DOX BY: Serceph

Reason for DOX: Fake, Fuckboy, Liar
Name: Curtis Shipley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curtis.uk/
Snapchat: curtois_shipley
Age: 17
Roblox Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/1186417691/profile
Discord ID: 576217468398469121
Location:  15 Orchard Way, Balderton, United Kingdom                              
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Other Phone Numbers Linked: 
(305) 458-4981
(305) 793-5178
(305) 668-0688
(305) 798-7277
Family Members: 
Ian shipley: Age 45
Amy Shipley: Age 21
Dave Shipley: Age 36
Paul Shipley: Age 50
Emma Fryer: Age 54
Dennis Hope: Age 34

-Creds to Kingsmen for the minor template usage