|                                                                    ChiefJustice                                                             |
                                    |                                                          [-------------------------------]                                                  |
                                    |                                                        Name // Enoch Owusu Mpiani                                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Aliases // RyanDylan123                                                              |
                                    |                                                                   RedemptionVT                                                              |
                                    |                                                                   GuardianVT                                                                |
                                    |                                                                   ChiefJusticeVT                                                            |
                                    |                                                                   SalvationVT                                                               |
                                    |                                                                   ChiefJusticeVT                                                            |
                                    |                                                                   ChiefJusticeX                                                             |
                                    |                                                                   PappiJustice                                                              |
                                    |                                                                   ChiefJusticeVT                                                            |
                                    |                                                                   ChiefJusticeX                                                             |
                                    |                                                                   PappiJustice                                                              |
                                    |                                                                   iienoch                                                                   |
                                    |                                                                   iienochusa                                                                |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Age // 20                                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Gender // Male                                                                       |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Education // Highschool Diploma                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Central Gwinnett HighSchool, 2014-2018                                  |
                                    |                                                                     Bachelor of Science - Information Technology (Systems and Security)     |
                                    |                                                                     Georgia Gwinnett College, 2018-2020                                     |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Personal Dossier //                                                                  |
                                    |                                                                            Date of Birth: October 13, 2000                                  |
                                    |                                                                            Permanent Address: 853 Townsquare Ct.                            |
                                    |                                                                            Current address: 853 Townsquare Ct.                              |
                                    |                                                                            Nationality: American                                            |
                                    |                                                                            Marital Status: Single                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Date of Birth // October 13, 2000                                                    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Address // 853 TOWN SQUARE CT; LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046-8311                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Neighbors // Wonsup Sim                                                              |
                                    |                                                                     852 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Nghi Tran                                                               |
                                    |                                                                     (770) 338-9241                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     863 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Trinh Nguyen                                                            |
                                    |                                                                     (678) 431-7608                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     873 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Hoa Nguyen                                                              |
                                    |                                                                     (404) 563-2284                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     883 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Thach Nguyen                                                            |
                                    |                                                                     (678) 717-7736                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     892 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Relatives // Agnes Owusu, Mother                                                     |
                                    |                                                                     Michael Owusu Mpiani, Father                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Phone Number // 470-756-0097                                                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Social Media //                                                                      |
                                    |                                                                        Github \\ https://github.com/JXSTICESUPREMACY                        |
                                    |                                                                        Youtube \\ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAh9S5qqri4-GnGDnlSiWg  |
                                    |                                                                        Discord \\ FatherJustice#7777 || ID : 746590686454874205             |
                                    |                                                                        Discord Server \\ https://discord.gg/chiefjustice                    |
                                    |                                                                        Email Address \\ killerjustice@protonmail.com                        |
                                    |                                                                        Email Address \\ iienoch.usa@gmail.com                               |
                                    |                                                                        Email Address \\ addckk@r.postjobfree.com                            |
                                    |                                                                        Snapchat \\ enoch-pro                                                |
                                    |                                                                        Snapchat \\ chiefjusticevt                                           |
                                    |                                                                        Facebook \\ https://www.facebook.com/enoch.rblx/                     |
                                    |                                                                        Facebook \\ https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005263840786    |
                                    |                                                                        Rolimons \\ https://www.rolimons.com/tradead/4725556                 |
                                    |                                                                        Youtube \\ https://m.soundcloud.com/chiefjusticevt                   |
                                    |                                                                        Youtube \\ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAh9S5qqri4-GnGDnlSiWg  |
                                    |                                                                        Youtube \\ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9h5iX3G6HqCKa9rNlME3FA  |
                                    |                                                                        Youtube \\ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClv64whnFeI5Mha9lJKOg2g  |
                                    |                                                                        Spotify \\ https://open.spotify.com/user/lbdflrpjww2cdtgzrbp68kyjx   |
                                    |                                                                        Pinterest \\ https://www.pinterest.com/iienochusa/_saved/            |
                                    |                                                                            > iienoch.usa@gmail.com                                          |
                                    |                                                                        Linkedin \\ https://www.linkedin.com/in/enoch-rblx-971aa011a/        |
                                    |                                                                        Linkedin \\ https://www.linkedin.com/in/enoch-owusu-a911911a7/       |
                                    |                                                                            > iienoch.usa@gmail.com                                          |
                                    |                                                                        Facebook \\ https://www.facebook.com/enoch.mpiani/                   |
