               ││              {Table of Contents}             ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││   0x00 - Intro / Acknowledgements            ││
               ││   0x01 - Intro to Chest                      ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     0x10 - Barbell Bench Press               ││
               ││      0x11 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      0x12 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      0x13 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     0x20 - Incline Barbell Bench Press       ││
               ││      0x21 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      0x22 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      0x23 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     0x30 - Decline Barbell Bench Press       ││
               ││      0x31 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      0x32 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      0x33 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     0x40 - Pushups                           ││
               ││      0x41 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      0x42 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      0x43 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     0x50 - Dips                              ││
               ││      0x51 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      0x52 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      0x53 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││   1x01 - Intro to Shoulders                  ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     1x10 - Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press    ││
               ││      1x11 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      1x12 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      1x13 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     1x20 - Front Weight Plate Raise          ││
               ││      1x21 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      1x22 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      1x23 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     1x30 - Standing Barbell Shrugs           ││
               ││      1x31 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      1x32 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      1x33 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     1x40 - Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise  ││
               ││      1x41 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      1x42 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      1x43 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     1x50 - Push Press                        ││
               ││      1x51 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      1x52 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      1x53 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││   2x01 - Intro to Back                       ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     2x10 - Pull-Up                           ││
               ││      2x11 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      2x12 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      2x13 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     2x20 - Lat Pulldowns                     ││
               ││      2x21 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      2x22 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      2x23 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     2x30 - Reverse Dumbbell Fly              ││
               ││      2x31 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      2x32 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      2x33 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     2x40 - Seated Row                        ││
               ││      2x41 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      2x42 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      2x43 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     2x50 -  Quadruped Dumbbell Row           ││
               ││      2x51 - How to Perform                   ││
               ││      2x52 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      2x53 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││   3x01 - Intro to Legs                       ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     3x10 - Barbell Squat                     ││
               ││      3x11 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      3x12 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      3x13 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     3x20 - Barbell Deadlift                  ││
               ││      3x21 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      3x22 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      3x23 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     3x30 - Leg Press                         ││
               ││      3x31 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      3x32 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      3x33 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     3x40 - Calf Raise                        ││
               ││      3x41 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      3x42 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      3x43 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     3x50 - Lunges                            ││
               ││      3x51 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      3x52 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      3x53 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││   4x01 - Intro to Core                       ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     4x10 - Plank                             ││
               ││      4x11 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      4x12 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      4x13 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     4x20 - Weighted Russian Twists           ││
               ││      4x21 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      4x22 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      4x23 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     4x30 - Sit-Ups                           ││
               ││      4x31 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      4x32 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      4x33 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     4x40 -  Moutain Climbers                 ││
               ││      4x41 - How To Perform                   ││
               ││      4x42 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      4x43 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││     4x50 - Side Plank                        ││
               ││      4x51 - How to Perform                   ││
               ││      4x52 - Amount of Reps                   ││
               ││      4x53 - Equipment Required               ││
               ││                                              ││
