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Chloes Personal Information

Full Goverment Name : Chloe Im
Age : 16
Nationality: South Korean
Number: +1 (470) 323-6061
Current Address : 3584 Reed Mill Drive Buford, GA 30519
SSN : Unavailable


School Information 

School Name : Seckinger Highschool
School Phone Number : (678) 288-0800
School District : Gwinnett County Public Schools
School Type : Secondary school, State school
School Campus Size : 85.66 acres (34.67 ha)
School Capacity : 2,800 students
School Website : https://schools.gcpsk12.org/SeckingerHS
School Address : 3655 Sardis Church Rd, Buford, GA 30519



Fathers Personal Information

Fathers Goverment Name : Sung Hoon Im 
Age : 41
SSN : 600-5738
Current Address : 3584 Reed Mill Drive Buford, GA 30519
Buisness Address : 14726 Barclay Ave 3b Flushing Ny 11355-1232


Phone Numbers

(718) 445-0757
LandLine/Services Verizon New York Inc Last reported in March of 2024

(718) 479-1372
LandLine/Services Verizon New York Inc Last reported in April of 2021

(718) 776-2714
LandLine/Services Verizon New York Inc Last reported in March of 2021

(585) 865-4542
LandLineServices Frontier Telephone of Rochester Inc Last reported in September of 2021 


Other observed names

> Sung H Im 

> Sunghoon Im 

> Sung I Im 

> Sunghoon H Im 

> Sung Hoon H Im 

> Sung Im

> Hoon Sang Lim 

> Sunghon Im


Address History

1939 Briarcliff WaySugar Hill, GA 30518 2981

Gwinnett County Last reported in September of 2020
165 W Service RdHartford, CT 06120 1503

Hartford County Last reported in October of 2018
1404 Sunfield DrSouth Windsor, CT 06074 4330

Hartford County Last reported in February of 2018
14726 Barclay Ave APT 3BFlushing, NY 11355 1234

Queens County Last reported in January of 2020
16015 Horace Harding ExpyFresh Meadows, NY 11365 1425

Queens County Last reported in September of 2016 


Possible Relatives

> David Y Lim 

> Edward T Kim 

> Eric J Lim 

> Jaekwan Kwan Lim 

> Jong M Lim | Judy Lim 

> Sarah J Kim 

> Sook K Kim 

> Unmi Hyun 

> Woo Ju Im 

> Yoonjung Im 


Possible Associates

> Hyemin Son 

> Sam A Hasso

> Alon Siton 

> Ashlie Lee 

> Linda C Chong 

> Tauqeer M Razzaq 

> Tayyiba N Qureshi 

> Myong S Pak 

> Alice I Rossmy 

> Andrea Kim 

> Anna T Toon 



Mothers Information

Full Goverment Name : Hyemin Son 
Age : 43
SSN : 600-7483
Current Address : 3584 Reed Mill Drive Buford, GA 30519
Buisness Address : 3584 Reed Mill Drive Buford, GA 30519 - (nail buisness at her home)


Phone Numbers

(646) 872-1544
Wireless Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NY Last reported in March of 2024

(646) 460-7839
Wireless New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC Last reported in January of 2013 


Email Addresses



Address History

1404 Sunfield DrSouth Windsor, CT 06074 4330

Hartford County Last reported in July of 2023
631 Talcottville Rd APT C10Vernon Rockville, CT 06066 2326

Tolland County Last reported in March of 2015
631 Talcottville Rd APT C10Vernon, CT 06066 2326

Tolland County Last reported in July of 2014
4911 69th St APT 2Woodside, NY 11377 5928

Queens County Last reported in March of 2010
6912 242nd St FL 2Douglaston, NY 11362 1946

Queens County Last reported in February of 2010 


Possible Relatives

> Edward B Son 

> Keun Joong Son 

> Ok Son Chong 

> Sang Kun Son 

> Tom Chul Son 

> Alice Son 

> An S Chong 

> Candice S Son 

> Chae H Whang

> Dae K Son 

> Gin S Shon 


Possible Associates

> Sunghoon Im 

> Myong S Pak 

> Yeon M Kim 

> Debra Helen Courtright 

. Edward L Courtright 

> Steve S Kim 

> Andrea Kim 

> Jaekwan Kwan Lim 

> So Ra Kim 

> Alexandria Lee 

> Alice I Rossmy 



Sisters Information

Full Goverment Name : Katelyn Im
Age 13 - 14
Current Address : 3584 Reed Mill Drive Buford, GA 30519
SSN : Unavailabe