                                    |                                                                        Soundcloud \\ https://m.soundcloud.com/chiefjusticevt                |
                                    |                                                                        Instagram \\ https://www.instagram.com/iienoch.usa/                  |
                                    |                                                                                    i*********a@gmail.com                                    |
                                    |                                                                                    iienoch.usa@gmail.com                                    |
                                    |                                                                          Other Shit \\                                                      |
                                    |                                                                         http://centralgwinnetthighschool.net/alumni/9906790/enoch-rblx.html |
                                    |                                                                            https://www.linkedin.com/in/enoch-rblx-971aa011a/                |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Billing Info //                                                                      |
                                    |                                                                        Visa ending in 9436                                                  |
                                    |                                                                        Expiration Date - 10/24                                              |
                                    |                                                                        Name - Enoch Mpiani                                                  |
                                    |                                                                        Address - 853 Townsquare Ct                                          |
                                    |                                                                        City - Lawrenceville                                                 |
                                    |                                                                        State - Georgia                                                      |
                                    |                                                                        Zip Code - 30046                                                     |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Breaches & Passwords //                                                              |
                                    |                                                                                {"targets":                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                    [{"target":                                              |
                                    |                                                                                        "killerjustice@protonmail.com",                      |
                                    |                                                                                        "pwn_num": 0,                                        |
                                    |                                                                                        "data": []                                           |
                                    |                                                                                    }]                                                       |
                                    |                                                                                }                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                Dubsmash.com (??/12/2018)                                    |
                                    |                                                                                id >                                                         |
                                    |                                                                                  118163534                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                password >                                                   |
                                    |                                                               pbkdf2_sha256$24000$JKQnSR0pkaDZ$gR0Zj4wKiO4j+gS8UOg1ZkIeFtc0s+ObCn5StING5Pg= |
                                    |                                                                                username >                                                   |
                                    |                                                                                  ienoch                                                     |
                                    |                                                                                email >                                                      |
                                    |                                                                                  enoch.rblx@gmail.com                                       |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                MyFitnessPal.com (??/02/2018)                                |
                                    |                                                                                username >                                                   |
                                    |                                                                                  EnochRBLX                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                email >                                                      |
                                    |                                                                                  Enoch.rblx@gmail.com                                       |
                                    |                                                                                ip >                                                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                      |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: fatherjustice                                      |
                                    |                                                                                password: mc56oren^                                          |
                                    |                                                                                source: Sprashivai.ru                                        |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: fatherjustice                                      |
                                    |                                                                                password: hateman1                                           |
                                    |                                                                                source: MySpace.com                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                source: Wattpad.com                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: Immortal                                           |
                                    |                                                                                source: OwnedCore.com                                        |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                email: Justicekofi111@yahoo.com                              |
                                    |                                                                                password: 1000aaa                                            |
                                    |                                                                                source: Gsmhosting.com                                       |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: mommyandme                                         |
                                    |                                                                                source: StockX.com                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: mommyandme                                         |
                                    |                                                                                source: 8Tracks.com                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: rcdmbfq4                                           |
                                    |                                                                                source: Evony.com                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: rcdmbfq4                                           |
                                    |                                                                                source: Collection 1                                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                username: chiefjustice                                       |
                                    |                                                                                password: Zamelot1                                           |
                                    |                                                                                source: Strongholdkingdoms.com                               |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                email: guardianvt@mailexcite.com                             |
                                    |                                                                                password: 59trick                                            |
                                    |                                                                                source: -                                                    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                email: guardianvt97@yahoo.com                                |
                                    |                                                                                password: 5959231                                            |
                                    |                                                                                source: -                                                    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                email: guardianvt97@yahoo.com                                |
                                    |                                                                                password: 595923                                             |
                                    |                                                                                source: Subagames.com                                        |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                email: guardianvt97@yahoo.com                                |