┼┼─────────────┼┼        0x00 - Intro / Acknowledgements      ─┼┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││    As I was sitting in a call with Scope he told me that I should make     ││
││    my first paste on the site, since I recently got a rank upgrade.        ││
││    But I didn't want to contribute to all the negative and malicious       ││
││    activity that usually goes on on the site. So I have decided to         ││
││    contribute to the physical health of Doxbin by showcasing some of       ││
││                my favorite workouts and how to do them!                    ││
││                                                                            ││  
│┼──────Special Acknowledgements──────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Sx - doxbin.org/user/midget - Creating some of the formats            ││
││      XML - doxbin.org/user/XML - Keeping the paste up                      ││
││      3zz - doxbin.org/user/3zz - Someone who actually needs this           ││
││      Sumo - doxbin.org/user/sumo - Buying my rank                          ││
││	Scope - doxbin.org/user/Scope - The reason this exists                ││
││	Brief - doxbin.org/user/BriefRichard - Being a real ass nigga         ││
││	verdict - doxbin.org/user/verdict - Helping with formatting           ││
││	Scorchy - doxbin.org/user/wise - Helping with the idea                ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼             0x01 - Intro to Chest              ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││    First and foremost is the pectoralis major, which is the thick          ││
││    broad muscle that is located under the breast that fans out             ││
││    across the chest. It contains at least six separate sets of muscle      ││
││    fibers and receives dual motor innervation from both the medial and     ││
││    pectoral nerves. By pulling on the humerus, the pectoralis major        ││
││              enables lateral, vertical, or rotational motion.              ││
││                                                                            ││
││    Situated underneath the pectoralis major is a thin and triangular       ││
││    muscle by the name of pectoralis minor (naturally). The smaller of      ││
││    the two, it extends from three origins on the ribcage and assists       ││
││    with movement of the scapula. Together, the pectoralis major and        ││
││    pectoralis minor form your pectoral muscles (aka your “pecs”) and       ││
││    play a significant role in both arm motion and deep inhalation.         ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼           0x10 - Barbell Bench Press           ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x11 - How to Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Lie flat on your back on the bench. Reach up and grip the bar with    ││
││      your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart, so when you are at   ││
││      the lowest point of the bench press your hands are directly above     ││
││      your elbows, thus allowing maximum force generation. Then bring the   ││
││      bar slowly down to your chest as you breathe in. Push up as you       ││
││      breathe out, grip the bar hard, and focusing on a spot on the ceiling ││
││      so you can ensure the barbell travels the same path every time        ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x12 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x13 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this workout, a flat bench is required along with a 45lb          ││
││      bar. You will also need weighted plates to increase weight            ││
││                     as you improve and get stronger.                       ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼       0x20 - Incline Barbell Bench Press       ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x21 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Lie supine on your back on a bench that is inclined at 45 degrees     ││
││      spread your legs, bring your feet back, and place them firmly on      ││
││      the ground. Have a slight arch in your back. Dismount the barbell     ││
││      using a wider-than-shoulder-width grip. Inhale as you lower the       ││
││                          barbell to your chest                             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x22 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x23 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this workout, an incline bench is required with an angle of 45    ││
││      degrees, you will also need a 45lb weight bar, along with various     ││
││      weight plates so you have the option to add weight as you improve     ││
││                              and get stronger                              ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼       0x30 - Decline Barbell Bench Press       ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x31 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Lie supine on your back on a bench that is declined at 45 degrees     ││
││      spread your legs, bring your feet back, and place them firmly on      ││
││      the ground. Have a slight arch in your back. Dismount the barbell     ││
││      using a wider-than-shoulder-width grip. Inhale as you lower the       ││
││                          barbell to your chest                             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x32 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like thi      ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x33 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this workout, a decline bench is required with an angle of -20    ││
││      degrees, you will also need a 45lb weight bar, along with various     ││
││      weight plates so you have the option to add weight as you improve     ││
││                              and get stronger                              ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                 0x40 - Pushups                 ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x41 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than         ││
││      shoulder width. Straighten out your arms and legs so that you         ││
││      are at the peak pushup position. Lower your body until your chest     ││
││      nearly touches the floor. Pause briefly, then push yourself back      ││
││                               up, and repeat.                              ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x42 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Unlike some of the previous exercises, this exercise is a little      ││
││      lighter, as you only use your own body weight. I would recommend      ││
││      that you go for higher reps due to the lightweight. Personally        ││
││              a set of this would look like the following.                  ││
││                                 [03 x 20]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x43 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this workout, all that you need is your body and a flat           ││
