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                                                                                                              |   » 0x01 - Basic Information                            |
                                                                                                              |   » 0x02 - IP Info                                      |
                                                                                                              |   » 0x03 - School info                                  |

Greetings user(s). 

	(Sorry for the short dox lol, got frustrated and I couldn't find more info on this cuck)

	 The context surrounding this individual's behavior is deeply troubling and concerning. Specifically, the user in question has been engaging in inappropriate online interactions with underage individuals, engaging in sexualized conversations and coercive behavior through the platform discord.com. This disturbing pattern involves pressuring minors to engage in explicit activities over webcam, prompting them to remove their clothing. Due to the severity of the situation, including the individual's pedophilic actions and harmful behavior towards children, it has become necessary to expose their identity through doxxing in order to protect potential victims and hold the perpetrator accountable for their actions.╔══╦════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
|                      0x01  Basic info                         |

  » Name: Diego Fernández
  »  Age: 19
  »  [DOB] Date of Birth: 08/21/2004
  »  Location of Birth:	St. Elizabeth Ft. Thomas Hospital, Kentucky
  »  Address: 1457 Mink Br. Harold, Kentucky(KY), 41635
  »  Race: Hispanic
  »  Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
  »  Political Affiliation: Unk.
  »  Native Language: English
  »  Religion: Christian
  »  Additional Information
|                      0x02 IP info                              |

 »  IP Address (IPv4):
  »  IP Address (Local):
  »  MAC Address: 45:AA:51:D4:D3:85
  »  IP Address (IPv6): af52:545b:de59:ad12:ee4f:3ca:6efd:5faf
  »  Mobile Phone Number:  (606) 587-3395 (Current) (859) 369-7236 (Old)
  »  Credit Card (1) | MasterCard
     » Bank Account Number: 71912095857200
     » Exp Date: 8/24 
     » CVV: 460
     » Credit Card Number: 4916-1906-8946-2087 
     » Bank: US BANK, NA
     » IBAN: US42494014516737652460218664
|                      0x03 School info                         |

  [NAME] School Name: Murray State University
  »  School Address: 1375 Chestnut St, Murray, KY 42071, US
  »  School Website: Murray State University
  »  School Phone Number: +1 800-272-4678
  »  Degree: Associate Degree