Name: Michael (couldn't get surname, but if you call his work they should give you it) Age: 29 Location: California, San Fransisco (Bay Area) Reason: Literal pedo Birthday: November 12th 1990 Employer: AutoZone Auto Parts - Auto parts store in San Francisco, California Fun Fact: Sold Drugs BDSM Test: (big daddy dom) Face: Discord: OTR-DAGGERDICK#1035 Chat Logs with redacted information of the girl: / /___ _ _____ _________ / __/ /_/ /_ / /_ ______ / / __ \ | / / _ \ / ___/ __ \/ /_/ __/ __ \/ __ \ /_____/ / / /_/ / |/ / __/ (__ ) /_/ / __/ /_/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/\____/|___/\___/ /____/\____/_/ \__/_.___/_.___/