                                    |                                                                                password: 59592                                              |
                                    |                                                                                source: -                                                    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                email: guardianvt97@yahoo.com                                |
                                    |                                                                                password: 329595                                             |
                                    |                                                                                source: -                                                    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Cisco Network Engineer Resume //                                                     |
                                    |                                                                  Location \\ Atlanta, GA                                                    |
                                    |                                                                  Posted \\ May 20, 2020                                                     |
                                    |                                                                  Resume \\                                                                  |
                                    |                                                                  Mr. Enoch Owusu Mpiani                                                     |
                                    |                                                                  Email: addckk@r.postjobfree.com                                            |
                                    |                                                                  Phone: 770--**                                                             |
                                    |                                                                  Current Location: Atlanta, Georgia                                         |
                                    |                                                                  Preferred Location: Georgia, U.S                                           |
                                    |                                                                      PROFILE SUMMARY                                                        |
                                    |                                                                  Cisco CCNA Certified. Cisco ID: CSCO13606692                               |
                                    |                                                                  Junior Network & Systems Engineer                                          |
                                    |                                                                  Completed Professional training on Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching        |
                                    |                                                                  I have clear understanding of Cisco Routers and Switches.                  |
                                    |                                                                  Well versed with LAN & WAN implementation.                                 |
                                    |                                                                  Comprehensive problem-solving abilities and willing to learn team          |
                                    |                                                                  facilitator hard working.                                                  |
                                    |                                                                      TECHNICAL SKILLS                                                       |
                                    |                                                                  Learner with an attitude to thrive in a career in Network & Systems        |
                                    |                                                                  Administration                                                             |
                                    |                                                                  Undertaking CCNP Enterprise & Security Professional training from an       |
                                    |                                                                  Institute.                                                                 |
                                    |                                                                  Good knowledge of OSI & TCP/IP model.                                      |
                                    |                                                                  Configuration and Troubleshooting Cisco 1800, 2600, 2800 series routers.   |
                                    |                                                                  Configuration and Troubleshooting of Cisco 2950, 3750 series catalyst      |
                                    |                                                                  switches.                                                                  |
                                    |                                                                  Configuration of routing protocols: - STATIC, RIPv1, RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF &  |
                                    |                                                                  BGP.                                                                       |
                                    |                                                                  Switching: - VLAN, VTP, STP, DTP.                                          |
                                    |                                                                  Route summarization, Load balancing; Basic understanding of 802.1x, 802.11 |
                                    |                                                                  technologies                                                               |
                                    |                                                                  Implementing LAN and WAN connections using switches and routers.           |
                                    |                                                                  Basic knowledge of IPsec VPN, REST-APIs, CRUD, JSON, Puppet, Chef, Ansible |
                                    |                                                                  Cisco DNA Center                                                           |
                                    |                                                                  Setup of layer 2, layer 3 switching.                                       |
                                    |                                                                  Basic knowledge of BGP, MPLS, and Firewalls.                               |
                                    |                                                                  Currently pursuing AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification for     |
                                    |                                                                  cloud technologies                                                         |
                                    |                                                                  Learning Azure, SQL, VMware, Linux & Python;                               |
                                    |                                                                  Others: -ACL, NAT, PAT, PPP, CHAP, FRAME RELAY, DHCP, DNS, SNMP.           |
                                    |                                                                      PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                |
                                    |                                                                  Central Gwinnett                                                           |
                                    |                                                                  Network & System Administrator                                             |
                                    |                                                                  June 2018-2020                                                             |
                                    |                                                                  564 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville, GA 30046                                   |
                                    |                                                                  770-**-**                                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |    -+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                    IP ADDRESSES                                                             |
                                    |                                                          [-------------------------------]                                                  |
                                    |                                                        IP Address //                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Hostnames // adsl-75-62-182-207.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Information //                                                                       |
                                    |                                                                       IP ADDRESS -                                            |
                                    |                                                                       COUNTRY - United States of America [US]                               |
                                    |                                                                       REGION - Georgia                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       CITY - Savannah                                                       |
                                    |                                                                       COORDINATES - 32.083540, -81.099830 (32°5'1"N   81°5'59"W)            |
                                    |                                                                       ISP - AT&T Corp.                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       NET - (DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile                              |
                                    |                                                                       IDDA - (1) 912                                                        |
