
                                                @ 0x10 | Reasoning................... @
                                                @ 0X20 | Personal Information........ @
                                                @ 0x30 | Social Media................ @
                                                @ 0x40 | Phone Information........... @
                                                @ 0x50 | Family Information.......... @
                                                @ 0x60 | Outro....................... @ 

    │    0x10 Reasoning ????   Being a pedophile for over 3 years, EDating/grooming underage girls through         │
    │      discord and instagram. Sending explicit pictures of himself to 14 and 12 year old girls.             │
    │           Also a weird racist coonie that claims hes not black despite being blatantly a nigger.          |
    |      Now spends his days hiding from a russian nigger on the internet and calling his mommy for help      |  
                                 VICTIM: Damien Newball A.K.A ofcToastGhost
    │                                       0x20 Personal Information                                           |


       • Full Name: Damien Newball
       • Age: 19
       • DOB: 10/12/2002

       • TheNinjaWhiteFang
       • ToastGhost
       • TheNinjaBlackFang
       • Damien
       • Ronin
       • Jack

       •  Ethnicity: African American (Nigger)   
       •  Hair Color:  Black
       •  Eye Color: Brown
       •  Height:   110 Lbs (49 kg)
       •  Weight:   5'7 (173 cm)
       •  Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/958323080558698566/984712704965115965/unknown.png?width=391&height=430https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1025879414073983018/1026625184435798077/unknown.png?width=358&height=380


      •  Explicit photos & voice messages he sent to a 14 year old girl:

           -=[IP Address]=-
          • 13449 166th Pl, Apt 7F, Jamaica, NY, 11434-3877      .-"""-.       ||::::::==========
                                                                /= ___  \      ||::::::==========                          
                                                               |- /~~~\  |     ||::::::==========
                                                               |=( '.' ) |     ||================ 
Email Accounts:                                                \__\_=_/__/     ||================
 • whitefangtheninja@gmail.com                                  {_______}      ||================
                                                              /` *       `'--._||

                                                             /= .   [gn] .     { >
                                                            /  /|        |`'--'|| 
                                                           (   )\_______/      ||
                                                            \``\/       \      ||
                                                             `-| ==    \_|     ||
                                                               /         |     ||
                                                              |=   >\  __/     ||
                                                              \   \ |- --|     ||                    
                                                               \ __| \___/     ||
                                                               _{__} _{__}     ||
                                                              (    )(    )     || 
                                                            ^^~  `"""  `"""  ~^^^~^^~~~^^^~^^^~^^^~^^~^  


    │                                         0x30 Social Media                                                 |

     • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClR27wmHYZkYxnXvbvaXtig
     • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/damien_tallgiraffe/
     • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RavenandCroww
     • Roblox: ofcToastGhost, TheNinjaWhiteFang, TheNinjaBlackFang
     • Roblox group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/9272036/Fang-Inc#!/about (all his other alts are in here)
     • Website: https://www.deviantart.com/theninjawhitefang
     • Discord: ????fA-pA????#5433 (409418391728816148)
     • Discord Alt: $ {????Maximilian????}#5907 (670786823790002187)
     • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ofctoast_ghost
     • Twitter: https://twitter.com/ofcToastGhost
     • Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ofctoastghost         
     • Cash app: $ofctoastghost

    │                                       0x40 Phone Information                                              |

   ╔═ Him 
   ╚->  •  Name: Damien Newball
        •  Phone Number: (929) 316-8161
                            .                                                      .
                          .n                   .                 .                  n.
                       ..dP                  dP                   9b                 9b.    .
                   4    qXb         .       dX                     Xb       .        dXp     t
                  dX.    9Xb      .dXb    __                         __    dXb.     dXP     .Xb
                  9XXb._       _.dXXXXb dXXXXbo.                 .odXXXXb dXXXXb._       _.dXXP
                      `9XXXXXXXXXXXP' `9XX'          `98v8P'          `XXP' `9XXXXXXXXXXXP'
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                                      9XXb'   `XXXXXb.dX|Xb.dXXXXX'   `dXXP
                                       `'      9XXXXXX(   )XXXXXXP      `'
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                                                XP^X'`b   d'`X^XX
                                                X. 9  `   '  P )X
                                                `b  `       '  d'
                                                 `             '          
    │                                       0x50 Family Information                                             |

(weird black coon republican bitch)
    •  Relation: Mother
    •  Name: Joy A Newball
    •  Age: 37
    •  Random vid of her lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-vT0783-zU
    •  Phone: (917) 297-7207
    •  2nd Number: (917) 297-4676
    •  Email: latinachic201@yahoo.com 
    •  Address: 13449 166th Pl, Apt 7F, Jamaica, NY, 11434-3877
     (This nigger's also a pedophile btw)
    •  Relation: Half Brother 
    •  Name: Jason Bowns
    •  Age: 19
    •  Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1025879414073983018/1026623286454517840/image0.jpg?width=185&height=429
    •  Address: 14423 231st St Laurelton, NY 11413
    •  Phone: (718) 276-7379 
    •  Proof: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/786258472336490496/803441814849323018/EYg7YckXgAEafh3.pnghttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/786258472336490496/803441817864634398/EYg7VISXsAIlBm5.pnghttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/786258472336490496/803449508162699275/IMG-2714.jpg
    •  Relation: Cousin
    •  Name: Nakeem Kemp
    •  Age: 20
    •  Phone: (347) 755-5760
    •  Address: 144-26 231st Street, Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
    •  Email 1: nakeem.kemp@prep4writers.com
    •  Email 2: knakeem@yahoo.com
    •  Relation: Uncle
    •  Name: Patrick Bowns
    •  Age: 53
    •  Phone: (718) 276-7379 
    •  Address: 14423 231st St Laurelton, NY 11413

               .       .         _+_        .                  .             .
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                           i//*/_^- -  \*\i    .          .  .  .      .    .   .
                   .       / // * ^ \ * \ \             . ALL ABOARD THE DOX EXPRESS    
                        i/ /*  ^  * ^ + \ \i          ..     ___            _________
                         / / // / | \ \  \ *\         >U___^_[[_]|  ______  |_|_|_|_|_|
                  ____(|)____    |||                  [__________|=|______|=|_|_|_|_|_|=
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                -|     |     |-.-|||.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-


    │                                            0x60 Outro                                                     |
                                          • #BLMK                    
                                          • MORE INFO COMING SOON   
                                          • credits to Crystal & Kasabi for the starting info.  
        /\    ,,,    /\                   • Dox made by georgy c: 
       |/\| ,;;;;;, |/\|
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