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REASON: Saying hes a real hacker (hes just some random guy that exploits on roblox lmao)
            -  SOCIALS:  - (didnt got a lot sorry ;( )
Roblox: lisan225
Discord: bobmi
         -  PERSONAL INFO:  -
Name: Lisandro 
Birth date: 7 May 2006
Gender: Male
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos aires
User on PC: Nilda
Email: marecomariana7@gmail.com
Email 2: bringasnilda@gmail.com
Email 3: lisandrojesus225@gmail.com
Phone: +541132949356
Current Adress: Avenida 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires, CABA, Argentina
Some pic I got of his room and his hair lol: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1130657984700223518/1130658229861486623/webcam.jpg
Face / Head description: Brown hair, brown eyes, small nose, normal ears, almost hairless eyebrows
Body description: 60kg (132lbs), 161cm (5,28 ft)
Skin colour: White
           -  PASSWORDS:  -
Hostname : https://www.roblox.com/
Username : lisan225
Password : lisandro

Hostname : https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/challenge/pwd
Username : marecomariana7@gmail.com
Password : LISANDRO24

Hostname : https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd
Username : marecomariana17@gmail.com
Password : lisandro24

Hostname : https://www.starplus.com/es-419/login/password
Username : bringasnilda@gmail.com
Password : Lisandro24

Hostname : https://www.roblox.com/
Username : lisan225
Password : lisandro
          -  WEBCAM:  -
Name: Chicony USB 2.0 Camera
Enabled: True
        -  SYSTEM INFO:  - (sorry for everything being spanish, this guy is spanish so i got the info spanish)
Nombre de host:                            DESKTOP-MT8E6SJ
Nombre del sistema operativo:              Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language
Versi¢n del sistema operativo:             10.0.19042 N/D Compilaci¢n 19042
Fabricante del sistema operativo:          Microsoft Corporation
Configuraci¢n del sistema operativo:       Estaci¢n de trabajo independiente
Tipo de compilaci¢n del sistema operativo: Multiprocessor Free
Propiedad de:                              Nilda
Organizaci¢n registrada:                   
Id. del producto:                          00327-30336-00886-AAOEM
Fecha de instalaci¢n original:             20/05/2021, 13:40:17
Tiempo de arranque del sistema:            08/06/2023, 23:57:31
Fabricante del sistema:                    BANGHO
Modelo el sistema:                         MAX G0406
Tipo de sistema:                           x64-based PC
Procesador(es):                            1 Procesadores instalados.
                                           [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 55 Stepping 8 GenuineIntel ~1578 Mhz
Versi¢n del BIOS:                          American Megatrends Inc. 5.6.5, 27/10/2014
Directorio de Windows:                     C:\WINDOWS
Directorio de sistema:                     C:\WINDOWS\system32
Dispositivo de arranque:                   \Device\HarddiskVolume2
Configuraci¢n regional del sistema:        es;Espa¤ol (internacional)
Idioma de entrada:                         es-mx;Espa¤ol (Mexico)
      -  DISCORD INFO:  -
{"id":"745789410871607297","username":"bobmi","global_name":"bobmi657","avatar":"c46c502fab379d0ffac742bc568ca7e8","discriminator":"0","public_flags":0,"flags":32,"purchased_flags":3,"banner":null,"banner_color":"#0BFF00","accent_color":786176,"bio":"hello   im  bobmi     \ncountry:argentina\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddf7\nsupport:ukraine \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udde6\n you know my gender\nmotorola good","locale":"en-US","nsfw_allowed":true,"mfa_enabled":false,"premium_type":0,"linked_users":[],"avatar_decoration":null,"email":"lisandrojesus225@gmail.com","verified":true,"phone":"+541132949356"}


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