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Doxxing a scammer, she wanted a job done without wanting to pay. So well, enjoy it. This dox was made from Nexus AI.

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Names: Cintia Natalia
Surname: Cardoso Jarmin
DNI (ID): 32.998.317
CUIL: 27-32998317-5
Country: Argentina
City: Concordia
Province: Entre Rìos
Address: San Luis Oeste 1973
Postal Code: 3200
Sex: Female
Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 04/23/1987
DNI (ID) QR (PDF417): 00570476849@CARDOSO@JARDIM@CINTIA@NATALIA@F@32998317@C@23/04/1987@10/05/2026@238

Thank you very much for your attention, I will not put data of the relatives, nor emails or passwords, 
