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                                                Ahh where do we start. Another pedo? Yep, you guessed it. This nigga got his phone flagged 6 times for extortion and he
                                                still hasnt been investigated. Been trying to e-sex 14/13 year olds and groaning line a pensioner over a fucking discord
                                                call. Honestly what a sad prick. Sorry Bill or should I call you "derek".

                                                                                            ║             PERSONAL INFO             ║

❏Name : Derek Valdes
❏Aliases : 
» derek
» glaxis223
» shadow_skillet223
» "Bill Reyes"
❏Age : 17
❏Race : American / Hispanic 
❏Nationality : America / Spain
❏ Face : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1264948983013314662/1264958798888439910/Glaxis.png?ex=669fc42f&is=669e72af&hm=facfd146ef225d580608d6fd543db9c0e65925a000c224e111dfe2d7bfb03241&
❏ Height : 6'0+

                                                                                            ║             SCHOOL INFO               ║
❏School (Current) : New World School of the Arts High School.
»Contact : +1 305-237-3135
❏School Adress Line : 25 NE 2nd St, Miami, FL 33132, United States                                                    
❏Link : https://nwsa.mdc.edu

                                                                                            ║         LOCATION & ISP INFO           ║
❏Address : Apt 34. District 225, Miami.
❏IP :
❏ISP : Swift
❏Local PD : City of Miami Police Department
»Contact : +13056036640
❏Local City : Miami, Florida
                                                                                            ║         PHONE NUMBER & INFO           ║

❏Phone type : Personal Communications Service
❏Number : (305) 926-0862
❏Carrier : Sprint
❏Line activity : High
❏Valid : Yes 
❏Wireless Connection Line  : Miami, FL

                                                                                            ║                SOCIALS                ║

❏ Insta : glaxis223
❏ Facebooks : https://www.facebook.com/bill.reyes.5895, Derek Valdes. 

                                                                                            ║                FAMILY                 ║
Name : Marisol Valdes [Mother]
❏ Info
» Current Address: 6601 W 16th Ave, Hialeah, FL
» Past Addresses: 2661 W 74th St Hialeah, FL 
» Email Address: mleon@siegelgas.com
» Age : 52
William Reyes [Father]
❏ Info 
Current Address: 1717 N Bayshore Dr, Apt 3233, Miami, FL
Past Addresses: 2661 W 74th St Hialeah, FL 


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                                                OSINT : doomspired [cyndaii, 4cyva]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                           Another one bites the dust....                                        
                                                 CONTACT INFO : 
                                                 DISCORD : @4cyva
                                                  PST. My accounts keep getting fedfucked so if u need to contact me ask for my tele privately <3. Dont mind a bit of pedo hunting.