This is a short quickly made doxx on 2 people. ages: 15 and 17 they're brothers.
for: threatening to doxx a 14 year old girl (Name wont be said) 
and sent an explicit photo of her that she sent to her ex boyfriend (shes 14)

Chris (15) Date Of Birth: 5/19 and Josh(17) Date of Birth Unknown
State: Massachusetts
City: Fitchburg
Address: 21 CarriageWay Dr.

Josh Phone #: (978) 514-0032

Chris is a whitewashed black guy whos insecure about himself and dates people younger than him.
Josh is a 17 year old pedophile currently dating a 14 year old, and trying to doxx another 14 year old
They both have white people names while being Portuguese and the other being black
and they're fucking pussies
