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                                                        -+-                                             0x01 [Information]                                            -+-        

                                                         Legal Name: Aiden N/A
                                                         ‣ Alias: Clove
                                                         ‣ Age: 19

                                                         Address: This address has 2 current residents, Current Address: 7415 Duquesne Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15218
                                                          ‣ House Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/925189247273680987/983884622372933632/unknown.png
                                                          ‣ Secondary Addresses: N/A
                                                          ‣ High School: N/A
                                                          ‣ School Address: 531 Jones Avenue North Braddock, PA 15104
                                                          ‣ School Phone Number: 412-731-1300
                                                          ‣ Founded: July 1981
                                                          ‣ School Colors: Turquoise & Black and White
                                                          ‣ District: Woodland Hills School District
                                                          ‣ Website(s): https://www.whsd.net/ - https://www.facebook.com/WoodlandHillsSD/ - https://www.instagram.com/woodlandhillssd/

                                                         Phone Number: 412-991-0019
                                                         ‣ Status: Active, as of 6/7/2022
                                                          ‣ Type: Mobile (Cell Phone)
                                                          ‣ Carrier: Onvoy Spectrum
                                                          ‣ CNAM: Unknown
                                                         Neighbors (5)
                                                          ‣ 7421 Duquesne Ave # 3
                                                          ‣ 7415 Duquesne Ave
                                                          ‣ 7409 Duquesne Ave
                                                          ‣ 7417 Duquesne Ave
                                                          ‣ 7405 Duquesne Ave

                                                        -+-                                     x02 [Resident & Zipcode Information]                                  -+-         

                                                        Full Address: 7415 Duquesne Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15218
                                                          ‣ Resident Information
                                                         Full Name: Jonathan Morris
                                                         DOB: 10-2001
                                                         Gender: Male
                                                         Phone: N/A
                                                         Year Built: 1910
                                                         Year Assessed: 2021
                                                         Owner's Name: Robert M Fazio
                                                         Bed Rooms: 3
                                                         Bath Rooms: 1
                                                         Tax Bill Amount: $161
                                                         Marital Status: Possibly Single
                                                         Household Income: $15,000-$20,000
                                                         Household Size: 2
                                                         Length Of Residence: 1-2 yers

                                                         ZIP Code: 15218
                                                         City: Pittsburgh
                                                         State: Pennsylvania (PA)
                                                         Area Code: 412
                                                         Time Zone: Eastern
                                                         Local Time: 6/7/2022 {Time} PM
                                                         Residential: 5,795
                                                         Business: 440
                                                         Apartment: 1,189
                                                         PO Box: 92

                                                        -+-                                         0x03 [Social Media Platforms]                                     -+-        

                                                         Discord: clove#2881 | ID: 710141060336058388 | Status: Active
                                                         Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clovexcv/
                                                         Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueclovr
                                                         Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/j33gdr1ujdfkgtrz8prrw4xvq

                                                        -+-                                           0x04 [Family Information]                                       -+-             

                                                        Legal Name: Jonathan Morris
                                                          ‣ First Name: Jonathan
                                                          ‣ Last Name: Morris

                                                         Date of Birth: October N/A, 2001 (10/N/A/2001)
                                                          ‣ Age: 20 years old

                                                         Addresses: 7415 Duquesne Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15218

                                                         Phone Number(s): N/A

                                                          ‣ Possible Relatives
                                                          Alexis C Morris
                                                          Raquel C Jackson
                                                          Arthur Morris Sr
                                                          Avery B Morris
                                                          Cheryl D Morris
                                                          Cheryl B Morris
                                                          Jeffrey Warren Morris
                                                          Jeffrey Warren Morris
                                                          Jemel L Morris
                                                          Natalie T Morris
                                                          Bonnie L Morris

                                                          ‣ Possible Associates
                                                          Danita F Daniels
                                                          Darlene Jackson
                                                          Joseph R Jackson
                                                          Karen R Jackson
                                                          Kathleen T Hunt
                                                          Lillie G Jackson
                                                          Malvin J Jackson Jr
                                                          Nichol M Jackson
                                                          Nicholas W Jackson
                                                          Nicholas Westray Jackson
                                                          Nicholas Westray Jackson
                                                          Raquel M Jackson
                                                          Thomas Damicka

                                                        -+-                                                0x05 [Credits]                                             -+-             
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