))\   /(_))   (   )(   )\())
 /(_))_   )\   )\ ((_))\  _  /((_) (_))_    )\ (()\ ((_)\ 
(_)) __| ((_) ((_) (()(_)| |(_))    |   \  ((_) ((_)| |(_)
  | (_ |/ _ \/ _ \/ _` | | |/ -_)   | |) |/ _ \| '_|| / / 
   \___|\___/\___/\__, | |_|\___|   |___/ \___/|_|  |_\_\ 

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        URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aspytox.com+intext%3A%226035805499%22
        URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=intext%3A%2216035805499%22+%7C+intext%3A%22%2B16035805499%22+%7C+intext%3A%226035805499%22+%7C+intext%3A%22%28603%29+580-5499%22

        URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=%28ext%3Adoc+%7C+ext%3Adocx+%7C+ext%3Aodt+%7C+ext%3Apdf+%7C+ext%3Artf+%7C+ext%3Asxw+%7C+ext%3Apsw+%7C+ext%3Appt+%7C+ext%3Apptx+%7C+ext%3Apps+%7C+ext%3Acsv+%7C+ext%3Atxt+%7C+ext%3Axls%29+intext%3A%2216035805499%22+%7C+intext%3A%22%2B16035805499%22+%7C+intext%3A%226035805499%22

Results for local
Raw local: 6035805499
Local: (603) 580-5499
E164: +16035805499
International: 16035805499
Country: US

 )\ )                                       (      (     (              
(()/( (      (    )   (          (          )\     )\ )  )\ )  (        
 /(_)))(    ))\  /((  )\   (    ))\  (   ((((_)(  (()/( (()/(  )\ )  (  
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|_|  |_|  \___|  \_/  |_|\___/ \_,_|/__/  /_/ \_\\__,_|\__,_|  \_, |/__/
120 Mill Rd
North Hampton, NH 03862
Rockingham County
(Mar 2018 - Jan 2022)

42 Forest St
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Jul 2002 - Jan 2020)

784 NE 72nd St
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Palm Beach County
(Jan 2010 - Jan 2017)

12 Maple St
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Mar 2002 - Apr 2021)

5 Woodland Rd
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Jun 2004 - Apr 2020)

1720 Hutchinson River Pkwy
Bronx, NY 10461
Bronx County
(May 2012)

113 Crosby Rd
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Nov 2008 - Jan 2009)

22 Tidewater Farm Rd
Greenland, NH 03840
Rockingham County
(Nov 1992 - Oct 2005)

26 Hemlock Frst
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Dec 1996 - Jun 2004)

318 Knox Marsh Rd
Madbury, NH 03823
Strafford County
(Mar 2004)

3 Webb Pl #2
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Apr 2003)

898 Central Ave
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Apr 2003)

114 Exeter Rd
Hampton Falls, NH 03844
Rockingham County
(Nov 2002 - Nov 2002)

145 Charles Dr
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Middlesex County
(Oct 1991 - Oct 2007)

25 Old Dover Rd
Rochester, NH 03867
Strafford County
(Nov 2000)

25 Old Dover Rd #15
Rochester, NH 03867
Strafford County
(Nov 2000)

10 Heritage Dr
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Middlesex County
(Jan 1996 - Jan 1998)

26 Hemlock
Dover, NH 03820
Strafford County
(Dec 1996)

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|_|  |_||_|\___/|_||_| \___|  |_|\_| \_,_||_|_|_| |_.__/\___| |_|  /__/
(603) 580-5499 - VOIP
Possible Primary Phone
Last reported Jan 2024
Comcast IP Phone

(603) 436-1847 - Landline
Last reported Apr 2021
Consolidated Communications of Northern New England

(603) 866-2980 - Wireless
Last reported Apr 2020
Omnipoint Miami E License

(603) 427-6912 - Landline
Last reported Aug 2008
Consolidated Communications of Northern New England

(978) 851-5145 - Landline
Last reported Mar 2016
Verizon New England

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This paste was entirely created by me with no one else being involved.

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