/| || || || || .--._ || _.-"" ( / || .-. (_.-( `. \ || ) `-._ ( ( __. \ || __.-' ` .)._) ( ( _.-' `.`-._ || _.-" ) ) ) ( ( ( `. || .-' .' `. )` - .) (( .-' .-' `. `-. || .' .' ) ) - . ) ) ( ( .-' `-. \ __/\__ / .' `-. `. ) ) `. ( _.-' `. `. _( | : `-. ) `-. ) ( ( .'.-' `. / ) / .' .'`. `-. ) _.-' (.-' ( .-' `. `. | ,'| | .' .' ) ) ( ( .' `. `.,' / | \.' : `-._`-. `-. `.)`.) `-._ ( .' . ,' / \ \ .' )`. ) ( ( .' / ,-""-./\ \ `. `-. ) )`-._.-' `-. .' | / __.. `| / .-' \ .' .' | | /_ _\/ / `-. `. ) .-' `-._.' | \ ) (| | / `-._ ,; |.' \ / | ` . _.-' ""-._ / )`--'| | `._.-' / /`-..-' /_..-' ; _/ | ,' `. | | `.__.-' '.__.' `. | \ `. | . | \ | . ,' | .' | ,' | .' / | / | | | / | | | | / \ / / | / .: | / . .: | / .: .: ,' ,' .: .::__.-| -..__ : __,,..-' \ | / |'''' / ( .' ,' \_ `. `..' `.__; ~ reason ~ larps to rat people, cant hide c2, larps to have a botnet, copied my ego and the way i act (#1 fan), larps to beam reuploaded a dox i made on myself which is fake and took credits for it, lying that he made it used to dickride me and when he would get called a dickrider, he would add me in gcs that he was beefing in and begging me to help him win the beef and ignore the poor dox quality + dox format, we are all laughing in a gc and mocking him while im writing this he also folded to get packed in vc and his "packer friends" sound indian and under 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- __...--~~~~~-._ _.-~~~~~--...__ // `V' \\ // | \\ //__...--~~~~~~-._ | _.-~~~~~~--...__\\ //__.....----~~~~._\ | /_.~~~~----.....__\\ ====================\\|//==================== socials `---` ~ socials ~ insta: @just.krix (he has no friends + anti social) discord: @bands.tyo | 900707073300521022 doxbin: @codebreaker roblox: @Cool_floppy, @diegokamelion ---------------------------------------------------------------- __...--~~~~~-._ _.-~~~~~--...__ // `V' \\ // | \\ //__...--~~~~~~-._ | _.-~~~~~~--...__\\ //__.....----~~~~._\ | /_.~~~~----.....__\\ ====================\\|//==================== info `---` ~ info ~ ip: (lying that he changed it) timezone: europe/bucharest | bucharest/athens | UTC + 02:00 | GMT + 3 name: andrei (not confirmed) gender: male sexuality: heterosexual religion: orthodox christian city: baia mare country: romania local phone number format: +40 (romania) address: Baia Mare, Maramureș | https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6485362,23.5649912,3a,75y,56.47h,86.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOsItr84tPowrIpAVputs5g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 age: https://files.catbox.moe/995ibu.webp (OPEN IN NEW TAB) ethnicity: white; romanian 89% & gypsy 11% descent school: Școala Gimnazială "Alexandru Ivasiuc" | https://www.scoalaivasiuc.ro face pics: - (1) https://files.catbox.moe/z4l09e.jpg - (2) https://files.catbox.moe/a54ktx.jpg ~ proof of accurate information ~ his dox on a girl called "iulia" whos most likely 13 or 15 (https://doxbin.com/upload/Bitchnamediuly) has information based on where he resides, aka in baia mare, so this proves it all (he most likely used to be friends with her) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~ credits ~ __...--~~~~~-._ _.-~~~~~--...__ // `V' \\ // | \\ //__...--~~~~~~-._ | _.-~~~~~~--...__\\ //__.....----~~~~._\ | /_.~~~~----.....__\\ ====================\\|//==================== credits `---` - (1) zirt [me] - (2) 1092paradise [his dumbass friend that he doxed, this is the skid that actually fooled him into showing his ip and sending pics of himself to 1092] - dox: https://doxbin.com/upload/1092ParadiseDoxx - (3) q9ry [stupid femboy that used to dickride me, he gave me all the info a few mins ago]