                                    |                                                                       ZIP CODE - 31401                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       WEATHER STATION - Savannah (USGA0506)                                 |
                                    |                                                                       MOBILE CARRIER - AT&T                                                 |
                                    |                                                                       MCC - 310                                                             |
                                    |                                                                       MNC - 030/070/150/170/410/560/680                                     |
                                    |                                                                       USAGE - (ISP) Fixed Line ISP, (MOB) Mobile ISP                        |
                                    |                                                                       TYPE - (U) Unicast                                                    |
                                    |                                                                       CATEGORY - (IAB19-6) Cell Phones                                      |
                                    |                                                                       PROXY - No                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                        ____________________________________________________________________________________________                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        IP Address //                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Hostnames // gwinnett.k12.ga.us                                                      |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Information //                                                                       |
                                    |                                                                       IP ADDRESS -                                            |
                                    |                                                                       COUNTRY - United States of America [US]                               |
                                    |                                                                       REGION - Georgia                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       CITY - Suwanee                                                        |
                                    |                                                                       COORDINATES - 34.064850, -84.084850 (34°3'53"N   84°5'5"W)            |
                                    |                                                                       ISP - Gwinnett County Public Schools                                  |
                                    |                                                                       NET - (COMP) Company/T1                                               |
                                    |                                                                       IDDA - (1) 770                                                        |
                                    |                                                                       ZIP CODE - 30024                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       WEATHER STATION - Suwanee (USGA0548)                                  |
                                    |                                                                       USAGE - (EDU) University/College/School                               |
                                    |                                                                       TYPE - (U) Unicast                                                    |
                                    |                                                                       CATEGORY - (IAB5-1) 7-12 Education                                    |
                                    |                                                                       PROXY - No                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                        ____________________________________________________________________________________________                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        IP Address //                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Hostnames // 50-250-76-176-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Information //                                                                       |
                                    |                                                                       IP ADDRESS -                                            |
                                    |                                                                       COUNTRY - United States of America [US]                               |
                                    |                                                                       REGION - Florida                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       CITY - Fort Lauderdale                                                |
                                    |                                                                       COORDINATES - 26.122310, -80.143380 (26°7'20"N   80°8'36"W)           |
                                    |                                                                       ISP - Comcast Cable Communications LLC                                |
                                    |                                                                       NET - (DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile                              |
                                    |                                                                       IDDA - (1) 754/786/954                                                |
                                    |                                                                       ZIP CODE - 33301                                                      |
                                    |                                                                       WEATHER STATION - Fort Lauderdale (USFL0149)                          |
                                    |                                                                       USAGE - (ISP) Fixed Line ISP                                          |
                                    |                                                                       TYPE - (U) Unicast                                                    |
                                    |                                                                       CATEGORY - (IAB19-11) Data Centers                                    |
                                    |                                                                       PROXY - No                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |    -+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                    PROPERTY INFO                                                            |
                                    |                                                          [-------------------------------]                                                  |
                                    |                                                        General Info //                                                                      |
                                    |                                                                        MPIANI MICHAEL O : 853 TOWN SQUARE CT; LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046-8311   |
                                    |                                                                        Property ID \\ R5109 582                                             |
                                    |                                                                        Alternate ID \\ 33222401                                             |
                                    |                                                                        Address \\ 853 TOWN SQUARE CT                                        |
                                    |                                                                        Property Class \\ Residential SFR                                    |
                                    |                                                                        Neighborhood \\ 5018                                                 |
                                    |                                                                        Deed Acres \\ 0.2400                                                 |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Value History //                                                                     |
                                    |                                                +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+       |
                                    |                                                | Year        || 2021        | 2020        | 2019        | 2018        | 2017        |       |
                                    |                                                | ============||==================================================================== |       |
                                    |                                                | Reason      || Current     | Notice      | Notice      | Current     | Adjusted    |       |
                                    |                                                | ============||-------------------------------------------------------------------- |       |
                                    |                                                | Land Val    || $50,000     | $46,000     | $46,000     | $46,000     | $39,000     |       |
                                    |                                                | Imp Val     || $213,300    | $194,000    | $194,000    | $194,000    | $168,500    |       |
                                    |                                                | TOTAL APPR  || $263,300    | $240,000    | $240,000    | $240,000    | $207,500    |       |
                                    |                                                | ============||-------------------------------------------------------------------- |       |
                                    |                                                | Land Assd   || $20,000     | $18,400     | $18,400     | $18,400     | $15,600     |       |
                                    |                                                | Land Use    || $0          | $0          | $0          | $0          | $0          |       |
