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 │                Name: Doug Matthews                       │
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             --╤╗_(◙◙)_╔╤-   -  -  -  \o/ \o/ \o/
    (     _||      ||| Reason for DOX |||       ||_     )
     \_/\/ ||      ----------------------       || \/\_/
           || It is hereby declared, Doug       ||
           || Matthews, has been found guilty   ||
           || of:                               ||
           ||  Public Service Corruption        ||
           ||  Fraud                            ||
           ||  Unjustifiable Malice             ||
    (     _|                                     |_     )
     \_/\/ `-------------------------------------' \/\_/
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  )               /\                    \               )
 (                \_| ----- About ----- |              (
  )                 |   ________________|_              )
 (                  \_/__________________/             (
  )                                                     )
 (       Full Name: Douglas Randall Matthews           (
  )      NickNames: 'Doug The Douche', 'Dick Bag Doug'  )
 (       DOB: Jun 1986                                 (
  )      Main Usernames: lamarfire601@gmail.com         )
 (       Home Address: 904 McCollum Rd                 (
  )      City: Barnesville                              )
 (       Zip: 30204                                    (
  )      State: Georgia                                 )
 (       Country: United States                        (
  )                                                     )
⋆ ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✰ ★ ⋆ ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✰ ★
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 │ Wife: Abigail Boyle Matthews │

 │ Father: Randall Edward Matthews │

 │ Mother: Debra A. Matthews │

 │ Brother: Brian E. Matthews │

 │ Relative: Brian Alex Abernathy │


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----- Employment & Occupancy -----

Doug's Job: Corrupt County Fire Dept Chief

Moms Job: Coddling Doug's Ego

Dads Job: Retired Southern Rivers Energy, Currently picks up after Doug.

Brothers Job: Southern Rivers Energy

Father-in-law Job: Georgia State Patrol Station Asst. Captain

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 │                         Facebook                         │
 │ Username: │ lamarfire601

 │ Profile │ https://facebook.com/lamarfire601

 │                          Skype                           │
 │ Username: │  dougmatt21@yahoo.com

 │                        Instagram                         │
 │ Username: │ lamarfire601 

 │                          Google                          │
 │ Username: │ Email : lamarfire601@gmail.com

 │ Gaia: │ Gaia ID : 117245849979510141514

 │ Profile: │ Profile page : https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/117245849979510141514/reviews

  │                          TikTok                          │

 │ Profile │  https://www.tiktok.com/@dougmatt21s

 │ Image │ image: https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/d56bd2aa73b76c51c8ee8c2b7bc3d361~c5_720x720.jpeg?x-expires=1696629600&x-signature=c9FLwCXZQUiAij8gHoKE1%2B2culg%3D

 │ Sec_Uid │  MS4wLjABAAAAVBL3ij2rqnAhQFKf3DYaXpJ7qw-Lnw89_XVC2ZZhmY6WyxMG7gzPiDaYDkM1hB9Z

 │ Alias │  Matt Doug Kacper

 │                          AskFM                           │

 │ Profile │  https://ask.fm/dougmatt214

 │ Username │  dougmatt21

 │ Alias │ Noah C. Matteson

(                       _________                             )
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----- # E-Mails # -----
* Work #1 Email:
Address: dmatthews@lamarcountyga.com
Provider: lamarcountyga
* Work #2 Email:
Address: lamarfire601@gmail.com
Provider: Gmail
* Personal Email:
Address: dougmatt21@yahoo.com
Provider: MSN

  ^                ________                               ^
  ^              .' /  /   )                              ^
  ^             /  /##/   /|                              ^
  ^            /  `--'   / |                              ^
  ^           /__ __ __ /  |                              ^
  ^          //_//_//_//  / __                            ^
  ^         //_//_//_//  /  \`.___ Speaking end           ^
  ^        //_//_//_//  /                                 ^
  ^       //_//_//_//  /__                                ^
  ^      /         /  / \`.___ Buttons to dial            ^
  ^     /   .-.   /  /          hot bitches.              ^
  ^    /   /#/   /  /                                     ^
  ^   /   `-'   /  /__                                    ^
  ^  / .====.  /  / \`.___ Listening end                  ^
  ^ |`--------'  /                                        ^
  ^  \   ,     .'__                                       ^
  ^   `-//----'  \`.___ Push-To-Talk button               ^
  ^    //                                                 ^
  ^   //                                                  ^
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  ^  (())                                                 ^
  ^  (()) __                                              ^
  ^  (()) \`.___ Use this to hang yourself                ^
  ^  (())                                                 ^
  ^  (())             |                                   ^
  ^  (())             |                                   ^
  ^  (())            /|                                   ^
  ^  (())        .--.||                                   ^
  ^  (())        |  ||| __                                ^
  ^  (())       .|  ||| \`.___ Insert into butthole       ^
  ^  (())     .'.|  |||          and wait for dialtone.   ^
  ^  (())___.'.' `--'||                                   ^
  ^   `------'       \|                                   ^
  ^                   |                                   ^
  ^                   |                                   ^
                ___  _  _ ____ _  _ ____
                |__] |__| |  | |\ | |___
                |    |  | |__| | \| |___

----- Telephone Numbers -----
Work #: 770 550 0431
Cell #: 770 468 3851
Home #: 770 358 4968

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       ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____
      ||E ||||d ||||u ||||c ||||a ||||t ||||i ||||o ||||n ||

----- Education -----
School: Lamar County High School

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                  |     | `--' | DOX  |/
|P.--. ||I.--. ||C.--. ||T.--. ||U.--. ||R.--. ||E.--. ||S.--. |
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----- Photos -----
Photo of said person: https://www.lamarcountyga.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Fire-Chief-Matthews-231x300.jpg
Photo of house: https://imgur.com/a/LNF4GH3

----- Other -----
Has odd obsession with Spas and massage parlors...?...

 │                         Devices                          │

    1. https://fccid.io/EW4DWMW052
    2. https://fccid.io/EW4DWMW314K

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