││                   the surface on the floor to work out in!                 ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                  0x50 - Dips                   ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x51 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Grab the parallel bars and jump up, grab hold and straighten          ││
││      your arms. Lower your body by bending your arms while learning        ││
││      forward. Dip down until your shoulders are below your elbows.         ││
││          Lift your body up by straightening your arms and repeat.          ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x52 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this one, I would recommend doing [03x10] 3 sets of 10 reps       ││
││      This is a hard exercise sometimes for beginners so if you aren't      ││
││      even able to do one rep, you can just hang there for about 3          ││
││                                sets of 30 seconds                          ││
││                                 [03 x 20]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────0x53 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this workout, you will need a set of parallel bars that           ││
││      are elevated and sturdy, as well as your bodyweight it is             ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼           1x01 - Intro to Shoulders            ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││     The shoulder has about eight muscles that attach to the scapula,       ││
││     humerus, and clavicle. These muscles form the outer shape of the       ││
││     shoulder and underarm. These muscles in the shoulder air in a          ││
││     wide range of movement and help protect and maintain the main          ││
││            the shoulder joint, known as the glenohumeral joint             ││
││                                                                            ││
││     The largest of these shoulder muscles is the deltoid. This large       ││
││     triangular muscle covers the glenohumeral joint and gives the          ││
││     shoulder its rounded-off shape. It stretches across the top of         ││
││     the shoulder from the clavicle in the front to the scapula in          ││
││     the back. It then stretches downward to near the center of the         ││
││     humerus bone. Different fibers of the muscle are responsible for       ││
││     different actions, including raising the arm and assisting the         ││
││     pectoralis muscle in the chest. One important function of the          ││
││     the deltoid is preventing joint dislocation when a person carries      ││
││                             heavy objects.                                 ││
││                                                                            ││
││    Four muscles—the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor,             ││
││    and subscapularis—make up the rotator cuff. It stabilizes the           ││
││    shoulder and holds the head of the humerus into the glenoid             ││
││              cavity to maintain the principal shoulder joint.              ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼      1x10 - Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press     ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x11 - How to Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Hold the dumbbells by your shoulders with your palms facing           ││
││      forwards and your elbows out to the sides and bent at a 90            ││
││      degree angle. Without leaning back, extend through your elbows        ││   
││      to press the weights above your head. Then slowly return to the       ││
││          starting position, making sure it is one fluid motion.            ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x12 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x13 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      You will need a surface to sit on, and a set of dumbbells.            ││
││      However, you may want to have dumbbells of various weights            ││
││            so that you can adjust your weight accordingly                  ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼        1x20 - Front Weight Plate Raise         ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x21 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      To execute, keep your hands at hip height as you hold the weight      ││
││      in front of you. Your feet should be even with your shoulders         ││ 
││      and your core should be tight. Next, retract your shoulder blades     ││
││      and keep your arms straight as you lift the weight to shoulder        ││
││      level. Breathe steadily and lower the weight carefully. Repeat.       ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x22 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x23 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││	The only equipment that is required is a weighted plate and           ││
││                    space to be able to move freely about                   ││             
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼         1x30 - Standing Barbell Shrugs         ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x31 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Keeping your feet even with your shoulders, bend your knees           ││
││      and pick up the barbell, bringing it to waist level. Next, lift       ││
││      your shoulders up and back (i.e. “shrug” or pinch them), squeezing    ││
││      for about five seconds before releasing them. Keep the movements      ││
││      restricted to your shoulders, meaning your arms should be             ││
││      relatively loose and the barbell should only raise and lower very     ││
││                                  slightly                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x32 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      This activity I have always supported doing a few more reps on        ││
││          I personally would do 3 sets of 20 reps, so it would be           ││
││                                   [03x20]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x33 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││     The only equipment that is required is a 45lb barbell, and             ││
││     weight plates of your choice, to achieve your desired weight.          ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼    1x40 - Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise     ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x41 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      You can perform it in either a standing (bent-over) or seated         ││
││      position. Start with a dumbbell in each hand, keeping your chest      ││
││      up, your back flat, your knees slightly bent, and your eyes           ││
││      focussed toward a fixed point on the floor. Now, bend over until      ││
││      your core is basically parallel with the ground, and hang the         ││
││      dumbbells directly underneath you, all while keeping your elbows      ││
