
Personal Information:
     » Full Name: Djamiro Nijhuis
     » Day of birth: 26-04-2008
     » Country: Netherlands, Zutphen, Warnsveld
     » IP Address:
     » Provider: Vodafone Ziggo


     » Discord: Djamiro#0145 | 647145582334443531
     » Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/user/ckrq-bndd
     » Steam ID: steam110000117cb0922
     » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/djamironijhuis/
     » YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/djamironijhuis
     » FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/djamiro.nijhuis
     » FaceBook (Of his mother) https://www.facebook.com/mirella.nijhuis


Pictures of Djamiro:
     » https://gyazo.com/52b10341b95eea927cbd46e8351ca174
     » https://gyazo.com/fcd5f1c2fd361b88860381cba5829ed3
     » https://gyazo.com/1fc793ea0126ad8bebd20a485c8b4142
     » https://gyazo.com/ae911c615fcf786c7182d103ca3c67a0
     » https://gyazo.com/88e3aa385b50a992cb3dbd718ef3e933
     » https://gyazo.com/55fc01635a02565b8c2cc8e9c9da14fa
     » https://gyazo.com/024313cd3864cbf2505675a1a676fa0d (Babypicture)
     » https://gyazo.com/7546e02d675e94872abbda0fc95b287f (Of his mother)


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