real name Steven Wright drag name name Porcelynn/Porter Turrelle state oklahoma city wagoner social\ cell 1-918-348-6916 #### Background and Personality - **Early Life:** Grew up facing social and economic challenges, shaping his perspective on life and society. - **Education:** Self-educated in various fields, particularly in computer technology, but left formal education due to financial and personal struggles. - **Personality Traits:** Intelligent, resourceful, and adept at adapting to different situations. Exhibits skepticism towards authority and possesses a complex moral compass. #### Skills and Expertise - **Cybersecurity:** not Highly skilled in computer programming, hacking, and digital security. - **CP** has or has had servers weith cp and likes get yong ppl to dress in drag with him - **Social Engineering:** not Proficient in manipulation, persuasion, and deception, using these skills to navigate complex social situations. - **Strategic Planning:** Capable of devising and executing detailed plans and strategies. #### History and Activities - **Work History:** Diverse, including legitimate jobs and more clandestine activities. Has a history of engaging in morally grey areas for survival and personal gain. - **Legal Troubles:** Has had run-ins with the law, primarily due to his unconventional activities and alleged involvement in cybercrimes. this sick F i have tried everthing i can do get somthing sone but im only so powerfull , #### Role in the Narrative - **Complex Protagonist/Antagonist:** Depending on the story's perspective, Steven can serve as either a protagonist struggling against a corrupt system or an antagonist driven by personal gain. - **Character Arc:** His story can explore themes of redemption, morality, and the impact of societal pressures on individual choices.