││      in a slightly bent position. Next, raise both dumbbells up and out    ││
││      to your sides, forming an arc until your upper arms are even with     ││
││      your torso. Take a brief pause at the top before lowering the         ││
││             dumbbells back into starting position. Repeat.                 ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x42 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x43 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      The only equipment that is required is weighted dumbbells of          ││ 
││                  your choice, based on how much you lift                   ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼               1x50 - Push Press                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x51 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      The push press should be performed in the standing position.          ││     
││      Start by resting the barbell atop your upper chest, with your         ││
││     palms up, your elbows pointed out, and your upper arms parallel        ││
││      to the floor. Lower your hips and bend your knees into a quarter      ││
││     squat and then rise upwards with ample thrust, fully extending your    ││
││      arms and elbows as you lift the bar over your head. Hold for a few    ││
││      seconds before returning to the starting position for the next rep.   ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x52 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────1x53 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      The only equipment that is required is the barbell and an             ││ 
││                           open space to move around                        ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼             2x01 - Intro to Back               ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││     A strong, well-developed back will improve your workouts in the gym    ││
││    and help you develop full-body muscle. A strong back, for example,      ││
││    will provide the foundations for your deadlifts and squat, as your      ││
││    the body will be able to call upon more stabilizing muscles, enabling   ││
││    you to lift more. I will now elaborate on which muscles make up         ││
││                                 the back.                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
││    There are smaller muscles that sit closer to the spine, which are       ││
││    sometimes called the local stabilizing muscles. The most commonly       ││
││    talked about of these muscles is the multifidus, and its role is        ││
││    to stabilize the vertebrae on each other, along with the ligaments      ││
││             and the tendons that wrap around the spine                     ││
││                                                                            ││
││    You have the obliques, which make up the back muscle. The obliques      ││
││    are commonly thought to be abdominal muscles, but they actually         ││
││    wrap around onto the thoracolumbar fascia around the back. You          ││
││    have internal and external obliques and they're predominantly           ││
││    responsible for the rotation and the side bending of the trunk,         ││
││                    they also assist with stability                         ││
││                                                                            ││
││    You also have the Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezius which are              ││
││    responsible for neck and shoulder functions, rather than back           ││
││                                functions                                   ││
││                                                                            ││
││    The tres major is a small muscle that's located on the underside        ││
││    of the upper arm. Its sometimes referred to as the lats helper          ││
││               because it is so closely related to the lat                  ││
││                                                                            ││
││    Finally, we come to the final two muscles that lie underneath the       ││
││    trapezius. The rhomboids provide stability for the shoulder             ││
││    complex and are responsible for the retraction of the shoulder          ││
││                                  blades                                    ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                 2x10 - Pull-Up                 ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x11 - How to Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Grab a bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width, with       ││
││      your hands facing away from you. Hang all the way down, and pull      ││
││      yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Pause for a brief       ││
││      second and then lower yourself all the way back down to the           ││
││                             starting position                              ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x12 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this one, I would recommend doing [03x10] 3 sets of 10 reps       ││
││      This is a hard exercise sometimes for beginners so if you aren't      ││
││      even able to do one rep, you can just hang there for about 3          ││
││                                sets of 30 seconds                          ││
││                                 [03 x 20]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x13 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise all you need is a bar that can support the          ││
││                    weight of your body, and yourself.                      ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼              2x20 - Lat Pulldowns              ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x21 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Grasp the bar with a wide grip with an overhand, knuckles up          ││
││      grip. Other positions and grips are possible but start with           ││
││      this standard position. Pull the bar down until it's approx-          ││
││      imately level with the chin. Exhale on down motion. While             ││
││      shifting just slightly backward is OK, aim to keep your upper         ││ 
││      torso stationery. Keep your feet flat on the floor and engage         ││
││      your abs as you pull. The bottom of the motion should be where        ││
││      your elbows can't move downward anymore without moving backward.      ││
││      Be sure to stop at that point and do not go lower. Squeeze the        ││
││      shoulder blades together while maintaining square shoulders.          ││
││      From the bottom position with the bar close to your chin, slowly      ││
││      return the bar to the starting position while controlling its         ││
││      gradual ascent. Don't let it crash into the weight plates.            ││ 
││      Continue until you complete eight to 12 repetitions in a set.         ││ 