                                    |                                                | Imp Assd    || $85,320     | $77,600     | $77,600     | $77,600     | $67,400     |       |
                                    |                                                | TOTAL ASSD  || $105,320    | $96,000     | $96,000     | $96,000     | $83,000     |       |
                                    |                                                +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+       |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Transfer History //                                                                  |
                                    |     +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+    |
                                    |     | Date        | Grantor                       | Grantee                       | Deed    | Type    | Vacant Land    | Sale Price    |    |
                                    |     | ================================================================================================================================ |    |
                                    |     | 9/4/2008    | SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC         | MPIANI MICHAEL O              | Fu      | NI      | No             | $182,000      |    |
                                    |     | 4/1/2008    | VO BONG V                     | SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC         | Ti      | NG      | No             | $29,072       |    |
                                    |     | 2/28/2006   | TOWNSHIP COMMONS EQUITIES LLC | VO BONG V                     | WD      | QY      | No             | $249,400      |    |
                                    |     | 12/31/2004  | TOWNSHIP COMMONS LLC          | TOWNSHIP COMMONS EQUITIES LLC | WD      | N4      | Yes            | $1,168,000    |    |
                                    |     | 1/3/2003    | SHANN COMPANY                 | TOWNSHIP COMMONS LLC          | WD      | QY      | Yes            | $1,550,000    |    |
                                    |     +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Geographic Information //                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                  Latitude \\ 33.9251942                                     |
                                    |                                                                                  Longitude \\ -84.0057803                                   |
                                    |                                                                                  DMS Latitude \\ 33 55 30.6991 N                            |
                                    |                                                                                  DMS Longitude \\ 84 0 20.8091 W                            |
                                    |                                                                                  UTM Easting \\ 776799.71737589                             |
                                    |                                                                                  UTM Nothing \\ 3757900.5223597                             |
                                    |                                                                                  UTM Zone \\ 16S                                            |
                                    |                                                                                  FIPS Code \\ 131350505441038                               |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |    -+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                       FATHER                                                                |
                                    |                                                          [-------------------------------]                                                  |
                                    |                                                        Name // Michael Owusu Mpiani                                                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Aliases // Michael Mpiani                                                            |
                                    |                                                                   Michael M Owusu                                                           |
                                    |                                                                   Michael Mtiani                                                            |
                                    |                                                                   Michael Owusu Mpiani                                                      |
                                    |                                                                   Mr Michael O Mpiani                                                       |
                                    |                                                                   Michael O Mariani                                                         |
                                    |                                                                   Micheal Mpiani                                                            |
                                    |                                                                   Michael O'Mpiani                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Gender // Male                                                                       |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Age // 57                                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Social Security Number // 671-81-2795                                                |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Person Skiptrace //                                                                  |
                                    |                                                                            Property Address: 853 Town Square Ct                             |
                                    |                                                                            City: Lawrenceville                                              |
                                    |                                                                            State: Georgia                                                   |
                                    |                                                                            County: -                                                        |
                                    |                                                                            Owner First Name: Michael                                        |
                                    |                                                                            Owner Last Name: Mpiani                                          |
                                    |                                                                            Owner 2 First Name: -                                            |
                                    |                                                                            Owner 2 Last Name: -                                             |
                                    |                                                                            Phone: 6785583490                                                |
                                    |                                                                            Phone1: 7702373463                                               |
                                    |                                                                            Phone2: 3036710114                                               |
                                    |                                                                            Phone Last Seen: 2021-06-01T00:00:00.000Z                        |
                                    |                                                                            Phone1 Last Seen: 2008-09-30T00:00:00.000Z                       |
                                    |                                                                            Phone2 Last Seen: 2008-09-30T00:00:00.000Z                       |
                                    |                                                                            Email: mmpiani@yahoo.com                                         |
                                    |                                                                            Equity: 24.67%                                                   |
                                    |                                                                            Property Vacant: False                                           |
                                    |                                                                            Litigator: False                                                 |
                                    |                                                                            Absentee Owner: False                                            |
                                    |                                                                            USPS Deliverable: True                                           |
                                    |                                                                            Bankruptcy: False                                                |
                                    |                                                                            Judgment: False                                                  |
                                    |                                                                            Lien: False                                                      |
                                    |                                                                            Date of Death: -                                                 |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Picture // https://i.imgur.com/00KEfAZ.jpg                                           |
                                    |                                                                   https://i.imgur.com/6Cp87Zm.jpg                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Date of Birth // May, 1964                                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Phone Number // 470-756-0097                                                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Previous Phone Numbers // (303) 671-0114                                             |
                                    |                                                                                  City \\ Aurora                                             |
