.______    __          ___   ____    ____  _______ .______           ______   .__   __.  _______ 
|   _  \  |  |        /   \  \   \  /   / |   ____||   _  \         /  __  \  |  \ |  | |   ____|
|  |_)  | |  |       /  ^  \  \   \/   /  |  |__   |  |_)  |       |  |  |  | |   \|  | |  |__   
|   ___/  |  |      /  /_\  \  \_    _/   |   __|  |      /        |  |  |  | |  . `  | |   __|  
|  |      |  `----./  _____  \   |  |     |  |____ |  |\  \----.   |  `--'  | |  |\   | |  |____ 
| _|      |_______/__/     \__\  |__|     |_______|| _| `._____|    \______/  |__| \__| |_______|
—- PASTE BY ( Dae/34cle)
—- HELPER ( Seppa) ( airborn#0001)                                                                                                
???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????------ cwoffin the female packer, a old yellow hat doxxer in com who thinks she can run off males who dox and gets held off by bubbles (    NT   ) 
and PERRKSS with her home connection.

➤ Picture: (UNKNOWN)
➤ Name: Ashlyn J white
  ➣ Pseudonyms: 
  ➣ "xyuk", "cwoffin", 
➤ Age: 15
➤ Race: African American
➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight (possibly even bisexual)
➤ Native Language: English
➤ Email: melashlyn@gmail.com

	???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Mother Name: Rebecca E white
  ➣ Voice: (UNKNWON)
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 5/19/1973 (mm/dd/yyyy)
  ➣ Phone Number(s): +1 609-581-5593, +1 609-575-8434 (one is also ashlyns number)
  ➣ Age: 30
  ➣ Current Address: (Around sandy springs GA, roswell gun range in atlanta)
  ➣ Occupation: Cosmetologist/Hair Stylist
  ➣ Email: b.tanzola@gmail.com