││         Rest, then continue to complete your program of sets.              ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x22 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x23 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      There is a specific machine for this exercise, however you            ││
││      could achieve the workout by finding a bar to throw a resistance      ││
││      band over. Then grab both sides of the band to pull down,             ││
││              similarly, as you would to a lat pulldown machine.            ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼          2x30 - Reverse Dumbbell Fly           ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x31 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Stand with feet shoulder-width apart holding dumbbells at your        ││
││      sides. Press the hips back in a hinge motion bringing your chest      ││
││      forward almost parallel to the floor. Allow the weights to hang       ││
││      straight down, palms facing each other. Maintain a tight core,        ││
││      straight back, and slight knee bend. Exhale and raise both arms       ││
││      out to your side, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Keep a      ││ 
││      soft bend in your elbows as you pull your shoulder blades toward      ││
││      the spine. Inhale as you lower the weight back to the start position. ││
││      Avoid hunching your shoulders up during the movement. Keep your       ││
││      chin tucked to maintain a neutral spine during the exercise. Focus    ││
││      on feeling the shoulders blades coming together with proper           ││
││                     breathing from start to finish.                        ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x32 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x33 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      The only equipment that is required is weighted dumbbells of          ││ 
││                  your choice, based on how much you lift                   ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼               2x40 - Seated Row                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x41 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Sit upright on the bench and plant your feet on the floor or foot     ││
││      pads, knees bent. Extend your arms and hold the handle or cable.      ││
││      Move your shoulders back and down. Brace your core. Exhale. Bend      ││
││      your elbows to pull the handle or cable, keeping your elbows tucked   ││ 
││      in and your back neutral. Pause for 1 second. Inhale and slowly       ││
││      extend your arms, counting to 3. Complete one set of 12 to 15 reps.   ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x42 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││ 	Generally, for this exercise, many people go for a timed period       ││ 
││        of say for example 5 minutes, as it's more of a cardio move.        ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x43 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise there are machines in many fitness centers,         ││
││                         so look for the machine.                           ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼         2x50 - Quadruped Dumbbell Row          ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x51 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Take one step back into a lunge position. Keep a soft bend in your    ││
││      front leg with the knee in line with your ankle and back leg          ││
││      straight. Lean slightly forward, and rest your free hand on your      ││ 
││      front thigh. Tighten your core by squeezing your belly button in      ││
││      towards your spine. This will give you a good base of support.        ││
││      Lower the dumbbell toward the floor until you have a full extension   ││
││      at the elbow. Maintain proper posture through your shoulders, hips,   ││
││      and lower back. Avoid rounding or arching the lumbar spine. Begin     ││
││      the upward motion of the dumbbell by first sliding your shoulder      ││
││      blade toward your spine and then lifting the weight up toward your    ││
││      torso by driving your elbow to the ceiling. Keep your elbow close     ││
││      to your body as it passes the ribs. Squeeze your shoulder blade in    ││
││      toward the center of back (contracting the rhomboids). At the end     ││ 
││      of the movement, the dumbbell should be in line with your chest       ││ 
││      and your elbow should be pointing up toward the ceiling. Be sure      ││
││      to maintain good posture through your spine, shoulders, and hips.     ││
││      Repeat for the appropriate number of repetitions. Switch sides and    ││
││      repeat the same number of repetitions with the opposite arm. Perform  ││ 
││      two to three sets of the exercise, with a one-minute rest between     ││
││                                     sets.                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x52 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││        
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────2x53 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise you need an open space on the floor, along with     ││
││      a pair of weighted dumbbells of your choice, based on how much you    ││
││                                    lift.                                   ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼              3x01 - Intro to Legs              ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││     Here a brief little synopsis of the leg muscles, from below your       ││
││     butt and above your feet. Your hamstrings are the muscles that help    ││
││     form the back of the thigh, to help with the flexing of the knee       ││
││     and extension of the hip. Adductors, which are known as the inner      ││
││     thigh muscles are responsible for bringing your thigh toward the       ││
││     median, or the center of your body, as well as rotating the femur.     ││
││     The quadriceps are the muscles at the front of your thighs and are     ││
││     made up of four sections, its the main mover when you extend your      ││
││     knees. The tibialis anterior is the strip of muscle that makes up      ││
││     your shin and helps you flex your ankle to move your foot toward       ││
││     your knee. The gastrocnemius is the uppermost of your two calf         ││
││     muscles, it gives your feet push-off power with each step. The         ││ 
││     soleus works with and lies underneath the gastrocnemius. The           ││
││     tibialis posterior is a very small muscle deep inside the calf         ││
││                        that helps stabilize your foot.                     ││      
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼             3x10 - Barbell Squat               ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x11 - How to Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Stand with the bar on your upper-back, and your feet shoulder-        ││ 
││      width apart. Squat down by pushing your knees to the side while       ││ 
││      moving your hips back. Break parallel by squatting down until         ││