                                    |                                                                                  State \\ CO                                                |
                                    |                                                                                  County \\ Arapahoe                                         |
                                    |                                                                                  Carrier \\ Qwest Corporation                               |
                                    |                                                                                  Type \\ Landline                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                  (770) 339-9472                                             |
                                    |                                                                                  City \\ Lawrenceville                                      |
                                    |                                                                                  State \\ GA                                                |
                                    |                                                                                  County \\ Gwinnett                                         |
                                    |                                                                                  Carrier \\ Bellsouth Telecomm Inc Dba Southern Bell Tel    |
                                    |                                                                                  Type \\ Landline                                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Address // 853 TOWN SQUARE CT; LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046-8311                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Neighbors // Wonsup Sim                                                              |
                                    |                                                                     852 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Nghi Tran                                                               |
                                    |                                                                     (770) 338-9241                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     863 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Trinh Nguyen                                                            |
                                    |                                                                     (678) 431-7608                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     873 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Hoa Nguyen                                                              |
                                    |                                                                     (404) 563-2284                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     883 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Thach Nguyen                                                            |
                                    |                                                                     (678) 717-7736                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     892 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Relatives // Enoch Owusu, Son                                                        |
                                    |                                                                     Esther Mpiani Owusu, Daughter                                           |
                                    |                                                                     Agnes Owusu, Spouse                                                     |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Associates // Hyo Kim                                                                |
                                    |                                                                      Anthony Nduro                                                          |
                                    |                                                                      Jessica Boyle                                                          |
                                    |                                                                      Josephine Nduro                                                        |
                                    |                                                                      Priscilla Nduro                                                        |
                                    |                                                                      Theresa Boateng                                                        |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Social Media //                                                                      |
                                    |                                                                        Facebook \\ https://www.facebook.com/mike.mpiani                     |
                                    |                                                                        Linkedin \\ https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-mpiani-bb223b86         |
                                    |                                                                        Email Address \\ a.mpiani@yahoo.com                                  |
                                    |                                                                        Email Address \\ mmpiani@yahoo.com                                   |
                                    |                                                                        Email Address \\ aowusu1104@gmail.com                                |
                                    |                                                                        Other Shit \\                                                        |
                                    |                                                                            https://virtualpropertiesrealty.com/?aios_agent=michael-mpiani   |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Business Records //                                                                  |
                                    |                                                            Name: Michael Mpiani                                                             |
                                    |                                                            License Number: 331673                                                           |
                                    |                                                            License Type: Salesperson                                                        |
                                    |                                                            Original License Date: 3/31/2008                                                 |
                                    |                                                            Expiration Date: 5/31/2024                                                       |
                                    |                                                            Current License Status: ACTIVE                                                   |
                                    |                                                            Address of Record: VIRTUAL PROPERTIES REALTY.NET, LLC                            |
                                    |                                                                               2750 PREMIERE PARKWAY                                         |
                                    |                                                                               SUITE 200                                                     |
                                    |                                                                               DULUTH, GA 30097                                              |
                                    |                                                            Office name: Normas Realty & Associates Inc                                      |
                                    |                                                            Office Address: 853 Town Square Ct Lawrenceville, GA 30046                       |
                                    |                                                            Office county: Gwinnett                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        FHA Records //                                                                       |
                                    |                                                            Amount: $178,000                                                                 |
                                    |                                                            Date: September 4th, 2008                                                        |
                                    |                                                            ==========================                                                       |
                                    |                                                            Amount: $51,137                                                                  |
                                    |                                                            Date: October 3rd, 2012                                                          |
                                    |                                                            ==========================                                                       |
                                    |                                                            Amount: $125,000                                                                 |
                                    |                                                            Date: August 27th, 2013                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Marketing Data //                                                                    |
                                    |                                                            MICHAEL O MPIANI in GA                                                           |
                                    |                                                            Address: 853 Town Square Ct , Lawrenceville, GA 30046 8311                       |
                                    |                                                            County: Gwinnett                                                                 |
                                    |                                                            Latitude: 33.931500                                                              |
