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-Reason: RAGING Trump supporter. "undoxable". Thinks Covid is a joke,
and has a terrible hair bob. Get that fixed faggot. Cheating whore

                                        × Table of contents
	 			0x1:Perosnal Information
         			0x3:Extra *if added*

Privacy Protection Cause:                                                                                                                                                                                    
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 			 ║                  0x1                   ║  

 >Name:Christy J. Davis Barnett
Associated Names: Christy J Davis, Christie Davis

>Age:38 (Sep 1982)

>Address:Current Address
286 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
P.0 Box 107 Kensett, Ar 72082
Previous Addresses
Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Apr 2014)
203 Meharg
Letona, AR 72085
(Apr 2014)
320 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Mar 2014)

>Phone #:
(501) 593-2502 - Wireless
(501) 281-4200 - Landline
(501) 279-7779 - Landline
(501) 742-3676 - Landline
(501) 729-0324 - Landline

Instagram: christy_barnett


Funeral Assistant
Searcy Funeral Home
2011 - 20121 year

>Phone Number:(501) 279-9300

>Address:2616 S Main St, Searcy, AR 72143

███████╗ █████╗ ███╗   ███╗██╗██╗  ██╗   ██╗        ██╗    ██████╗ ███████╗██╗      █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗   ██╗███████╗███████╗
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 			 ║                  0x2                   ║  

>Husband:Daniel Matthew Barnett 
Associated Names: Danny D Barnett, Danny M Barnett, Daniel Matthew Barnett, Daniel E Barnett, Danny B Arnett, Danny E Marnett, Danny Barnet

>Age:43 (May 1978)

>Address:286 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
Previous Addresses
320 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Mar 2005 - Aug 2019)
2388 Highway 11
Griffithville, AR 72060
(Jun 2009 - Apr 2010)
402 Craig Dr
Searcy, AR 72143
(Oct 2008)

>Phone #:
(501) 593-9202 - Wireless
(501) 388-1999 - Wireless
(501) 742-3676 - Landline
(501) 742-1178 - Landline
(501) 230-5299 - Wireless

>Works:completions consultant at ConocoPhillips
December 18, 2019 to present




>Mother:Katie A Barnett 
Associated Names: Katherine Ann Barnett, Kathrine A Barnett

>Age:Age 70 (Jun 1951)

>Married to Danny E Barnett Since May 23, 1970

>Address:320 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
Previous Addresses
147 Ray Talburt Rd
Searcy, AR 72143
(Dec 2010 - Apr 2021)
286 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Jun 2018 - Aug 2020)
308 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Oct 2018 - Aug 2020)
Searcy, AR 72143

>Phone #:
(501) 742-3676 - Landline
(501) 742-1178 - Landline
(501) 742-9009 - Landline



>Father:Danny E Barnett 
Associated Names:Danny D Barnett, Danny M Barnett, Daniel Matthew Barnett, Daniel E Barnett, Danny B Arnett, Danny E Marnett, Danny Barnet

>Age:Age 70 (Mar 1951)

>Married to Katie A Barnett Since May 23, 1970

>Address:320 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
Previous Addresses:
286 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Jun 2018 - Jan 2020)
308 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
(Oct 2018 - Jan 2020)
147 Ray Talburt Rd
Searcy, AR 72143
(Oct 2008)

>Phone #:
(501) 742-3676 - Landline
(501) 742-9009 - Landline
(501) 742-1178 - Landline



owner-Barnett Farms at Retired/Self Employed
August 1, 2000 - Present
Former Middle Grades Consultant at Arkansas Dept. of Education
July 1992 - July 2000
Little Rock, Arkansas
Middle grades consultant

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>Property Ownership

>Name:Barnett, Daniel M & Christy J
286 Highway 36 E
Searcy, AR 72143
>Owner Occupied:

>Type: Intrafamily Transfer And Dissolution
>Book: DEED 2014 Page: 04973
>Recording Date: 01 May 2014
>Original Contract Date: 30 Apr 2014
Danny E Barnett, Katherine Ann Barnett
Daniel Matthew Barnett, Christy Jean Barnett
Simmons First Bank Of Searcy (Not Known)
>Amount: $229,500
>Type: Building Or Construction Loan
>Due Date: 30 Apr 2015

>Property Tax History
Year	Amount	Exemptions	Rate Code Area
2020	$1,956	Homestead	RV
Property Tax Assessment History
Year	Land Value	Improvement Value	Total Value
2020	$4,750	$53,380	$58,130
2019	$4,750	$53,380	$58,130
2018	$4,750	$53,380	$58,130

>Assessed Value
Year	Land Value	Improvement Value	Total Value
2020	$23,750	$266,900	$290,650


 			 ║                  0x3                   ║  

Initially, I was going to put all her childrens information, but then I though to myslef...why would I put these kids information out there? They aren't responsible for their mothers actions and they must be so embarassed to have that thing as a mother
P.S....Don't cheat on ur husband lmaoo I can't wait till he sees this. ~ capone