School Information

School Name : Glenn C. Jones Middle School
School Address : 3575 Ridge Rd, Buford, GA 30519
Schools Phone Number : (770) 904-5450
School District : Gwinnett County Public Schools
School Website : https://schools.gcpsk12.org/domain/3324



Uncles Information

Full Goverment Name : David Y Lim
Age : 53
SSN : 533-6837
Current Address : 6024 Stern Cove CtNorth Las Vegas, NV 89031 4260


Phone Numbers

(714) 526-3197
LandLine/Services Pacific Bell Telephone Company Last reported in March of 2024

(513) 251-3076
LandLine/Services Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC Last reported in February of 2003

(714) 254-0270
LandLine/Services Pacific Bell Telephone Company Last reported in September of 2023

(513) 922-7544
LandLine/Services Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC Last reported in April of 2021 


Email Addresses



Address History

730 N Euclid StAnaheim, CA 92801 4115

Orange County Last reported in September of 2016
9738 Garden Grove Blvd STE 5Garden Grove, CA 92844 1658

Orange County Last reported in October of 2017
1724 W Catalpa Ave APT 124Anaheim, CA 92801 4051

Orange County Last reported in September of 2017
1724 W Catalpa Ave APT 313Anaheim, CA 92801 4055

Orange County Last reported in August of 2008
4422 Cloverhill Ter APT 1BCincinnati, OH 45238 6146

Hamilton County Last reported in April of 2005 


Possible Relatives

> Seong T Im 

> Dong Hwan Lim 

> Ginsu Lim 

> Jaehyuk Um 

> John J Kim 

> Jonathan J Kim 

> Judy Lim 

> Keun T Im 

> Keun T Im 

> Keun T Im 

> Songsoo Lim 


Possible Associates

> David Park 

> Eun Hye Park 

> Inyong Lee 

> Eun Sook Lee 

> Inja B Lee 

> Jinhong Mo 

> Seahyung Hong 

> Seong H In 

> Yoo Min Kim 

> Goce Janceski 

> Ho Chang Young 


Possible Businesses

Simple Communications

1724 W Catalpa Ave #124 Anaheim Ca 92801-

Officer Name: David Yong Taek Lim

Officer Title: Contact

Filing #:

Filing State: Ca



Aunts Information

Full Goverment Name : Seong T Im
Age : 49
SSN : 600-1547
Current Address : 6024 Stern Cove CtNorth Las Vegas, NV 89031 4260


Phone Numbers

(702) 798-1828
LandLine/Services Central Telephone Company - Nevada dba CenturyLink 

(702) 301-7463
Wireless New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC Last reported in August of 2010

(248) 960-1491
LandLine/Services Ameritech Michigan Last reported in August of 2022

(734) 728-2738
LandLine/Services Ameritech Michigan Last reported in July of 2011

(248) 960-1389
LandLine/Services Ameritech Michigan Last reported in March of 2016 


Other observed names

> Seong Im Leung 

> M Seong Im 

> Seong Im 

> Seung Kim 

> Kim S Eung 

> Seong Leung 

> Im Seong


Address History

2684 Heathrow StLas Vegas, NV 89135 2604

Clark County Last reported in February of 2022
10701 Silver Pyramid CtLas Vegas, NV 89144 4124

Clark County Last reported in September of 2022
9274 Hainsworth AveLas Vegas, NV 89148 1803

Clark County Last reported in October of 2022
10708 Royal View AveLas Vegas, NV 89144 4103

Clark County Last reported in January of 2010
5280 W Hacienda Ave APT 2038Las Vegas, NV 89118 0309

Clark County Last reported in July of 2012 


Possible Relatives

> Karman K Leung 

> David Y Lim 

> Kevin K Leung 

> Seungho Kim 

> Sum C Leung 

> Tammy Wun Leung 

> Arvin D Kim 

> Arvin D Kim 

> Beryl S Leung 

> Chi F Lau 

> Dong Hwan Lim 


Possible Associates

> Ean T Damato 

> Kit Keung Wong 


End Of Dox 
Doxxed By Kills