NAME: DANIEL KIAMBATI HEIGHT: 5ยด6 SEX : MALE DESCRIPTION / Reasons for dox: - Pedophile who almost punched his 5 yo son to death and wants to hook up with an 10 yo girl. - Being a absolute Dickhead - Forcing his son to do sexual things / beating him up - Arrested in 2022, out of Jail in 2023, almost killed his son again, only got probation. - No Job, only taking money from the german state - Adopts 2 yo kids from Kenya, so he can get more money from the state ID CARD + FACE AND ADDRESS : IBAN: DE76285916540015070300 BIC: Genodef1wrh OB Login: DANIEL.K OB PSWD: NOT ABLE TO LOG IN / INTERNAL ERROR, PASSWORD COULD NOT BE LOGGED WIFE: 2nd Son School: -KGS NIEDERRAD -MAINFELD STRASSE 45. -NIEDERRAD / FRANKFURT - 8th grade ---- BONUS ---- Private Key: 5HpQs5myLbWELbNd92LUvwNY4F6RMNvk1TcVAtqHpmAM7EtEmSd