_______  _______ .___________.       _______  __    __    ______  __  ___  _______  _______        .______   ____    ____      _______         ___         .___________.        ___          __          __     .___________.   ____    ____ 
 /  _____||   ____||           |      |   ____||  |  |  |  /      ||  |/  / |   ____||       \       |   _  \  \   \  /   /     |   ____|       /   \        |           |       /   \        |  |        |  |    |           |   \   \  /   / 
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|  | |_ | |   __|      |  |           |   __|  |  |  |  | |  |     |    <   |   __|  |  |  |  |      |   _  <    \_    _/       |   __|       /  /_\  \          |  |          /  /_\  \      |  |        |  |        |  |          \_    _/   
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 \______| |_______|    |__|           |__|      \______/   \______||__|\__\ |_______||_______/       |______/      |__|         |__|        /__/     \__\        |__|        /__/     \__\    |_______|   |__|        |__|            |__|     

---------------------------------- Info ----------------------------------                                                    
Real Name - Cheyenne Brown (how u gon be a male but with that name TwT)
Age - 26
DOB - (10-19-1994) 
Email - cheyennebrown94@hotmail.com
Phone Number - (208) 221-1253
Photo - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/826312152403017759/826416161675673630/Screenshot_2.png
Usernames - Dragonfang1994 , GemNightShade
Discord Tag - Blade#7037 - 279895939492085762 | Vix (Rest of the tag not available.)
VRChat User - Dragonfang1994 , GemNightShade
Occupation - Supposedly works at a Daycare. (I sure as hell hope not)   

---------------------------------- Address ----------------------------------
Street Address - 4509 Ponderosa St
City - Chubbuck
State - Idaho
Zip - 83202
IP Address -

---------------------------------- Socials ----------------------------------
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Gemstone.Nightshade.987

---------------------------------- Reason for Dox ----------------------------------
- Nigga is a fuckin pedophile who fucked with a 17, 16, and 14 year old.
Evidence (Last 3 are in order.) - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802372863055233044/826593633540898816/evidence1.png

This is why you don't fuck with kids. You'll get what's coming to you soon.

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