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Reason: Doxxing innocent people. Hes also putting lies in the reasons and making up fake reasons.
Being racist he called me the N-word with the er at the end. He acts tough and tells people to pull up.
Credits ????
Eetl Credits ????
????Instagram: eetl__
????Snapchat: Cauqx
????Twitter: eetl_official
Kllutz Credits ????
????Roblox: vvemxtional 
????Twitter: ssofftyyauttiee
????Snapchat: meh_autumn
????Instagram: (Main) auttiesuxx, (Spam) fckoffauttie
First Name: Caleb
Last Name: Wood 
Address: 16305 Southern Meadows South Bend in 46614
Age: 15
School: Unknown
Grade: 10th
House information ????
Note: In the link it says 46544 but its 46614 but the link will show the correct house.
Picture of house: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/16305-Southern-Meadows-Blvd-Mishawaka-IN-46544/94555667_zpid/
Estimate of last price sold: $299,000
Beds: 6
Baths: 4
Sq ft: 3,186
Floors: Looks like 2-3
Date Of Birth: 09/25/04
Phone number: 574 514 8321
City/state: Mishawaka, Indiana
Relatives: Cousin: Heaven Rose
Note: Ill try to get more of his relatives. Ill also try to get more information on this lying scumbag.
Social Medias???? 
????Instagram: @vividingly @newycaleb
????Snapchat: the1957s
????Facebook: Caleb Wood