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welcome the fuck back! Today we are looking at 3 of the FBI's most wanted pedophiles,

A Cringe Suups
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|____/|_|   |_____\____|___/_/   \_\_____(_)
LETS FUCKING START (you already know why im doxxing 3 people)

 _____  _    ____   ____ _____ _____     _  _   _ 
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Full Name: Eric Kristian Moller
DOB: June 24, 1967 (AGE 56)
Hair: Blond/Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 pounds
Sex: Male
Race: White
Occupation: Aviation fuel business
Nationality: American
Scars and Marks	Moller has a 3-inch birthmark on his lower back. He has a tattoo of a falling angel on an upper arm; and a tattoo of an Indian sitting on a horse on an upper arm. He has a scar on his upper left arm.
NCIC: W234136407 
Ugly ass face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196155724087173160/1210026235061604392/preview.png?ex=65e90fbf&is=65d69abf&hm=d0ac737ec121a296916979ba632daff888775b985104ff76c0875c6e5d8da159&
Home Address: 606 W Cook St #D, Santa Maria, CA
Phone Number: (805) 773-8447
Barbara Moller: Age 82
Nancy Moller: Age 82
Poul Moller: Age 85
Ruth Moller: Age 63
Wealth (23)	
Donor (28)	
Travel (12)	
CRIMES: Unlawful Flight To Avoid Prosecution - Failure To Appear (Lewd Act Upon a Child - 2 Counts)
Business owned: International Fuels Corporation, 215 Appyway Arroyo Grande Ca 93420

 _____  _    ____   ____ _____ _____     _  _  ____  
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  | |/ ___ \|  _ <| |_| | |___  | |   |_      _/ __/ 
  |_/_/   \_\_| \_\\____|_____| |_|     |_||_||_____|
Full Name: Rex C Reichert
Date(s) of Birth Used	September 16, 1945 (AGE 78)
Place of BirthL Ohio
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Gray
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 pounds
Sex: Male
Race: White
Occupation: Reichert has been employed as a technician in a recording studio. He also has operated an amusement arcade and invented a board game that was sold commercially.
Nationality: American
NCIC: W687345809
Home Address: 77 Frank Lord Rd, Shrewsbury, VT 
Prev. Addy: 234 E 9th Ave. Collegeville, PA 
Phone Number: (610) 489-1721
Wealth (66)	
Donor (66)	
Travel (60)
Beatrice Reichert: HIS MOTHER DEAD LOL
Mark Southam Reichert: Age 75
Melissa Reichert: Age 70
Sally Reichert: Age 75
CRIMES: Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - Criminal Attempt With Intent to Commit the Crime of Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse, Criminal Solicitation With the Intent of Promoting or Facilitating the Commissions of the Crime of Involuntary Sexual Intercourse, Indecent Assault,
 Corruption of a Minor, Endangering the Welfare of Children

 _____  _    ____   ____ _____ _____     _  _  _____ 
|_   _|/ \  |  _ \ / ___| ____|_   _|  _| || ||___ / 
  | | / _ \ | |_) | |  _|  _|   | |   |_  ..  _||_ \ 
  | |/ ___ \|  _ <| |_| | |___  | |   |_      _|__) |
  |_/_/   \_\_| \_\\____|_____| |_|     |_||_||____/ 
Full Name: Jerold C Dunning Jr
DOB: December 7th 1959 (Age 64)
Place of Birth	Michigan, USA
Hair	Brown
Eyes	Brown
Height	5'7"
Weight	170 pounds
Sex	Male
Race	White
Occupation	Ship/Boat Builder
Nationality	American
Scars and Marks	Dunning has a scar above his left eye.
NCIC	W057145730
Home Address: 140 Pinellas Way N, St Petersburg, FL 
Phone Number: (727) 344-3673
Wealth (51)	
Donor (50)	
Travel (64)	
Camden Dunning: Age 87
Robert Dunning: Age 66
Savhanna Dunning: Age 28
Terry Dunning: Age 62
Dawn Dunning: Age 62
CRIMES: Unlawful Flight To Avoid Prosecution - Lewd And Lascivious Behavior On A Child; Failure To Appear
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