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 _    _        _                                 _           ______               _      _              __               
| |  | |      | |                               | |          |  _  \             | |    (_)            / _|              
| |  | |  ___ | |  ___   ___   _ __ ___    ___  | |_   ___   | | | |  ___  __  __| |__   _  _ __      | |_   __ _   __ _ 
| |/\| | / _ \| | / __| / _ \ | '_ ` _ \  / _ \ | __| / _ \  | | | | / _ \ \ \/ /| '_ \ | || '_ \     |  _| / _` | / _` |
\  /\  /|  __/| || (__ | (_) || | | | | ||  __/ | |_ | (_) | | |/ / | (_) | >  < | |_) || || | | | _  | |  | (_| || (_| |
 \/  \/  \___||_| \___| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \___|  \__| \___/  |___/   \___/ /_/\_\|_.__/ |_||_| |_|( ) |_|   \__,_| \__, |
                                                                                                  |/                __/ |


                              _           _        ___   ___ _____ _____ 
                             | |         | |      /   | /   / __  |  ___|
  ___ _ __ __ _ _____   _  __| |_   _  __| | ___ / /| |/ /| `' / /|___ \ 
 / __| '__/ _` |_  | | | |/ _` | | | |/ _` |/ _ / /_| / /_| | / /     \ \ DOXXED
| (__| | | (_| |/ /| |_| | (_| | |_| | (_| |  __\___  \___  ./ /__/\__/ /
 \___|_|  \__,_/___|\__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|\___|   |_/   |_\_____\____/ 
                     __/ |                                               

redacted edition: one of the helpers are currently being investigated by fbi, so im making it harder for them

|                                                                                            |
| [HIS EMAIL] hampudy197@gmail.com         [HIS CRUSH] SOPH (CRINGE CATGIRL)                 |
| [HIS DISCORD] analoguemix_productions    [HIS PASSWORD] mrcrazydude101  GET PWNED          |
| [REASON] creates rape jokes, tells a 14 year old girl hes attracted to her and much more   |
| [DOX] Improved with more info and un-expirable links                                       |
|                                                                                            |
|                                     BYE HAMOUDY                                            |
|                                                                                            |

HELPERS: (redacted) and vine (they got his infodump), Samurai (helped me steal his account and inspect the dms)

(redacted) infodump version: (no)

Out of all the other different doxxes of crazydude, this is probably the best

____________ _____ ___________ 
| ___ | ___ |  _  |  _  |  ___|
| |_/ | |_/ | | | | | | | |_   
|  __/|    /| | | | | | |  _|  
| |   | |\ \\ \_/ \ \_/ | |    
\_|   \_| \_|\___/ \___/\_|    
        -Flying Fun Fact: He once made a joke about telling a 11 year old girl if he can cum on her.-

Rape Jokes Section
https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/combo.png Combo! He makes joke about wanting CP and makes joke about raping.

Lolicon Section
He sent a link of lolicon of Pokemon May, which is 10 years old.

him sexually attracted to a 14 year old girl: https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/wth.webp

 _____  _   _  _____  ______  _____   ___   _      ______  _____   ___   _     
|_   _|| | | ||  ___| | ___ \|  ___| / _ \ | |     |  _  \|  ___| / _ \ | |    
  | |  | |_| || |__   | |_/ /| |__  / /_\ \| |     | | | || |__  / /_\ \| |    
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  | |  | | | || |___  | |\ \ | |___ | | | || |____ | |/ / | |___ | | | || |____
  \_/  \_| |_/\____/  \_| \_|\____/ \_| |_/\_____/ |___/  \____/ \_| |_/\_____/

His Ugly Ass Face Photo: https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/lr2js12uua0.png
Real Full Name: Noah Hamoudy
Old Usernames: crazydude4425_, exako
Alt Username: xako_123
New Username: analoguemix_productions                                       -Flying Fun Fact: Exako wants to be a femboy but his parents are gigachads-
Email: hampudy197@gmail.com
Dead IP (his ip changed):
Phone Number: +1 780-937-7811
Address: 162 Ave NW 16159 Castle Down Rd NW Edmonton Alberta Canada
Cheapass house photo from google maps: https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/house.png
His GAIA ID: 112173905480168707835
His Online Crush: https://www.youtube.com/@SOPHSOPH. Soph The Neko
His Online Crush's Face (already public): https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/image.png

 _____  _   _   ___   _____   _      _____  _____  _____ 
/  __ \| | | | / _ \ |_   _| | |    |  _  ||  __ \/  ___|
| /  \/| |_| |/ /_\ \  | |   | |    | | | || |  \/\ `--. 
| |    |  _  ||  _  |  | |   | |    | | | || | __  `--. \
| \__/\| | | || | | |  | |   | |____\ \_/ /| |_\ \/\__/ /
 \____/\_| |_/\_| |_/  \_/   \_____/ \___/  \____/\____/ 

Top 2 Logged Chats
1. https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/soph.html Chat Logs Between Exako/crazydude4425 and Soph The Neko
2. https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/Direct_Messages_-_xdfday_[1185470431298334751].html Chat Logs Between Exako/crazydude4425 and xdfday/Vicktor33

ALL LOGGED CHATS: https://uwuwuu.discowd.com/ALL_DMS_EXAKO.rar

  _______   ______     ______     _______  __       _______     __  .__   __.  _______   ______   
 /  _____| /  __  \   /  __  \   /  _____||  |     |   ____|   |  | |  \ |  | |   ____| /  __  \  
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|  |__| | |  `--'  | |  `--'  | |  |__| | |  `----.|  |____    |  | |  |\   | |  |     |  `--'  | 
 \______|  \______/   \______/   \______| |_______||_______|   |__| |__| \__| |__|      \______/  


🙋 Google Account data

Name : Hampudy

[-] Default profile picture
[-] Default cover picture

Last profile edit : 2023/12/31 23:41:24 (UTC)

Gaia ID : 112173905480168707835

User types :
- GOOGLE_USER (The user is a Google user.)

📞 Google Chat Extended Data

Entity Type : PERSON
Customer ID : Not found.

🌐 Google Plus Extended Data

Entreprise User : False

🗺 Maps data

Profile page : https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112173905480168707835/reviews

[-] No review.