                                    |                                                            Longitude: -84.009100                                                            |
                                    |                                                            Timezone: E                                                                      | 
                                    |                                                            Dwelling unit: Multiple Family Dwelling Unit                                     |
                                    |                                                            Networth: $100,000 - $249,999                                                    |
                                    |                                                            Homeowner: Home Owner                                                            |
                                    |                                                            Home year built: 2005                                                            |
                                    |                                                            Home purchase year: 2013                                                         |
                                    |                                                            Listed ethnicity 2: 00                                                           |
                                    |                                                            Listed language: unknown                                                         |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |    -+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-+*%$-+*%$%*+-+*%$%*+-    |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                       MOTHER                                                                |
                                    |                                                          [-------------------------------]                                                  |
                                    |                                                        Name // Agnes Owusu                                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Aliases // Agnes Oeusu                                                               |
                                    |                                                                   Ms Agnes Owusu                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Age // 54                                                                            |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Date of Birth // 1966-11-30                                                          |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Address // 853 TOWN SQUARE CT; LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046-8311                           |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Neighbors // Wonsup Sim                                                              |
                                    |                                                                     852 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Nghi Tran                                                               |
                                    |                                                                     (770) 338-9241                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     863 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Trinh Nguyen                                                            |
                                    |                                                                     (678) 431-7608                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     873 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Hoa Nguyen                                                              |
                                    |                                                                     (404) 563-2284                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     883 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                                     Thach Nguyen                                                            |
                                    |                                                                     (678) 717-7736                                                          |
                                    |                                                                     892 Town Square Ct                                                      |
                                    |                                                                     Lawrenceville GA 30046                                                  |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Relatives // Enoch Owusu, Son                                                        |
                                    |                                                                     Esther Mpiani Owusu, Daughter                                           |
                                    |                                                                     Agnes Owusu, Spouse                                                     |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Social Media //                                                                      |
                                    |                                                                        Facebook // https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009717990722  |
                                    |                                                                        Facebook // https://web.facebook.com/agnes.owusu.1023                |
                                    |                                                                        Pinterest // https://www.pinterest.com/agnesowusu/                   |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                        Voting Records //                                                                    |
                                    |                                                             AGNES OWUSU                                                                     |
                                    |                                                             Address: 853 TOWN SQUARE CT , LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 300468311                       |
                                    |                                                             Birth year: 1967                                                                |
                                    |                                                             Registration date: 20100325                                                     |
                                    |                                                             Listed race: Black not of Hispanic Origin                                       |
                                    |                                                             Listed gender: F                                                                |
                                    |                                                             Congressional district: 007                                                     |
                                    |                                                             Senate district: 009                                                            |
                                    |                                                             House district: 107                                                             |
                                    |                                                             Judicial district: GWIN                                                         |
                                    |                                                             Municipal name: LAWRENCEVILLE                                                   |
                                    |                                                             Date added: 20100325                                                            |
                                    |                                                             Last change date: 20121207                                                      |
                                    |                                                                                                                                             |
                                    |                                                         Marketing Data //                                                                   |
                                    |                                                             AGNES OWUSU in GA                                                               |
                                    |                                                             Address: 853 Town Square Ct , Lawrenceville, GA 30046 8311                      |
                                    |                                                             County: Gwinnett                                                                |
                                    |                                                             Latitude: 33.931500                                                             |
                                    |                                                             Longitude: -84.009100                                                           |
                                    |                                                             Timezone: E                                                                     |
                                    |                                                             Phone: 4045035486                                                               |
                                    |                                                             Dwelling unit: Multiple Family Dwelling Unit                                    |
                                    |                                                             Networth: $100,000 - $249,999                                                   |
                                    |                                                             Homeowner: Home Owner                                                           |
                                    |                                                             Date of birth: 1967                                                             |
                                    |                                                             Listed ethnicity: African American                                              |
                                    |                                                             Listed ethnicity 2: Ghanaian                                                    |