││      your hips are lower than your knees. Squat back up while keeping      ││
││      your knees out and chest up. Stand with your hips and knees locked    ││
││                                 at the top.                                ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x12 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x13 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise, you will need a rack to put your weights on.       ││
││                Along with a 45lb bar and weighted plates.                  ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼             3x20 - Barbell Deadlift            ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x21 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Stand with your mid-foot under the barbell Bend over and grab the     ││
││      bar with a shoulder-width grip Bend your knees until your shins       ││
││      touch the bar Lift your chest up and straighten your lower back       ││
││         Take a big breath, hold it, and stand up with the weight           ││
││                                                                            ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x22 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x23 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this simple exercise all you need is a 45lb barbell and           ││
││                                 weight plates                              ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                3x30 - Leg Press                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x31 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Brace your abdominal muscles and push the platform away with your     ││
││      heels and forefoot. Your heels should remain flat on the footplate.   ││
││      The front of your foot or toes should never be used exclusively       ││
││      to move the pad forward. While exhaling, extend your legs and keep    ││
││      your head and back flat against the seat pad. Extend with slow        ││
││      control rather than with an explosive movement. Pause at the top of   ││
││      the movement. Do not lock out your knees and ensure that they are     ││
││      not bowing out or in. While inhaling, return the footplate to the     ││
││      starting position by gradually bending the knees. Keep the feet and   ││ 
││                           back flat throughout.                            ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x32 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      It is suggested that you do 3 sets of repetitions descending the      ││
││      number of reps each time, for example, a set would look like this     ││
││                                 [01 x 12]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 10]                                  ││
││                                 [01 x 08]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x33 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise, there are machines in many fitness centers,        ││
││                         so look for the machine.                           ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼               3x40 - Calf Raise                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x41 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Exercises don’t come much simpler than the calf raise. Stand up       ││
││      straight, then push through the balls of your feet and raise your     ││
││      heel until you are standing on your toes. Then lower slowly back      ││
││                                to the start.                               ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x42 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      This exercise is one to do a little weight with a lot of reps.        ││
││      So I would personally recommend 3 sets of 50 reps, so a set would     ││
││                            look like as follows.                           ││
││                                 [03x50]                                    ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x43 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      What is required is just your body and optionally weighted plates     ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                 3x50 - Lunges                  ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x51 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Start by standing up tall. Step forward with one foot until your      ││
││      leg reaches a 90-degree angle. Your rear knee should remain parallel  ││
││      to the ground and your front knee shouldn’t go beyond your toes.      ││
││      Lift your front lunging leg to return to the starting position.       ││
││      Repeat 10 to 12 reps on one leg, or switch off between legs until     ││
││                   you’ve totaled 10 to 12 reps per leg.                    ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x52 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise, you should do 10-12 reps on each leg for 3         ││
││            sets, so for example a set would look like this                 ││
││                                 [03x10]                                    ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────3x53 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      You don't need anything but yourself and open space for this          ││
││            workout, holding dumbbells in each hand is optional             ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼             4x01 - Intro to Core               ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││     The four main abdominal muscle groups that combine to completely       ││
││     cover the internal organs include: transversus abdominis – the         ││
││     deepest muscle layer. Its main roles are to stabilize the trunk and    ││
││     maintain internal abdominal pressure rectus abdominis – slung between  ││
││     the ribs and the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. When           ││
││     contracting, this muscle has the characteristic bumps or bulges that   ││ 
││     are commonly called ‘the six pack’. The main function of the rectus    ││
││     abdominal is to move the body between the ribcage and the pelvis       ││
││     external oblique muscles – these are on each side of the rectus        ││
││     abdominis. The external oblique muscles allow the trunk to twist,      ││
││     but to the opposite side of whichever external oblique is contrac-     ││
││     ting. For example, the right external oblique contracts to turn the    ││
││     body to the left internal oblique muscles – these flank the rectus     ││
││     abdominis and are located just inside the hipbones. They operate in    ││
││     the opposite way to the external oblique muscles. For example,         ││ 
││     twisting the trunk to the left requires the left side internal         ││
││     oblique and the right side external oblique to contract together.      ││  
