
            /                                                \
           |    _________________________________________     |
           |   |                                         |    |
           |   |             Table Of Content            |    |
           |   |                                         |    |
           |   |       0x01 - Introduction               |    |
           |   |       0x02 - Personal Information       |    |
           |   |       0x03 - Family                     |    |
           |   |       0x04 - Financial                  |    |
           |   |       0x05 - Creds                      |    |
           |   |                                         |    |
           |   |_________________________________________|    |
           |                                                  |
             _-'    .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.  --- `-_
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     / \    0x01   Introduction      \.
    |   |                            |.
     \_ |   Hi let me introduce you  |. 
        |   to Edan Seagondollar,    |. 
        |   Edan owns a CS:GO server |.   
        |   (edan.gg) with a huge    |. 
        |   database which he uses   |. 
        |   to threat people with    |.
        |   lmao. Edan has a big ass |. 
        |   ego what we dont want,   |. 
        |   besides that he stole    |.
        |   different high value     |.
        |   knives that ofcourse     |.
        |   arent his.               |.
        |         Enjoy :>           |.
        |   _________________________|___
        |  /                            /.

                     ,---.           ,---.
                    / /"`.\.--"""--./,'"\ \
                    \ \    _       _    / /
                     `./  / __   __ \  \,'
                      /    /_O)_(_O\    \
                      |  .-'  ___  `-.  |
                   .--|       \_/       |--.
                 ,'    \   \   |   /   /    `.
                /       `.  `--^--'  ,'       \
             .-"""""-.    `--.___.--'     .-"""""-.
.-----------/         \------------------/         \-----------.
| .---------\         /----------------- \         /---------. |
| |          `-`--`--'                    `--'--'-'          | |
| |                0x02   Personal Information               | |
| |                                                          | |
| |     Full Name: Edan Seagondollar                         | |
| |     Date of Birth: 2nd June, 2001                        | |
| |     Address(s): 203 30th St A, Newport Beach,            | |
| |     California 92663 (Old, lives on Wood Canyon Dr.)     | |
| |     Alias(s): y0Edan, Tank2530, iWxsh/ImWxsh             | |
| |     Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdansCommunity          | |
| |     Youtube: https://youtube.com/user/iWxsh,             | |
| |     Website(s): https://edan.pw/, https://edan.gg/,      | |
| |     https://edan.la/.                                    | |
| |                                                          | |
| |__________________________________________________________| |
                  |            ||            |
                    ),-----.(      ),-----.(
                  ,'   ==.   \    /  .==    `.
                 /            )  (            \
                 `==========='    `===========' 

               \      0x03  Family       /   
|                Mother & Father and Sister                 |     
|                                                           |
|  Name: Zoe Anastacia Dubich/Seagondollar                  |
|  Relation: Mother                                         |
|  Address: 218 Capri, Lakeway, Texas 78734                 |
|  Phone #(s): +1 (949) 645-2161 (Old)                      |
|  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zoe.dubich            |
| ---------------------------------------------------       |
|  Name: Ron/Ronald Seagondollar                            |
|  Relation: Father                                         |
|  Address: 203 30th St A, Newport Beach, California 92663  |
|  Phone #(s): +1 (949) 689-4095                            |
|  Email(s): rsiinb@gmail.com, rseagondollar1@yahoo.com,    |
|  seagondollar@yahoo.com                                   |       
| --------------------------------------------------------- |                         
| Name: Chloe Merdjanian/Seagondollar                       |
| Relation: Sister                                          |
| Address: 37 Seabird Ct, Newport Beach, California 92663   |
| Phone #(s): +1 (949) 278-7561                             |
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chloe.seagondollar     |
| Email(s): chloes16@yahoo.com, chloeavalon@gmail.com       |

   /\                                                        /\
  |  |                                                      |  |
 /----\                                                    /----\
[______]                                                  [______]
 |    |         _____    0x04   Financial    _____         |    |
 |[]  |        [     ]                      [     ]        |  []|
 |    |       [_______][ ][ ][ ][][ ][ ][ ][_______]       |    |
 |    [ ][ ][ ]|     |  ,----------------,  |     |[ ][ ][ ]    |
 |             |     |/'    ____..____    '\|     |             |
  \  []        |     |    /'    ||    '\    |     |        []  /
   |      []   |     |   |o     ||     o|   |     |  []       |
   |           |  _  |   |     _||_     |   |  _  |           |
   |   []      | (_) |   |    (_||_)    |   | (_) |       []  |
   |           |     |   |     (||)     |   |     |           |
   |           |     |   |      ||      |   |     |           |
 /''           |     |   |o     ||     o|   |     |           ''\

                      Finance Records for his mother
| Bankruptcy          (Nov. 14, 1997)                                       |
| Court Code:         CAORAF1                                               |
| Judge Name:         JR                                                    |
| Case Number:        #97028342                                             |
| Chapter: 	      7                                                     |
| Filing Status:      Filing                                                |
| File Date: 	      Nov. 14, 1997                                         |
| Discharge Date:     Feb. 24, 1998                                         |
| Debtors: 	      Zoe A Seagondollar                                    |
| Address:            416 39th St, Newport Beach, CA 92663-3223             |
| Attorney: 	      Joseph M Tosti                                        |
| Address:            19000 Macarthur Blvd Ste 500, Irvine, CA 92612-1460   |
| Trustee: 	      Joseph M Tosti                                        |
                      Finance Records for his father
| Bankruptcy          (Apr. 29, 2010)                                 |
| Court Code: 	      CAC                                             |
| Court Location:     CA                                              |
| Judge Name: 	      Theodor Albert                                  |
| Case Number: 	      #1015676                                        |
| Chapter: 	      13                                              |
| Filing Status:      Case Closed                                     |
| File Date: 	      Apr. 29, 2010                                   |
| Close Date: 	      Aug. 31, 2010                                   |
| Debtors: 	      Ron Ii Seagondollar                             |
| Address:            201 30th St # 1, Newport Beach, CA 92663-3410   |
| Phone Number:       (714) 338-5300                                  |
| Attorney 	      Ron Seagondollar                                |
| Trustee: 	      Amrane Cohen                                    |
| Phone Number:       (714) 621-0200                                  |
| Bankruptcy          (May. 26, 2010)                                 |
| Court Code: 	      CAC                                             |
| Court Location:     CA                                              |
| Judge Name: 	      Theodor Albert                                  |
| Case Number: 	      #1017071                                        |
| Chapter: 	      7                                               |
| Filing Status:      Discharge                                       |
| File Date: 	      May. 26, 2010                                   |
| Discharge Date:     Nov. 18, 2010                                   |
| Converted Date:     Jul. 22, 2010                                   |
| Debtors: 	      Ron Ii Seagondollar                             |
| Address:            201 30th St # 1, Newport Beach, CA 92663-3410   |
| Phone Number:       (714) 338-5300                                  |
| Attorney: 	      Ron Seagondollar                                |
| Trustee: 	      Weneta M Kosmala Tr                             |
| Phone Number:       (714) 708-8190                                  |

                            0x05   Creds              
            ..                                       ..
            []         all creds go to Brandan       []
          .:[]:_      I (eifz) remade this doxx,   ,:[]:.
        .: :[]: :-.    to make it active again. ,-: :[]: :.
      .: : :[]: : :`._                       ,.': : :[]: : :.
    .: : : :[]: : : : :-._  ggs Edan :3  _,-: : : : :[]: : : :.
_..: : : : :[]: : : : : : :-._________.-: : : : : : :[]: : : : :-._
            []                                       []
            []                                       []
            []                                       []
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