SB_00 Dox
This user is being doxxed for harming innocent people, including my friends, lying about me, being racist, and also saying that he was going to get me raped,
so I'm doing to him what he did to all of those people who never deserved it. In other words, karma's a bitch, isn't it SB? ;)

Basic Info/Social Profiles:
Age: 16
Real Name: Unknown because I don't wanna pay for a name report.

Discord: SB#0002
MyAnimeList: SB_00
TikTok: SB_00

Explicit triple X sites:

Bentbox: SB_00
Fansly: SB_00

Personal info:
Number: +44 1635 33251
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Address: Lambeth Pier, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7SG, United Kingdom

IP Address:

Race: Either white or black
Ethnicity: Acts neon white
Gender: Male
Intelligence: Stupid as fuck because he clicked the IP grabber link LMAO-

I want as many of you as possible to call the cops on this guy, because he has illegally hacked and illegally doxxed for evil gain. For me, I'm just doing it 
so he'll leave everyone alone. He said I was weak, but here we are. Lmao.

By the way, I did find all of this info myself, but credit to the Team Rayez Discord and my friends for being supportive of this! It has taken me several days.