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                  4x10 - Plank                  ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x11 - How to Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Plant hands directly under shoulders (slightly wider than shoulder    ││
││      width) like you’re about to do a push-up. Ground toes into the floor  ││
││      and squeeze glutes to stabilize your body. Your legs should be        ││
││      working, too — be careful not to lock or hyperextend your knees.      ││
││      Neutralize your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor      ││
││      about a foot beyond your hands. Your head should be in line with      ││
││                                 your back.                                 ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x12 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││     This is obviously not a repetition based exercise, but a timed one.    ││ 
││                  You should do three one minute sets                       ││
││                             [03x60 seconds]                                ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x13 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      All that's required for this exercise is an open space on the         ││
││                            floor to move around.                           ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼         4x20 - Weighted Russian Twists         ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x21 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Hold a dumbbell, weight plate, or medicine ball between both hands.   ││
││      If you don’t have a weight, grab a compact household item. Choose     ││
││      a weight that allows you to maintain proper form. Twist the same      ││
││      way as the original variation, keeping the weight at chest level or   ││
││                     tapping it to the floor each time                      ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x22 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For many core exercises, it is a timed movement, rather than a        ││
││      repetition-based movement. So for this exercise in specific, I would  ││
││      do 3 sets of 1 minute to begin. So a set would look like the          ││
││                                following.                                  ││
││                             [03x60 seconds]                                ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x23 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For this exercise all you need is a dumbbell and an open space        ││
││                                on the floor                                ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                 4x30 - Sit-Ups                 ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x31 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Lie on the floor facing the ceiling with a slight bend in your        ││
││      knees and arms bent at the elbows and hands lightly touching your     ││
││      head by the ears. Engage your core and lift your upper body so        ││
││      your right elbow touches your left knee. Return to the start          ││
││      position then lift your upper body so your left elbow touches         ││ 
││                your right knee. Return to the start position.              ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x32 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││        This is an easier exercise so generally, I would go for more        ││
││       repetitions. I for this exercise I would recommend 3 sets of 20.     ││
││                                   [03x20]                                  ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x33 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      All that's required for this exercise is an open space on the         ││
││                            floor to move around.                           ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼            4x40 - Mountain Climbers            ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x41 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Get into a plank position, making sure to distribute your weight      ││
││      evenly between your hands and your toes. Check your form—your hands   ││
││      should be about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs engaged, and     ││
││      head in alignment. Pull your right knee into your chest as far as     ││
││      you can. Switch legs, pulling one knee out and bringing the other     ││
││      knee in. Keep your hips down, run your knees in and out as far and    ││
││         as fast as you can. Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each      ││
││                                  leg change                                ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x42 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For many core exercises, it is a timed movement, rather than a        ││
││      repetition-based movement. So for this exercise in specific, I would  ││
││      do 3 sets of 1 minute to begin. So a set would look like the          ││
││                                following.                                  ││
││                             [03x60 seconds]                                ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x43 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      All that's required for this exercise is an open space on the         ││
││                            floor to move around.                           ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼               4x50 - Side Plank                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x51 - How To Perform─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly   ││
││      below your shoulder. Contract your core and raise your hips until     ││
││      your body is in a straight line from head to feet. Hold the position  ││ 
││      without letting your hips drop for the allotted time for each set,    ││
││                        then repeat on the other side.                      ││
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x52 - Amount of Reps─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      For many core exercises, it is a timed movement, rather than a        ││
││      repetition-based movement. So for this exercise in specific, I would  ││
││      do 3 sets of 1 minute to begin. So a set would look like the          ││
││                                following.                                  ││
││                             [03x60 seconds]                                ││ 
││                                                                            ││
│┼──────4x53 - Equipment Required─────────────────────────────────────────────┼│
││                                                                            ││
││      All that's required for this exercise is an open space on the         ││
││                            floor to move around.                           ││
││                                                                            ││